i didnt think i'd be going to either.
JoinedPosts by nelly136
Did Any JW Here Ever Believe They Were Going To Heaven & Not Paradise Earth?
by minimus injust curious..
Elder( He does'nt know I was reprooved) from another Cong. invited me to give a Public Talk,...Please advice!!!
by african GB Member inhe invited me about 4 weeks ago, to be a guest speaker in his cong.. should i go ahead?.
should i tell him about my situation?.
what's the worst that could happen if my cong finds out about this?.
**It is my hope that this will be the case here.**
the only 'hopes' you got on that one are 'bob' and 'slim'
welcome back.
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird insome of you know i have struggled with this for awhile.
i really do believe in marriage and the committment, however, sometimes enough is enough.. his endless preaching at me and calling me and my (adult) children satan has me realizing that this situation is not going to get better.
the other day he kicked my son out of the house for wearing a cap, in his car, with a skull on it.
time will show him, he's probably in denial that you can manage and live happily without him.
the kids moving in with you is a sign of where the happy place to be is.....obviously not with him.
http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk slightly better register of uk charities
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird insome of you know i have struggled with this for awhile.
i really do believe in marriage and the committment, however, sometimes enough is enough.. his endless preaching at me and calling me and my (adult) children satan has me realizing that this situation is not going to get better.
the other day he kicked my son out of the house for wearing a cap, in his car, with a skull on it.
Any easy way to tell him I dont want to come back?
you've got a new apartment and a new job and he hasnt clicked that one yet?
by diana netherton inwhat are your thoughts on them?
would i be a simply terrible person if i became one?.
diana you are a grown woman, we can only offer suggestions of weighing out your options or opinions on whether we think its right or wrong,
personally i wouldnt think of you as a bad person whichever choice you made cos its none of my darn business how you pay your bills, and i'm certainly no angel. after my divorce i considered selling a kidney to get myself straight from the mess i was left with, and i've done some crappy jobs too. sex texts on dialup....not one of my better or best paid jobs, but i could work from home when the kids were in bed or at school in between my own work hours and it was a bit of pin money to top up very crap wages.
but it does sound as if youre supporting too many people financially, theyre grown ups too and sometimes by making yourself so amenable to helping them out you actually encourage them not to look after themselves a bit more.why should they even bother to try if you keep bailing them out? at some point they should be standing on their own two feet cos they have choices too.
by diana netherton inwhat are your thoughts on them?
would i be a simply terrible person if i became one?.
i quite fancied the idea of the housework fetishist, they do your housework and then pay you for the pleasure of doing it.
Strange YPA article: Should I quit school?
by serenitynow! inthe november 2010 awake (the atheist issue) has a ypa article that seems strange to me.
it is about whether or not a kid should drop out of school.
the way that it's written makes it seem that dropping out of school, (not college) is ok under some circumstances.
I wonder what kind of "volunteer work" might be considered honorable enough to drop out of school.
dont think that takes too much working out as kingdom halls are registered as individual charities, and the dubs are classed as 'volunteers' lol
by diana netherton inwhat are your thoughts on them?
would i be a simply terrible person if i became one?.
nothing wrong with jobs nvl, job satisfaction although not a given, is a bonus.