JoinedTopics Started by IamPresence2012
Destruction by Jehovah, think about this,,,
by IamPresence2012 inthere are now 7 billion people on this planet.
so, jehovah will kill 6 billion 993 million souls.
then resurrect them for a second chance,, what a waste of energy.
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway,,
by IamPresence2012 inround haircuts.
see you in hell, beatles... and/or kids with bowl cuts, surfer cuts or (my favorite) butt cuts.
"seems like a lifetime of exile is a pretty harsh penalty for talking to zoltar.. 4. pulling out.the bible doesn't get too much into birth control... it's clearly pro-populating but, back when it was written, no one really anticipated the condom or the sponge, so those don't get specific bans.
Who can explain this better? Scraching my head,,,
by IamPresence2012 inlets examine the some interesting bible verses.. 1. promotes incestuous relations.
if everyone is the product of adam and eve, then are we all the products of incest?.
2. ridiculous timeline.
You Chose To Be Here On Earth At This Important Time.
by IamPresence2012 innot the mumbo jumbo of wt.
we chose to be here,, you gotta watch this,,,.
Jesus or Yeshua married to Mary Magdalene? And had kids?
by IamPresence2012 ini listened to this reading and was amazed about how so little we know about the most famous person who ever lived at this time.
the link is below, but here are some pointers,,, listen and read with an open mind,,, i know most members are after being duped by organized religion.
it this gets some interest i will post a new one as it comes out next week.. tonight on an hour with an angel, jesus made some startling revelations, perhaps the most interesting of which was the acknowledgement that he did marry mary magdalene, had a daughter sarah who journeyed to the south of france after his departure from this plane, and that sarah was indeed what is known as the holy grail.
Does anyone here believe in ET's? That we are not alone on this vast Universe?
by IamPresence2012 inbeing brought up a jw until age 25. i never made an attempte to search anywhere else for information until i moved out (thank god).
thanks to the internet,, my curiosity led me to different websites, books, documentaries and video presentations.
one of the topic at large was ufo's i remember there was an awake (inthe 80 or 90's) but was too young to comprehend or figure out what it was.