I relook at the post, he was not clear in wanting a non-relgious person to take over. He just asked if someone would.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
there, i said it.. how can you leave one brainwashing controlling world view and dive right into another?!.
see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17131&site=3 for a great example of why they suck.. aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh!.
I relook at the post, he was not clear in wanting a non-relgious person to take over. He just asked if someone would.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
what do you all think of this guy?
he is bill o'reilly from fox.
i like him, i dont agree with his views on clinton but i do like his show.. there's a television program called america's black forum that runs on many abc stations across the country and your humble correspondent was a recent guest on the show.
I am not black, but had lived for a long time in the Lynn which is predomitaley the ghetto of MA North shore.
The current laws on Welfare/Social programs make it too easy and profitable for a receiptiant to stay where they are. I know from experience, not just political theory.
Medical Techonolgy caught up to my medical condtion after 10 years. I took a risk and left, moved to Florida with my Sec 8 voucher. I got my driver's lincese back and went back to work.
Today I own a home, am employed and make more than what I did adding all my goverment benefits.
I beleive the programs are good for those who really need them. Everyone need help at one time in their lives.
Govt has no accountablity to the receiptant. I am hoping a faith-based programs get passed though Congress. Fatih bbased organization not only meet the needs but offer guidance, counselling etc.
Now ther has been an exoerimental program for SEc* receiptant who go back to work or take one of their education to work courses. If you get a job they would make the differnce in you HAP rent go aside if you ever want to use it for a down payment for a house.
If the residents of a neighborhood were homeowners and not just renting from a landowner the face of a neighborhood would change. Homeowner have a personla investment where a renter of a subsides apartment does not, most of time does not care for the place they live very much. They don't vare because they have no investment in property they rent.
I know from Mass it is Political survial for the district you represent to be poor and uneducated. It would not make a difference what race you are. The message i alway gotton was i was a loser and could never make it. Today, I would differ with them.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
in an organization as obsessed with control as this one is,.
i have to wonder if the society's leadership ever considers how.
disfellowshipping can turn against them.. i doubt, when they developed the idea of a person "disassociating.
It back fires because it is not correcting the problem.
The method Jehovah's Witness correct a person though Dfing does not teach them to turn from the wicked ways , but to fear reprocussuions of elders, etc.
BTW how can a person redeem themselves if they are shunned to the point they can't ever mend thier relationship?
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
thursday night december 13, i am going to have a live chat event.. it begins at 8pm est to 10pm est.
you must be a member of the club to join us in the chat area.. i call it my xjw holiday/x-mas party.
it is pretty good and last year we had a good time.. i would like to invite you all to attend.. <a href= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </a>
Thursday Night December 13, I am going to have a live chat event.
It begins at 8PM EST to 10PM EST. YOu must be a member of the Club to join us in the chat area.
I call it my XJW Holiday/X-mas Party. It is pretty good and last year we had a good time.
I would like to invite you all to attend.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
there, i said it.. how can you leave one brainwashing controlling world view and dive right into another?!.
see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17131&site=3 for a great example of why they suck.. aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh!.
I just feel many XJWS get burnt after leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses that the idea of anyone who has a deep faith or what Mike will call "Fundumentalist" are demonized by the XJW culture.
Most who are Born-Again Christian like myself are not mislead, weird people.
It is ok to hold those cvalues which the Bible has dear to us.
It is when a peson oversteps a person boundries with it. I don't shove it down your throat. YOu can go to the club's link, and check it out for yourself.
This is the Internet, if you don't like it don't join. You have a freewill and choice. So does everyone else.
Mike has not given you the whole picture. My club and baord are claerly marked. I created a site for XJWS like myself who hold those values. Those memebers who choose to join know what I and the Founders are all about.
I felt the site was need because it an XJW did express their values and beliefs they were berated for them. Thsi thread and many other confirms the reason why the club was created long ago.
The club is heavly modeated and the members do understand that fact. We have 6 founders and 290 memeber to date. Beside teh singles club, it is #2 on Yahoo club under Jehovah's Witnesses.
I gave you some honest constructive critisim not because I wanted to berate you, but it takes a lot of work to make it succeed. It is takes harder work to keep it there.
I was honest with you abut my intention for your board. I could have slyly and dishonestly have gotton it. I like to acquire it. I have a very horable purpose for the newsboard and have gotten some people who are dedicated to see it work.
I am hoping you personal feeeling won't interfere with you decison though. If you real goal is to help XJWS you might want to hear me out instead of just trying to get XJWS to rally on your side.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
there, i said it.. how can you leave one brainwashing controlling world view and dive right into another?!.
see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17131&site=3 for a great example of why they suck.. aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh!.
Since I have founded my own Board, I can't really say it sucks.
I think it is great and many other agree with me. I am sorry it did not agree with your current lifestyle or beliefs.
You tried to come onto my club and try to berate the founder ( myself) into changing it. It did not work, because I let no one member bully me ot my other members.
The members who do join are know what my club is about. It is clearly marked. I am sorry you did not agree with goals and objectives.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
the recent un scandal and the departure of some dear friends and loved ones from the borg inspired me to get xjwnews.com off the ground.
i always dreamed of a site like that, but i don't think that i have the will to keep running it.. in our first month, we had nearly 20,000 hits.
kent, simon, randy and several other xjw's with single name status helped along the way.
I am sorry you feel the way you do. It is very sad though.
I don't think anyone will be picking up the board though. You not just a good markerter.
Even though my ministry is a CHRISTIAN BASED ONE, I also had to do my reaseach, and learned how to gear it towards my goals and my target audince. You failed to do both to be effective.
YOu have to have dedication and drive boith which you board lacks.
I been doing this for a long time even when the Internet was nto avalible. WhenI started my own club I set realistic goals. I was bless by Jesus not only for my hard work, but also for fearing it towards his purpose.
I don't find my religious beliefs very restritive. I find them very liberating. God loves us and gives us his principles and guidence for our own good.
YOu will never find the peace y ou are seeing even though you are no longer a JW. Smoking Pot wil only give a temporary relief from the deep pain of rejection you feel from the Watchtower.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
the recent un scandal and the departure of some dear friends and loved ones from the borg inspired me to get xjwnews.com off the ground.
i always dreamed of a site like that, but i don't think that i have the will to keep running it.. in our first month, we had nearly 20,000 hits.
kent, simon, randy and several other xjw's with single name status helped along the way.
I maybe interseted in it, but I would need to know if you want to keep it as it is.
You been on my club before, but I don't think you agree with the principles of it. I remember you verbally disagreeing with my club's introduction and left not understanding what it is all about.
I would change your board to reflect the Born-Again Chrsitan slant.
I think one of the reason why you board is not sucessful is because of the Bob Marley, marajania issues. It may appeal to the few, but won't keep the going in the long run. The image the board is presenting is one most Jehovah's Witnesses and XJWS are not comfortalbe with.
A poll asking if Pot smoking should be legal for adults? How do you think an XJW who still has a Godly sense feel about it?
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
in my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
Well maybe you can see the consequnce.
If a person smokes cigarettes, they may get cancer. It is a consequnce of smoking.
If you eat a diet of junk food, high fat, and empty calories with out exercising, you mostl likely suffer a lifestyle/diet related disease.
If a person has a substance/alchol abuse problem they can not only suffer phyiscal problems, but emotinal and family problems.
If a person (male or female) abuses another person the results are break down of relationships, injury, and even death.
If a person cheats on thier spouse a consequnce can a divorce, break down of the family, children having problems, etc. You don't have to be a Godly perosn to see how today ingnoring his principles are the root of many of today's problems,
God tells us no for our own good. He created mankind and know what the results of our action are before we do things.
Most people who are not raised as JWS and came inot the Organization has a very good reason. I know myself they appeared clean and mure more organized than the churches I attended. I desire even as a teen-ager to serve God. I still do even though I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
in my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
I guess you know me so well. I ma sorry you feel the way you do.
I just live and let live. Gos will judge all mankind, not just me.
I am very fortunate I live in the Untied States, we have the freedom to worship any way we choose. My mother-in-law is very much into New Age movement. We have a lot of discussion, but in no way do I disrespect her or look down on her. We have great respect for one another even though she told me she will never accept Jesus.
I just preach the gospel of Jesus.
If a person choses to sin, that is their choice, but the person also must bear the consequnces of such actions. You can make fun of me all you want, but what I am telling is the truth.
Jesus ate with sinners and was among them. If they chose to follow hiam and accepted him as the Messiah, they also turned thier lives around. Yes, these sinners made a choice not only to follow Jesus but to get right with God. That is why Jesus died for us, so we have the chance to get right with him.
His love, mercy and grace is not a license to sin. From looking at your profile you live in teh Netherlands. I have to assume you guys have a more liberal political and religous enviroment. It shape the way you think and view things.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>