JoinedTopics Started by logical1
Watchtower Is Outraged! Look What Comes Up When You Type Jehovah's Witnesses on Google!
by BucketShopBill inhttp://www.familiesagainstcultteachings.org/education-about-cults/destructive-groups/.
google will put up in the number one slot who ever is paying them the highest amount of cash, i was surprised to see what changed over the last two days, what do you make of this?
when i typed in jehovah's witnesses news the following link and story came up!
Stupid Illustration
by piztjw inso this morning a young gun elderoid type of about twenty-five gave a pt about faith.. he used what i thought was a real stupid illustration:.
you are told that you must leave in your car this afternoon and drive to florida.
you would be verrrrrrryy worried.
Confidential News from Spain from an "Insider"
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://watchtowerdocuments.org/confidential-news-from-spain/.
the following email was sent to watchtower documents recently from a witness insider in spain.
congratulations for all the information you have given on the legal framework of the watchtower.. in spain, the watchtower is following the instructions coming from patterson that works exclusively with the law firm baker & mckenzie.
Are congregations shrinking?
by logical1 ini haven't been to a meeting in 7 years but i have cruised through the parking lot of about 4 kh's now during peak meeting times and been surprised to see 20 or less cars in the parking lot.. it always seemed when i was younger that the parking lot was a lot more full..
House of Judah - Former cult that used NWT
by logical1 in"i would speculate (the house) to be the prophets.
he was the dominant person, and he had the best, the biggest and the nicest, cain said while walking the property, which has since reverted to allegan county, records show.. one of the items cain found in the house: a new world translation of holy scriptures.
it was ragged, crumbling to dust at the corners.".
What if most of the R&F Jdubs upped and left ?
by Phizzy ini know a mass exodus is about as likely as peace between the arabs and israelis, but just imagine if it did happen, most of the r&f jdubs, and in fact most of the r&f of any religion.. the nasty guys at the top would be left up the proverbial creek with no paddle.. therefore it is the rank and file members of any religion that keep it going, so they are, if ignorantly and without malice, supporting the nasty guys.. the gb of the wt, the mad mullahs, the pope and his coterie of kiddy-fiddlers would all come crashing down.. therefore i shall no longer make excuses for the r&f of any movement that is rotten, they may be ignorant, but that is no excuse, and by supporting the edifice they are as guilty as the perpetrators who suicide bomb, murder abortion performing doctors, and all the child abusers within these organizations.. if you give your support just a little bit you have to carry some of the blame.. .
Great arguments, play devils advocate for me
by logical1 inpretend you're a faithful witness and devils advocate these arguments for me to help fine tune them:.
fallacy of perfection:.
"there will be no more sickness and death in the new earth...".
Does the WT have spies here?
by logical1 indoes bethel have spies here that are exempt from the "no looking at apostate material" in order to "protect" the org?
their job is to view apostate material so they can find out who they can send copyright infringement claims to?.
Old family friend won't go away
by logical1 inmy mom lives far away and still "holds vigilant" to her beliefs, but i hardly ever hear about her going to a meeting (always has an excuse).. her friend that lives near my uncles house (i am often at my uncles house visiting him) is always coming by making small talk with them to leave magazines.
it's kind of hilarious because not only i, but the entire house now hides in the back when she pulls in the driveway.
i told my uncle that even though it's the "easier way" he shouldn't accept the magazines, since thats an open invitation for her to come back.. i like to compare her to the crackhead that visists my house every so often.
by jnrtigbfxd0 inhey everybody im new here.
currently a pioneer in my early 20's, started straight out of high school, now wanting to go to college and working on getting out of pioneering.
also a former bethelite, ill make a thread on that soon.. .