Hi blondie, I'm sorry that you are sad. What to say? Hmmm, I guess I am thinking that there are so many people here from so many different perspectives. Some are still "in" the Jw's, some have one foot out the door, some are blissfully experiencing life out of the control of the org., some are very bitter for whatever reason (there could be many reasons!) Some are very good at expressing their thoughts, others maybe don't quite know how to phrase things "delicately" or in a "politically correct" manner so-to-speak.
I don't agree with attacks on individuals, I have my own viewpoints on certain matters that may be completely opposite of some of the posters here, but I try to see someone elses perspective. Maybe sometimes people hit the reply button before they have had a chance to really think about what they are saying and how it is coming across. I try to think about that when I see someone upset about this or that-that there is a bigger picture than perhaps meets the eye.
Bottom line, we should all feel free to be able to express our opinions without fear of being attacked for it. It is sometimes more difficult to refrain from speaking than it is to speak.
I have enjoyed all the perspectives represented here in this board. If someone rubs me the wrong way, I just try to not "go there".
Wondering if I made any sense out of the jumbled thoughts inside of my INFP head!