I know from the past when I was a catholic I used Hebrews 1.8 to prove Jesus was God literally. Later on I came to the view that overthrow my catholic view ! Those of Jehovah's Witnesses who discussed with at home were not so good in convincing me they were right who was Jesus.
Many views Jehovah's Witnesses hold are not very well explained .
John 17.3 is crystal clear Jesus referred to the Father as the only True God. So whenever the word God is applied to someone else it must be interpreted figuratively or so not to be in contradiction with John 17.3.
Moses was called God - Exodus 7.1 .He was not God literally of course. He was God's spokesperson through whom God Yahweh was revealing His power and glory. So the more Jesus should be called God if our sins are forgiven through him.
Great ones in Israel were called gods - Psalm 82.6.
So the great ones in a new covenant : Jesus Christ and his 144000 disciples must be gods. Since Jesus is number 1 of them we can call him God by capital G. That doesn't mean he is God literally ! As he himself is called Son of God - of God ! He is of God ,not God.
And he calls his Father God - John 20.17.
Hebrew 1.8 must be interprted using the other verses of the Bible - Psalm 45 and Pslam 72 .
Of the Son ..God speaks .. = To the Son God Yahweh gives the testimiony that is God breathes into him the words he speaks to God :
"Thy Throne , oh God , ....
It is Jeus speaking to God the Father as " Oh God " ! Not vice versa like it is commonly taken !- Hebrew 1.8.
Isaiah 9.6 is commonly misinterpreted: this doesn't mean that Jesus is the Father or Mighty God but that through Jesus people can learn who is God the Father and Who is Mighty God !
Jesus is the Son of God, God as number one servant of God Yahweh, he was made Savior as sins are forgiven through him
Like through Moses who was called God Isralites could know who is God Yahweh who worked through Moses.
Now through greater God than Moses we can know who is God Yahweh - the Father of Jesus Christ.
All christians who believe Jesus is God literally and there must be the Holy Trinity are heretics.
Jehovah's Witnesses got the right Jesus enough to be called true christians.