Welcome! This site was what helped me as well. Thanks to Simon for keeping it going.
JoinedPosts by AtLeastImNot
New here
by AdamCzarnobay ini left the organization in 2017.. was in several congregations in the north west of england.
i just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have posted on here over the years, it really helped me to see the truth about the organization.
i lurked here for many years under an anonymous login and then finally plucked up the courage to write my disassociation letter.. adam.
Suing the Borg
by JohnR1975 inwhat would be the best way to start suing the borg?.
what kind of evidence would you need for this elf is still physically in?.
here is someone suing them https://youtu.be/wr2dpxm7cc0.
Hello. While I’m sure you will get much information here, It’s best to ask an attorney in your particular jurisdiction. Requirements and deadlines will differ from state to state if you are in the US. Good luck!
I've done it: Christmas Lights Outside
by StephaneLaliberte inlets see if that causes a problem.
i've been inactive for a very long time now (like 10+ years), so, i don't expect to hear anything from it, but my parents are worried i'll get df.
lets see what happens.
Enjoy your lights!
I need to vent sorry!
by KerryKing ini couldn't get back to sleep last night, something my father said a few weeks ago popped into my head.. we were talking about obtaining citizenship, he doesn't need it, but was contemplating what benefits it could get him now he's a pensioner.. background : i've been disfellowhipped for 15 years, i was born in, he is an elder, very much pimi, he was also born in.. i said to him how citizenship would be difficult for him as it would require him to swear allegiance to the state?.
oh he said, thats just a crowd of people together in a big room for the swearing in event, it would be easy to just mumble or say nothing, nobody would know.. this has quietly been eating away in my mind, why did it bother me?.
last night it hit me, when i was in my first year of school, age 5, i came out of school one day with a balloon with two little pencils attached, a gift from a classmate who's birthday it was, every child got one.
I told my children If someone is kind enough to give you a gift, then graciously accept it. No need to explain in that moment. I know some JWs would be aghast at my instructions. But they are not, on the whole, a tactful or mannerly bunch.
If Jehovah is that fussy, do you really want to worship him?
Memories of Excessive Laughter
by Sea Breeze injw's are not known for laughter.
there are the rare exceptions.
they are more known for their fear mongering and doomsday scenarios where "the dead shall come to be as manure on the surface of the ground from one end of the earth clear to the other".
I used to say to myself, when I went to meetings and witnessed the craziness, “uh oh. More trouble in spiritual paradise.” That was in my second congregation. It was insane. There was definitely a Hatfield/McCoy thing going on there.
Discouraging JWs From Calling
by NotFormer ini was reading an anti cult reddit post where a woman (ex mormon) was trying her hardest to discourage the mormons from visiting her and trying to convert her back.
a few others chimed in about their various methods (coming to the door naked, pretending to be practicing black magic, etc.
) which they claimed would have the mormons and jws running away as fast as possible.. somehow, i doubt it.
The woman who studied with me told me A householder came to the door naked. She just looked at his eyes and did her presentation.
I had one come to the door in only his tighty whites”. I also gave a very very brief presentation. That kind of thing would not send me running. A vicious dog would.
Memories of Excessive Laughter
by Sea Breeze injw's are not known for laughter.
there are the rare exceptions.
they are more known for their fear mongering and doomsday scenarios where "the dead shall come to be as manure on the surface of the ground from one end of the earth clear to the other".
I think it depends on the congregation how much humor and laughter is apparent and acceptable. When I first visited a KH, I was appalled by what I had always felt was disrespectful in a church. There was whispering, note passing, openly sharing candy, snickering sotto voce comments. I was raised Catholic, and woe to me and my siblings if we didn’t kneel up straight god forbid we talked. And candy?
in the second congregation I attended, there was too much infighting for anyone to be laughing at much of anything.
Reply to Redhorsewoman on prayer.
by spectromize inhi redhw,.
i've been having a few problems with my computer so anyways i thought i'd reply to you in a new thread.. you said:" spectromize, i disagree with your assertion that because someone is not a jw, their prayers must therefore be answered by satan.".
i never asserted or even said that.
interesting flash back. Thx for posting. It can’t be the first post ever, however, since red horsewoman apparently had problems with something the other poster had written previously.
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/tppmprdxxzw?si=shh5vkmuzfp6c9_m.
so the watchtower has come out with sn article, study article 2 in their newly released study watchtower magazine for 2025 and we see from the start how they keep perpetuating the same old outdated narrative that when it comes to marriages the husband is the one at fault, we'll thats i think when i read paragraph from this article where i man has to work on a whole list of things and not once the wife is instructed to do any of these things, but let's just read together paragraph 14:.
what are these steps?
Back in the day, when there was a study article focused on husbandly obligations, there was a subsequent article about wifely duties. I remember that very distinctly because on one occasion the brother said, “don’t think you sisters are getting off the hook. Next week will be studying…”
They have to justify the whole headship thing. but It’s an outdated concept. I have never put much stock in anything the Apostle Paul said. those were his thoughts and they are indicative of the time during which she lived. However, if the WTS is going to insist on headship, well, then the men damn well better be responsible for something.
End within 2 years (again)
by road to nowhere inan old elder friend from out of town stopped to see my ailing wife.
more than the locals do.
he said elder school emphasized 2 years and the existing body will be the leaders through persecution and tribulation.
Unbelievable. They haven’t learned a thing since the last time they predicted the big A. If no one knows knows the date or the hour, why are they still trying?