in the congregation it is usually said that Gossip even if true can be harmful, i would say if it IS true then it cannot be slander. ??
hmm I've just read the insight book under slander and it is far from clear what it actually is... but it does say that nothing can be slander if reporting a matter to the Elders. no surprises there.
*** it-1 p. 990 Gossip, Slander ***
On the other hand, it is not gossip or slander and is not wrong to report conditions affecting a congregation to those having authority and responsibility to oversee and correct matters. This fact is demonstrated in the Scriptural record about the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth. There, dissensions and the paying of undue honor to men were creating sectarian attitudes, destroying the congregation’s unity. Some members of the house of a certain Chloe who were aware of these things and were concerned about the congregation’s spiritual welfare disclosed the fact to the absent apostle Paul, who acted quickly, writing corrective counsel to the congregation from Ephesus.—1Co 1:11.