Heart warming!
Posts by erbie
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Memorial of Christs Death
by Greybeard inhave you ever been invited to someones home for dinner, but not eaten any of the food?
only sat there and watched them eat?
what purpose would that serve?
Yes, quite so. I have thought long and hard about this too.
Look at it this way: Not only do they discourage us from taking part, they actually get each and every one of us to refuse to partake. Every time we are handed that highly polished silver tray and we dumbly pass it on to the next person we are openly refusing to do exactly what Jesus explicitly commanded his followers to do.
Either they are right to get us to do that or they are extremely insidious and clever at getting us to do the opposite of what is commanded.
I haven't quite made up my mind yet. And what would their motive be?
I don't know. Help me out.
Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar
by leavingwt incoming to a kingdom hall near you, in a public talk.
jesus did not die on cross, says scholar .
Very interesting link. Many thanks.
Pre-emptive shunning - a growing reality
by cedars ini'm scanning through some of the results from the 2012 jw survey as they're coming in.. the most populous of the six voting categories with 76 voters so far is my own category, for those who are inactive, or "faded/fading" (not disfellowshipped or da'd, but no longer reporting time on the ministry).. one statistic already leaping out at me surrounds the question "do you experience 'pre-emptive shunning' from active witnesses, who view you as 'bad association'?
" of the 74 who voted on this so far, 76% have answered "yes" to this question.. it's early days, and obviously i will have a clearer picture of the extent of the problem once the survey closes at the end of the year.
however, the results already in suggest that pre-emptive shunning is widespread among inactive ones, despite this not being an "official" policy of the society.. i was interested in your opinions as to why this may be?
Yes jws, you are talking real sense. How refreshing.
It is obvious to me that many who leave the org are struggling to find any real purpose in their lives and can only do so by castigating the WT for anything it may or may not do. My advice is as follows: If you chose to leave the WT org then you could have done it for any number of reasons, some right and some not so right. Nevertheless, you did leave and should, therefore, put it behind you and move on. This is difficult I know. However, I am firmly convinced that people who make it their own personal mission to undermine the WTS have not really left at all. In fact, they subconciously long for the peace of mind they once enjoyed and the purpose in life experienced by being a member of a world wide congregation of believers. As a result, the only contact they can have with the WTS is negative contact in the form of criticism. One must find purpose in the form of something else-something positive and creative. And if you can not find purpose in anything else then........that's probably answered the most important question you will ever ask yourself.
Personally, I think there are a lot of ex elders on this site who long for the authority of speach they once enjoyed in the congregation but can now only chase shadows and misguided visions of idealism.
I'm sorry, but that is the truth and we're stuck with it. I don't make the rules. I'll brace myself for an onslaught of abuse.
Evil Spirits
by LizLA indoes anyone on this forum have knowledge about casting out demons or evil spirits?
there's at least two of them that have been harrasing me even before i was a jw.
i recently attended a deliverance church to find some help but it was apparent that the holy spirit was missing from that church.
I'm not sure about all this but I think it is interesting to note that Jesus was approached by the devil only after he had endured a period of fasting and............meditation. This is interesting in view of what was said about meditation at the beginning of this thread.
This does'nt necessarily reflect my view of meditation but it has made me look at it from a different slant.
Difficulties understanding passage.
by s-c-3-1-3 ini am reading colossians 1:15-18, and understand it to mean that jehovah created jesus who then created all other things in the world, thus jesus crall things except for god who created him.
is this correct?
thanks in advance!.
Personally, I see the trinity as a solution to the problem of there being two Gods mentioned in the bible (other than false gods) when it also clearly states that there is only one true God. I do not claim to understand this concept but that in itself does not make it a false teaching as the WT claim. We can not expect to understand the mysteries of God and it is a presumption to insert words into the scriptures as the WT have done in order to make a particular piece of text say what they need it to say in order to balance with whatever else they teach.
Why else would they insert words? To help us understand a difficult verse? Personally, I think that they have done it in order to befuddle a really simple message. A message that is so simple that, if left to our own understanding, we would understand it. And they would'nt want that would they!
The teaching of the trinity was arrived at as a direct result of there being so many texts that clearly identify Jesus as God or a god. Weather it is 'God' (which in many cases it is) or as 'a god' makes no difference at all since we know that the scriptures clearly state that there is only one true God and all others are false gods.
It is remarkable actually how Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to believe in two gods. I believe they don't really think about it.
Women who have affairs...are they DUMB to think he will leave his wife?
by Witness 007 in"yes he does love me....it's just a bad time now with the kids and all...and money...he doesn't love her anymore, it just the kids....he said we can keep meeting at $40 hotels for "awhile" longer....till he sorts things out...and we can be together.".
this could be 1955 or 2011 and dumb girls still fall for this crap????
for real????
It's funny really, I recently got back in contact with a lapsed sister who I've known since childhood but had not seen for some time. I always thought the world of her and just recently I've realised just how much I've always loved her. She is also married but the time I have spent with her (nothing sexual or improper) has made me realise how good things could be. I shouldn't covet another mans wife (aparently) but if I had the chance then I would give everything I have to be with her. I know she's not completely happy where she is and I just know that she's the one that occupies that special place in my heart and anything short of her won't do. At least that is how I feel. Spending just a little time with her has changed everything. Surely the gods won't deny me just a little happiness.
Yes I know I'm contradicting myself and I know that my situation has driven me a little bit mad. Just a little.
Women who have affairs...are they DUMB to think he will leave his wife?
by Witness 007 in"yes he does love me....it's just a bad time now with the kids and all...and money...he doesn't love her anymore, it just the kids....he said we can keep meeting at $40 hotels for "awhile" longer....till he sorts things out...and we can be together.".
this could be 1955 or 2011 and dumb girls still fall for this crap????
for real????
Well folks, my wife was unfaithful but I can't make her leave cos I want the kids and it's brought misery, misery, misery. I felt like I'd had my stomach ripped out. I don't believe in anything anymore. Love, marriage, happy ever after, all a delusion. There is only unhappiness for me. There you have it. But if it works for you then I'm happy for you. As for me; miserable bloody existence! Bugger! I can't believe how good it gets and I remember being taught the value of love and the sanctity of marriage. In the real world everybody is fair game, even your wife, so look out.
I won't insist that everything I say is right but it's the way I see things which is distorted and twisted beyond recognition. And I used to be such a hopeful.
Bad times.
by Refriedtruth injehovah's witnesses' land sell-off has brooklyn dreaming bigcrain's new york business - amanda fung-1 hour ago.
at stake are 34 mint-condition properties in brooklyn heights and dumbo that the jehovah's witnesses spent decades accumulating and now are considering ...it's always has been about the money...they talk about pristine real estate and the excellent pool of skilled craftsmen/women .
hey what about the paradise for my family 4 generations that slaved?.
Well, it explains how the org became so wealthy. What a great way to make money! Get volunteers to build Kingdom Halls and then sell them off. And the volunteers don't question it because they think Jehovah needs the money.
Is The WTBTS' View Of Homosexuality Softening?
by JW GoneBad inor at least the public may be given the impression that jws and the wtbts are fair minded and do not discriminate against the homosexual lifestyle.
check out this quote from the nov 1, 2011 watchtower (public edition).
the article on page 4 is entitled 'ten questions about sex answered'.. question 8: does god approve of homosexuality?.
Here we collide with the difference between god-centred morality and common-sense morality.
You are suggesting I have no common sense. Shame.
I am happy to let you have your beliefs but it's not me you need to convince.
Good luck.