I'm not a Prepper or a Morman, but I do like the Morman's Provident Living program. I go to one of their centers to buy in bulk. They are really nice... you buy and package individual amounts you need right there. They have vacume sealers, jars, everything. I buy beans, dried soups, sugar, flour, honey, noodles, nuts and seeds. There is also a lot of stuff for serious preppers like dried or jarred meat.
JoinedPosts by Roberta804
Brothers told to pack an "Armagedon survival bag."...bid gossip in Aust!
by Witness 007 inso my mum excitedly calls and tells me how the brothers are now told to pack a survival emergency bag, so the tribulation is coming!!!
talk about clutching at straws.
shes packed her bible of course and the some non essential stuff like food...he he.
Lawsuit maybe?
by KariOtt ini would love to file an emotional distress lawsuit of some sort against the wt.
since my husbands return envolvement 2 years ago my documented mental health problems have gotten steadly worse.
this past weekend i started drinking after 17 years sober, a sucicide attempt that put me in a private psych hosiptal.
I spent over 100K on out-patient therapy in the first 6 years after i left. I would love to recoup that
Fading ... and Feeling Lost
by What Now? inprior to that we had been in a new congregation for about 9 months, and we were just irregular.
my husband rarely went, and i would go occasionally with our toddler son just enough to show our faces and keep the elders off our backs, and for the sake of some friendships in our old hall.
all of the reasons i had for going were just no longer important.
My Dear,
I am an older grandma type now. I left when my eldest was 4, I was only 22; a born-in JW. I did not fade; made a quick cut. It took me years to learn how to make friends and keep friends. To be perfectly clear, the JWs made me lazy. Never before did I have to make an effort to learn about others. We were all JWs, all the same supposedly. Never before did I have to work to maintain friendships, I saw my "friends" 3 times a week without any effort on my part. Never before did I have to lean on my own judgement about a person, if that person was a JW they were automaticly OK.
I have since learned that I have to put my toe out. Getting to know someone as an individual is hard work! And maintaining that relationship is scarry and harder. Now that I am much older and slower I find great enjoyment in learning about someone else. Like any skill, it takes practice to learn. If you play the piano, surely you did not learn in a week... it takes years. Hopefully you are not a born-in and have some personal history to draw from, in that case you just need to brush up on your conversation and socialization skills.
Overlapping Generations: A wacky kool-aid thread
by RayPublisher inanother wacky kool aid thread for your reading pleasure from the hardcore dubbs on jw talk dot net is here if you want to read it:.
they wax philosophical, they curse this horrible old world, they gently try to project how soon the big a will come, and then swoon when someone quotes a tidbit from a gb member that they overheard.
warning: those with weak stomachs do not read!.
small pond, small fish
Hate Speech
by Roberta804 ini was listening to a recording on youtube taken from the 2013 convention on "human apostates".
the term "mentally diseased" is way over the line.
can you imagine if they called blacks or catholics or god forbid, muslims "mentally diseased" what kind of trouble there would be?
The recording of the "Human Apostate" talk is on Youtube. type in district convention 2013 human apostate and it should pop up. It is only a recording, no video.
Nicsfreedom: I totally agree. How can those JW who have family/friends who left stand for a talk like that? I was 12 years old when my very best JW friend, (my only friend) mom was disfellowshipped for her constant imorallity. I cried every night because my mom told me that my friend would die at the big A because her mom was not a good JW. The use of the words "mentally diseased" and "whipping up posion from Satan" goes way beyond making someone sad about someone who has chosen to not be a JW, it's goal is to make others totally afraid, like those who choose to leave grow horns on their head.
Now contrast this with the real monsters who molest children that are allowed to float freely among families. From this single talk it is clear that the Printing Company is more afraid of those who choose to leave than they are of any law suit due to child molestation charge. Maybe the printing company needs a reminder that hate speech is just not acceptable behavior similar to having to remind them that molesting children is not acceptable behavior.
I just informed the parents about me and the TTATT... heart wrenching
by sosoconfused inwell first i want to thank everyone here for the good points etc... i have received over the last few months.
you guys have really been helpful!.
so the other day my mother wrote me a 3 page letter telling me how she was so scared for me because she could tell my love for the truth was gone etc.. so i decided i wanted to totally rip the band-aid off and get this matter over and done with.
Didn't hurt nearly as bad as you thought eh? Proud of you.
Is it a sign from Jehovah or just irony?
by dissonance_resolved inso i signed up to volunteer at a local urban community center- first time i've ever volunteered for a non-jw effort.
i thought i would end up cleaning, organizing, something like that, but the first thing they wanted us to do was go door to door in the neighborhood handing out flyers!
face palm...
Too Funny!
Hate Speech
by Roberta804 ini was listening to a recording on youtube taken from the 2013 convention on "human apostates".
the term "mentally diseased" is way over the line.
can you imagine if they called blacks or catholics or god forbid, muslims "mentally diseased" what kind of trouble there would be?
I was listening to a recording on Youtube taken from the 2013 convention on "Human Apostates". The term "mentally diseased" is way over the line. Can you imagine if they called blacks or Catholics or God forbid, Muslims "mentally diseased" what kind of trouble there would be?
Family is drawing the line in the sand
by dissonance_resolved inso my family has obviously been noticing over the past several months that i've been missing meetings and fs.
i've had excuses sometimes, but not others, so my parents are definitely getting that this is more than a long bout of illnesses or fatigue.
i just received an email invitation to join them in service this weekend.
Let them draw the line anywhere they wish. But you draw a line too. If they cannot respect your beliefs or lack of, you do not owe them any explanation. Oh.... Never put anything in writing. If you write your DA letter, or anything similar to attempt to explain yourself, FORGET IT! Your family will turn the letter over to the elders, or the elders put it in a safe FOREVER.
If you happen to be buddies with the secretary, have him pull your publishers' card or any other information in print they may have on you. Only the secretary will have it.
Get a key to the KH, look for where those records are kept (look for a locked cabinet or safe) and figure out how to get into it. Hint: the secretary has the key/combo to any locked cabinet or safe, but a single lesson in lock picking and a little practice and you can open anything.
Be proactive........ not reactive. Get what is YOURS and leave.
So, Whats the real reason JWs are no concessions open at the DC and are discouraged from supporting nearby vendors?
by BU2B inso ever since they discontinues the food service at the assemblies and dcs, jws have been "lovingly encouraged" to pack a light lunch to eat.
the secretary at the hall that i am held hostage in said during the service meeting that even a sub would be too heavy to eat, and that a light salad was the best option.
what do you fine people think is the real reason why, in the absence of food service, jws are told to not leave the building at lunch?
How about ordering a pizza DELIVERY!