Leaving WT, I hate to drop another book name on you. There is an excellent work called "Already Gone" about the 13-16 year old children who are sitting in the every type of Church, whose bodies are there, but their hearts and minds are gone.. If you get a chance, check it out, it's another good read. I hate dropping book names but these books are good reads, they help me keep my mind off the wickedness this org has done to me.
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
Six Reasons Young Christians Leave the Church
by leavingwt inthis survey revealed that nearly three out of every five young christians disconnect either permanently or for an extended period of time from church life after age 15.. .
reason #1 churches seem overprotective.. a few of the defining characteristics of today's teens and young adults are their unprecedented access to ideas and worldviews as well as their prodigious consumption of popular culture.
as christians, they express the desire for their faith in christ to connect to the world they live in.
JWs are the Modern Day Pharisees
by ilikecheese ini've been reading the gospel of matthew a bit lately, and it kind of strikes me how much the pharisees seem to resemble the jws.
i'm sure this topic has come up several times before, but i've been thinking about suggesting this topic to my jw boyfriend to see what happens.... probably nothing good.
i'm up for a good whiny argument.
There are both men and women who are modern day Pharisees in our network of droids. If only they could genetically recreate the red heiffer the Jews used, to offer up sacrifices to Jehovah. As the Scriptures always said "Jehovah wanted sacrifices, not mercy, not love and especially he hated justice! Jehovah really loved the whole burnt offering the fake leaders gave him!" This according to the WTS, who pushes works above mercy and love and justice. The Old Testament and the Gospel show that all those in positions, are "Pushers" for the Cartel in New York and Patterson, Pushing magazines the XJWs read and study better than most active JWs do. The XJWs must be very cautious of their spiritual need, meanwhile the JWs in good standing, are too busy to read the food provided at the proper time.
Why are so many JWs and exJWs unaware of the New World Order and the World Goverment?
by Infowarrior inwhy are so many jehovahs witnesses and escpecially ex-jws so unaware and ignorant of the new world order and the world goverment?
and is the watchtower a part of the new world order and the world goverment under the united nations and the vatican?
my rrsearch says this is the case.
This is one of those topics that are like trying to catch the wind. I don't think George Soros and the other Billionaires are plotting of releasing the T-Cell Virus to control population. After attending the Bilderburg meeting, I think they are not so bad after all, I would tell you what they said but than I would have to..........
Why do Elders move to the most expensive area to live, WHO CAN'T AFFORD IT?
by AvocadoJake inwhy do elders are dead broke, move to the highest priced areas in the usa.
in california, we welcome many broken families who are not afraid to work or find a way to live without telling the flock, "we are broke, we might file bk, can you please help us find a home, i am a fulltime servant of god, so can you?
" they complain how they are so broke, "can't make the rent or make if off the food stanmps they get" yet they move to an area where the average home is $900k after the great real estate meltdown.
I wrote this post really fast, sorry about the typos and other issues I blew it on. Best to disregard this post, I found it funny, I was talking to someone today who was complaining about not having work. When they moved here, there was no work, and rents were high but they figured Jehovah-Jirah, since Jehovah want's all his servants near the nice sunny beaches in southern california. Why live anywhere else, when you can guilt the rich brothers to put you to work, while bragging about your field circus adventures at starbucks. Thanks Oz for reading this blunder of a post :)
4 Suicides I Am Aware Of This Year, Why Elders, COs Are Not Competent To Handle These Matters. (Life Or Death, Your Choice!)
by AvocadoJake ini would like to relate with the first suicide that took place this year, this was more than seven months ago.
this person was deeply distraught and was talking about killing themself.
the conduct of this person started to escalate (deep depression with morbid thoughts.
I would like to relate with the first suicide that took place this year, this was more than seven months ago. This person was deeply distraught and was talking about killing themself. The conduct of this person started to escalate (deep depression with morbid thoughts.) they were no longer able to think in a rational manner and had become a danger to themself. The elders and co had spent the evening with this human being, and after asking them "Do you still feel like killing yourself? The mentally distressed person said, "well no, I guess not." One brother close to the situation had recommend a 5150 procedure, which would have involved calling the police. Calling the police would bring reproach on Jehovah's name, so it was decided not to take this route. There is no perfect solution in a situation like this one, so instead of calling the police, or having two elders stay with this person overnight, they decided all was OK. No police meant, no reproach on Jah, no reproach on the WTS, in their mind. This person killed themself that night and the elders and CO could not figure out what went wrong. How could this witness kill themself, they said they would not, even though they had all the signals of checking out of this World. This is story number one, I will share number two in another post on this thread, all the way down to number 4 who recently killed themself. So the moral of the story is, Don't put your life in the Elders Or the COs hands, they are clueless with any type of emotional, family or real life crisis. The other point is, "At least we did not put this man in a twenty four hour lockdown psychological ward, where doctors would find out he was a JW. Praise Jah for these men who hide you from the storms of life!
Bart Ehrman: "Biblical Scholarship and the Right to Know"
by leavingwt inthis entire article by dr. ehrman is worth a read.
here are a few selections from it.
im not opposed to religion and i dont think that all religion is oppressivefar from it.
Dr. Bart Erhman is very enjoyable to listen to,on the radio interviews. He is articulate, calm and not a rabid man who attacks those who don't agree with him. Richard Dawkins and some other religious groups are willing to call you, "wicked, utterly evil or outright stupid, mentally diseased, insane, out of their gourd." for having faith in God or not agreeing with the interpretation of a few monks at the WTS monastary.
What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).
by Balaamsass ini'll start the ball rolling.
dealing with kids in any type of judicial manner.
i would do everything i could to get parents to "deal with it-kindly" at home.
Disfellowshiping schizophrenic men and women and saying (Those hearing voices talking to them, those unable to tie their shows. Those who brought their cats to the Kingdom Hall. You get the gist.) "They need to be responsible for their actions." I pleaded "The Law states, they are not guilty by reason of mental defect." The Committe said "They should know better and Jehovah expects more out of his servants than the Law does!
Why do Elders move to the most expensive area to live, WHO CAN'T AFFORD IT?
by AvocadoJake inwhy do elders are dead broke, move to the highest priced areas in the usa.
in california, we welcome many broken families who are not afraid to work or find a way to live without telling the flock, "we are broke, we might file bk, can you please help us find a home, i am a fulltime servant of god, so can you?
" they complain how they are so broke, "can't make the rent or make if off the food stanmps they get" yet they move to an area where the average home is $900k after the great real estate meltdown.
Why do Elders are dead broke, move to the highest priced areas in the USA. In California, we welcome many broken families who are not afraid to work or find a way to live without telling the Flock, "We are broke, we might file BK, can you please help us find a home, I am a fulltime servant of God, so can you?" They complain how they are so broke, "can't make the rent or make if off the food stanmps they get" yet they move to an area where the average home is $900k after the great real estate meltdown. Why do they expect us to find work, pay for their overpriced services (Brother D charges $150 an hour to do whatever the heck he does.) and the World charges $80 an hour. Why do they want us to help them find cheap housing (like it's our job?) , (Low rent near Orprah's house, hint hint, can i move in with you? ) Please help me understand why friends from Arkansas or Ala, Kent, Georgia (Not complaining about those wonderful states.. with no money should merit our help? The Apostle Paul did not expect this, how can they? This applies to anyone who shows up, looking for a free hand out. I have overpaid for some of the worst service throughout the years, I am a sucker! San Diego, Pacific Pal, Santa Barbara have this odd problem, can you advise us on this matter?
The new ones need to learn more about men like Ed Dunlap, who spoke up, when he saw errors being repeated and covered over by men. I belive St. Paul did this to Peter, when he was forcing the Gentiles to do something, he was not doing himself. I need to do more research on Ray and Ed. I know this topic is old but many lurkers might be interested in their heritage and proud history you won't find in the Proclaimer's book.
How Will The WTS Society Look In The Year 2030? How Will They Explain Why The Generation Is Now 116 Years Old?
by AvocadoJake inimagine you are here in the year 2030 and nothing has happened?
how will field service be carried out?
will meetings still be at kingdom halls or will halls be used via skype?
A little trivia, did you know that Jim Jones had served his followers a drink called "Grape Flavor-aid" was a cheap knock off of Kool-Aid. The 2034 dates sounds intriguing but I would not doubt anything now. Using the number of years Noah preached with 1914 being the date Jehovah told them (Early Presidents of WTS.) Jesus was installed as King. This is a logical date, that would be swallowed down so quick, with little or no thinking. I heard two brothers in their 30s say, "I don't think we will be seeing the Promised Land in our life time." They talked about all the brothers and sister (Older Ones.) dying off like flies, who were poor, and had no pensions, on State Care (Welfare for the Poor.). Why don't the older Special Pioneers get a free retirement like the COs and DOs we are ponying up for now? They move into our Hall and we pay their expenses, while WTS gives them $300 or a little more for living expenses. Strange, we dump the pioneers, put them on welfare and pay for the shiney happy COs and DOs, with apartments and new modest homes. Aint that nice! One of the annointed back in 1990 claimed his reasearch pointed towards 2024, he was in his 80s and now dead. He realized he would not see the Good Land, this really sucks to be leading all these people on a string. Don't they have a conscience and have the fortitude to say "Hey We Are Wrong! Can You Forgive Us? We Had Good Motives And Beg For Your Forgiveness! Please Don't Shun Us, We Tried!" yet it is endless Carrot dangled before the horse driven Cart." Poor Horsie never gets that carrot, it's dried up and blown away!