It seems many will be surprised as they don't have the right knowledge of the Bible and look for information in the wrong places.
Jesus is the High Priest who once for all the time entered the Most Holy Place ( condition ) that will never leave .
He cannot be in touch with evil people as he would have to die again . This was the principle in the Old Testament law. Once the priest left the Most Holy place with blood sacrifice he would have to bring a new shed blood to enter the holy place.The sacrificial animal had to be killed . But not so with Jesus Christ as a sacrificial lamb . He died once for sins and cannot leave the holy place .Otherwise he would have to die again. That is why he was seperated from this evil world for ever. No sinner will see Jesus coming ! Only those who are saved.
So the coming of Jesus will be invisible to most people who will perish before Jesus settles on the planet earth in the Paradise.
God must remove the unsaved from this planet earth first.The evil world order must be gone first.
You can learn why we should expect the end of the world in 2011 AD by reading my posts on this forum history and going to google groups like,alt.apocalypse,alt.religion.jehovahs-witn.