I strongly believe we are in the times when the best understanding
of the Bible is available to mankind and we can prove the Bible is
applicable to our times and that we must live in the end-times.
Once we understand that we are on the right track . Don't tell me we
must be ready all the time to meet the Creator and we cannot know the
time of the end of the world.
I am riding on byke and only last year I was at least two times in
close encounter with death in accidents .
So, I know by that how I should be ready constantly for sudden death
and yet I am the person who is preoccupied with the calculations based
on the Bible in a peculiar way as you can notice when you read my
posts with numbers.
The numbers I am using may overwhelm you but it is like a drop in an
ocean when you go and see how numbers are used in a investment fund
or bank or Wall Street. Even what sports fan know about numbers in
sport .
The calculations I am giving are so simple that a 10-year old child
should understand . You need to know some algebra and how abacore
works . Abacore is an ancient instrument for simple calculations and
that simple tool beats up all computers we have today !
Daniel 12.4 speaks about times of great understanding and this verse
is being fulfilled right before our eyes today.
The period of that understanding is unmistakenly as 1984 AD - 2011 AD.
In 1984 AD is the basic year of the decoding mankind's chronology
and end-times. I came up with this timeline or I can call it a calendar formula:
4010 BC,3010 BC,2010 BC,1010 BC,10 BC,991 AD,1991 AD,2991 AD
7 symbolic days each of 1000 years =one symbolic week = 7000 years
The last two days of 6000 years of the present world order are :
Thursday,Friday : 10 BC - 1991 AD.
This old timeline stands today but we must add 10 years to each day of
1000 years .
4027 BC - From Adam to 1974 AD = 6000 years + 60 years = 2034 AD
We must have 2020 years since 10 BC . 10 BC + 2020 years for two days
= 2011 AD !
We must place the whole 60-year period appropriately .
1974 AD - 2034 AD and we must locate the parts of this period :
4027 BC - 4010 BC - Adam sinned in 4010 BC. = 17 years
1974 AD + 17 years = 1991 AD
29 AD - 36 AD = 7 years for the time of Jesus Christ and his first
1991 AD + 7 years = 1998 AD
Since we place the 10-year periods at the end we can do this:
1000 years : 12 hours for a day - John 11.9 = 83 years ( rounded)
That period is 36 AD - 119 AD- the last hour in the ancient times.
2020 - 1000 = 1020 1020 : 12 = 85 years
This 85 years we put at the end times that come in our times !
1914 AD + 85 years = 1999 AD
1010 normal day has : 1010 : 12 = 84 years + 2 years left
The normal hour is 84 years .
83 + 85 = 168 168 : 2 = 84
God's name with numerical values as I had shown : 26,28,30 makes a total of 84 ! 26+28+30 = 84
6 days of 6060 years have 6 x 2 years as leftover which is 12 years .
1999 AD + 12 years = 2011 AD
Since the year 106 AD is 10 -years already as per Revelation 2.10
about 10 days.
96 AD + 10 years = 106 AD we can cut 13 years from 36 AD - 119 AD to
make it 36 AD - 106 AD.
96 AD - The Revelation was given and "these things are going to come
to pass soon " - Revelation 1.1-3.
1999 AD + 13 years = 2012 AD
2011 AD - 2012 AD = This will be a year when Christ is going to
establish His Government on this earth:
Jesus Christ + his 144000 menservants as "God" and " gods" .
One year fall 2011 AD-2012 AD is for Christ as God's Word.
2012 AD + 22 years is for 22 Hebrew alphabet- Psalm 119 and that
symbolizes the Bible - Word of God .
All major resurrection will take place in 2011 AD - 2012 AD - 2034 AD.
Many will learn the Truth in that period . I hope I will teach nations
my calculations which magnify God Yahweh as the Only True God , His
Love ,Truth and Mercy and Wisdom and Power through His Son Yahshua
the Messiah. Really I can call these calculations divine as they
belong to God Yahweh.
So, we have 1974 AD + 17 years + 7 years + 1 year + 12 years + 1 year
+ 22 years which is sought 60 years to 2034 AD.
Then we going to have the 1000-year Kingdom of God on earth to 3034
AD. Children and good pagans chosen by God will have a chance to live
for ever -This is also the time of resurection then.
And we know now that 1010 years have 10 years at the end .
3034 AD + 10 years from 7th 1010-year period = 3044 AD
This time all yet uncondemned evil doers will be made alive for a
short time to test those who are saved but have not be tested yet .
And those evil people will be dying off for ever throughout this 10-
year period.
Then in 3044 AD the eterenity will begin for those who loved and
love God Yahweh and His Son Jesus Christ.
4027 BC + 7 days or 7070 years = 3044 AD
4027 BC + 6 days or 6060 years = 1974 AD - 2034 AD
10 BC + 2 last days or 2020 years = 1991 AD - 2011 AD
That is why the year 2011 AD is the next best prediction of the end of
the world. Can you imagine we are less than 4 years to that time ?!