Yes. When I was an active JW,I did have some "worldly" freinds.
Of course there were also those who kept their distance once I started to preach to them.
I did try to keep a balance between having non Jw friends and Jws.
As far as my kids go. I try to teach them to look for the good in people. Whether they be in a certain religion or not.
The heart is the important thing.
Not what religion they are.
JoinedPosts by neyank
Non-JW Friends...
by LDH inwhen you were active, or if you still are, did you all maintain non-jw friendships?.
i've always kept some close friends who weren't jws.
but reading a .
Too much spiritual food? Too much faith?
by ianao inhello all.. this is a quote from an earlier conversation in the 1975 thread.. are you saying that the garden was weeded from those who put too much faith in "god's spirit-directed organization"?
did these people listen to too much of their "food at the proper time"?.
unfortunately, i never received a response from smartgirlpw, only insults of "boo boos" and truth hurting.. i would like to know if you personally (yes, i am asking for your opinion here, your pearls, or two cents) believe that you should not take very seriously what is stated in the wt publications, and if so, or even if not, please explain.. this was my original question before i lashed out at you for claiming we were having a pitty party and you began to lash out at me, java, pathofthorns, trevor, etc.
Hi smartgirl,
I wish you wouldn't leave.
There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion than others.
That's what makes discussions interesting.
If you leave,.............I will hold my breath until I turn blue.
Now you wouldn't want that would you??????????
neyank -
I'm confused
by NickL inthis db is advertised as a "witness" board.
yet there seems to be some disagreement over the place the wts should play in our lives.
can someone inform me what the "official" stand on this matter is?.
Hi thinker,
Thank's for your research and posting it for us.
It never ceases to amaze me how after all that is written in the WTS' own publications about them being the mouthpiece of God, about them being The Faithfull & Discreet Slave, about them being under angelic direction how the JWs can defend them and say that they (WTS) never claimed to be prophets. Never claimed to be perfect.
I thought that the JWs, at least for me, were JWs because they loved God. Because they wanted to know Gods truth.
When the society can print certain things and make the claim that it's "new light" from God and later that "new light" is changed into "newer light" how can the R&f Jw close their eyes to this obvious lie? The claim that it's from God?
neyank -
R U Disfellowshipped ?
by DFshipped inis there anyone out there who is df'd and desirous of returning?
i am and would like to talk with someone of like mind.
i was an elder who did something stupid.
Hi DFshipped-Nickl,
At the momment I am inactive,but I was in your shoes a few years back.
I also was df'd. Thruout the whole time I was away from the org.,I was still sure that they had the "truth". So much so that I decided to go back to the society. I sat thru all the meetings. All 5 of them every week for about a year or so. I got there late and I left early. I put up with them not talking to me and some giving me dirty looks.
But, I thought it was all worth it because after all they had the "truth".
Well, I was finally reinstated (alright people,hold your applause) and glory be I was finally allowed to be talked to.
Well needless to say, it came as a shock to me to learn that they (WTS) had "new light" while I was df'd. The elders never told me about the changes until I was reinstated.
What got me to start looking at the history as well as all the changes that the org. has had, was the 1914 generation change.
I thought how can they possibly make that kind of change in their teaching if they are really Gods chosen orginization?
For years,we r&f JWs went to peoples doors telling them that we were in the last days. Any time now armageddon was going to be on our doorstep.
In fact that's the teaching that got me involved with them in the first place. And now they were saying NEVER MIND.
That is NOT a teaching the WTS could get wrong IF Jehovah was really using them. So I decided to find out about the other changes. And Oh my goodness,there were a lot of changes thruout the history of the WTS.
You were an elder in the org. So i'm sure you know a lot more about the changes than I.
All I can say to you at this point about getting reinstated is, If you really love Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ, Think long and hard before you do get reinstated because you know that once you do ,you have to believe and teach everything they tell you even if it's not the absolute "truth". And they are probablly going to change those teachings in a few years.
neyank -
Another New One
by notperfectyet ini have been reading this site for a couple of months.
last night i stayed up all night, (not unusual for me though) and read the posts by ......well you know...the new kid on the block...who created so much fury.
at first i thought she was a fake, and i still do.
Hi Trevor,
Did you give them a formal letter of disassociation or did you just walk away?
I thought about giving the elders a letter but I decided against it.
I feel to do so would be giving them authority over me.
And with all i've learned about the WTS,I will never be under any kind of authority by them again.
neyank -
Another New One
by notperfectyet ini have been reading this site for a couple of months.
last night i stayed up all night, (not unusual for me though) and read the posts by ......well you know...the new kid on the block...who created so much fury.
at first i thought she was a fake, and i still do.
Hi notperfectyet,
Welcome to the board.
I've also been inactive for the past 2 yrs.
I did recieve 1 phone call from an elder trying to get me to meet with them. But I decided not to.
With all of the reading about the WTs from the past posts, how do you feel about the org.now?
neyank -
Resticted liberties "and justice for all&a...
by Smartgirlpw in.. edited by - smartgirlpw on 23 january 2001 16:44:50
Hi Smartgirlpw,
I haven't seen any good British comedies since Monty Python.
There is one on PBS about workers at a store. I think it's called Are You Being Helped. I've seen it a couple of times. It's alright but it's no Monty Python.
As far as movie ratings,I don't pay much attention to them unless my kids want to go to the movies. Then it's a different story.
Smartgirl,from the postings that you have made,I can see that you have spunk. I like it. Keep it up.
neyank -
I'm confused
by NickL inthis db is advertised as a "witness" board.
yet there seems to be some disagreement over the place the wts should play in our lives.
can someone inform me what the "official" stand on this matter is?.
Hi NickL,
Something you said bothers me.
You said"Do they have the absolute truth? Possibly not yet.But who else comes even close?"
We can all agree that the WTS is not perfect. That it doesn't have the absolute truth.
What troubles me is that even with the WTS stating that they are not perfect,they still demand the r&f JW to believe everything they say.
They have claimed that what they teach is from Jehovah.
They have said that Jehovah is giving us new light. Constantly.
The fact that they have constantly changed their teachings proves that Jehovah is not using them (WTS) to teach us.
Are you saying that Jehovah keeps changing His mind as to what is truth?
Are you saying Jehovah is a liar?
He cannot lie.
His truth is perfect truth. His truth is the only real truth.
If the WTS is being used by God,they would have the real truth and they wouldn't have to keep changing their teachings.
neyank -
When should you Disassociate yourself?
by happytobefree ini have been having discussion with my sister (relative), who is an active witness, about writing a letter of disassociation.
the reason being is that i have not attended the meetings in over a year and it's been 4 years since i have went out in the jw ministry.. i going to try to sum this topic up.
my sister think that i should not da myself because i have not done any immoral act in her thinking.
I recieved a phone call awhile back from an elder at the KH I had attended. He asked me to meet with the elders so that they can "help" me to come back to the meetings.
I had a feeling that something was up. Therefore I did not go.
But I was wondering if they would say I disassociated myself because I refused to meet with them.
neyank -
Have Questions: Need Answers :)
by MissGuided ini have been reading all of your postings for a couple of days now.
i find this site to be very interesting and helpful (not to mention all of the people seem to be very intelligent, nice, and innately good).
therefore, i decided to join in.
Hi MissGuided,
The WTS teaches that all other religions except for the WTS are false religions. That they do not worship God.
All false religions acording to the WTS are controlled by Satan.
Therefore, It would not be proper for a JW to enter a church building.
The JWs are taught to view other religions with disgust.
As far as honoring your father and mother,the WTS teaches that if your parents are not JWs they will be destroyed at Armageddon.
Hope that helps.