Terry - sad but true
And, last of all--when you are dying, it doesn't matter what you've learned.
i think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self" .
if you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?.
what do these sums have in common?.
Terry - sad but true
And, last of all--when you are dying, it doesn't matter what you've learned.
after the meeting this week and the song and parts about elders, something occurred to me.
the elders don't teach as shepherds.. when nathan confronted david.
he didn't make an accusation stating that jehovah informed him of what david did.
Let's be real - almost NO elder Teaches or is a Shepard.
in the early 1970's i was an elder who was convinced by the other elders in the congregation that armageddon was coming by the end of 1975. at that time, as an elder, i knew that in the early 1920's the witnesses thought that in 1925 christendom would be destroyed and the faithful men of old, abraham, isaac, noah, etc., would be resurrected to earth.
i knew those were failed prophecies yet it did not bother me.
as i ponder why it didn't shake my faith, i must have given the borg a pass since it was so long ago or maybe because the light is getting brighter.. i am afraid that the same thing is going to happen with the 1975 video at the assemblies.
You are right.
The old ones are to invested to change now - and the majority of ones who came in in the last 20 years have no idea about it.
the watchtower announcing jehovah's kingdom:.
"1914--the generation that will not pass...wait a minute.
"who really is the messiah?
Im looking forward to this one.
i think the finished mystery book probably contains the stupidest beliefs ever recorded!
almost any prophecy publication but especially anything to do with revelation, is unbelievable!
Wow thats hard to pic --- THE FLOOD i guess
may 14, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: public reading of study material at congregation meetings.
which replaces.
april 22, 2012 to all bodies of elders re: reading scriptures at the watchtower study.
OMG!!!! See the GB is not Controlling, micromanaging, or OCD about things that matter not at all!
Imagine if they payed this kind of time and attention to - I don't know - actually helping people?
Or - if they were concerned about teaching elders to be able to think on their own (even trust them to) about non doctrinal matters?
I truly hate them with the heat of a supernova!
we all know that the society claims that jesus invisibly chose the bible students (forerunners of jw) in 1919 to be his organization here on earth.. yet, as we know, so much of what they then taught and did was wrong according to current teaching and practice.. the reply witnesses will give is something like "they were the most sincere seekers of truth blah blah...and jesus could see their potential".
so, pretend for a moment that the current organization and the 1919 organization were both in concurrent existence at the time he invisibly came to choose.... which would he choose?
the current or former?.
The Atheist movement.
Since they are not the ones who are ever convicted of Mass Shootings - Strapping on Suicide Vests - Steeling billions for god "cuz he always needs money" - help people regardless of what fairytales, color of skin, or what country they live in...
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
Proclamation of “Peace and security!”
Nations attack and destroy “Babylon the Great”
Attack on Jehovah’s people
War of Armageddon
Satan and his demons are abyssed
I always - even as an elder - had a hard time with the line that "If you dont serve doG now when its easy, how will you when things get hard at the GT.
Thats really like saying - people wont be motivated to leave a burning house when they see the flames.
GEE WIZ - if the UN takes over the world and eliminates Religion - and US Troops put their mommies and daddies in jail cuz they want to keep their religion - and then after that "the turn their attention to the only religion left" - YEA I THINK I MIGHT TAKE NOTICE AND BE MOTIVATED TO RETURN TO DOG.
we might have a fully functional community from this forum.
I would have either persuaded my childhood dream of working for NASA as an engineer or scientist, or become a fiction writer or a political speechwriter.
jw believe that jworg is the best website and most translated in the world.. i heard this today in streetservice.
there was already a thread about this subject.
anybody can link it?.
YEA its amazing - wonder why Carvel Ice cream cant have its site translated into 180 languages?
I guess its cuz god does the programming for the WT?
I know IBM could never handle such a Herculean task!
Though they may not have a need to translate into Mamuju!