That is incrediable. Even for the wt, that is low. Since no one knows, don't turn him in.
Shaking my head in disgust.
lets dance, we have added "wt letters" section to the website.
it will offer a new letter each week added to a list with an introduction.
read the introduction, click to view the letter and see if it answers the questions.
That is incrediable. Even for the wt, that is low. Since no one knows, don't turn him in.
Shaking my head in disgust.
i asked this in one of the threads ( but i would like to explore it further.. am i the only one to think this or did it seem like the sisters with unbelieving mates and children seemed to be "tolerated" or marginalized?
they never seemed to be "full" witnesses to anybody in the congregation?.
my name is slipnslideius masterus: commander of the armies of the north, general of the felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, marcus aurelius...
That is so true, my step-father was not a jw. And we were never included in any get
togethers at people's houses, or sleep overs for the kids. It was like we didn't belong. the
only time anyone paid attention to my mother is when they thought she needed a head, since
her husband was not a jw, she didn't have one. (The one sitting on her shoulders, didn't count, it
was female you know.) Then they would tell her what to do. She ususally ignored them.
Once on an assemlbly program they interviewed a sister who had an unbelieving mate. And the
brother giving the talk started to talk bad about her husband. And she said, "I love my husband, and
he is a good man, and i am not going to sit up here and say bad things about him." She was very
angry, and then interview didn't go the way the brother wanted it too. In fact, I think that part
actually ended ahead of time.
I also remember an announcement for a skating party,and they said that only jws in good standing
could come, no unbelieveing mates, it was only for members of the congregation. There were many
sisters and their children that choice not to attend that party.
i have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
Hi Heff,
My mother became a witness when I was 6, right before I started in school. So all I ever really knew
was being a jw. And I started raising my kids jw also. But I am so glad that now we are all free.
Most of my family are still witnesses, and most of them still speak to me. I am a walk away. But when
I was a teenager I was df, but because I was young and dumb, I got reinstated.
I was also baptized young, I was 13, and it was 1975 and the elders told my mom that I was too old to
get in the new system on her works. that I had to be baptized or I would die. My mom was
scared to death, and I was forced to get baptized. And of course after you do that you
no longer have a childhood, they expect you to be little adults. No chance to make any mistakes.
I felt alone for a long time too. But just remember, you are not alone.
i am very interested to know how all of you feel about the subject of death and the future.
do you fear death?
what do you think are the possibilities for the future?.
The one thing I do enjoy is living my live now. My mother is still wasting her live, waiting for
that big wonderful thing to happen in the future. I always wondered why we couldn't be happy
now, why we had to wait. I no longer wait. I do things now that make me happy.
But as a kid, I remember thinking, being dead wouldn't be an worse than my life was then, at least
I wouldn't feel anything. So I developed the attitude that either way dead or alive, I was better off.
I knew too, that I wasn't good enough to for Jehovah to save.
It is sad how terrible I felt for years. Now I don't have that guilt. Being free is a great thing.
i have always felt that my goal as a parent should be to raise healthy (where it is up to me), happy, well-adjusted children who will be a credit to society.
for the most part, i think i'm succeeding.
despite and because of my past involvement with jehovah's witnesses.
Hi again,
It was one to the hardest things I ever did sending Blake to the hospital. It was 3 hours away from me in
Kansas City, Ks. And I left him there for a week. I hated it, they only had vistiation in the evening
and I only go visit one time. But I knew if someone else could see how he was, that maybe
we could get him some help.
I held off a long time not wanting to see Blake's problems. When they said he was adhd, I was so
sad. But this year when they told me he was odd, I was relieved, I knew there was more wrong
than just adhd. From email lists I have been on with other partents of adhd children, alot of these
disorders run together, it is called comorbidty (I probably have the spelling wrong). I guess
I am saying that it is not uncommon to have more than one problem.
The increased meds seemed to work well this week. Blake went a whole week with no office
refferals. That is a miracle in itself.
I guess you just have to do what you can to help you kids. And you have to ignore how you might
feel about it. But there are times I really feel like I must have done something to cause all this,
then I think, get real, stuff happens.
Though somedays I wish for kids that just were not so hard to deal with.
Talk later,
adelanto man takes molestation plea.
for weekends in jail.
So the elders investigated and decided it never happened.
elders: hey , did you do this awful thing.
pervert: No, of course not.
There you have it, it never happened. Glad to see someone in the situation had the brains to do
what was right.
i got a fresh hate mail this morning from [email protected].
but when i replied, i got a message saying rannie wasn't receiving mails from my addy!.
rofl at the cowardice of these anonymous trolls!.
Hey, I got one too. I just deleted it. I am not going to waste my time writing back.
i wonder what the percentage is of ex-jws who become involved in other organized religions.
i had a discussion with a psychiatrist friend recently.
he told me that i am a "psychiatric anamoly," that most "devout" people who leave a religion will join another and become as devout in their new religion.
I am a ex-witness that attends church. The church I go to does not stress rules, but your personal
relationship with God. It is a church full of misfits, ex-druggies, ex-drunks, ex-just about anything.
I enjoy the church because I have made some great friends there. and I enjoy the fact that if I
don't want to go I don't have too. No one watching to see how many times you miss. No dress code,
the pastor wears blue jeans, and loud Hawaiian shirts. And they have a praise band, that will rock
your socks off. It is not your normal kind of church. But if they ever started in with alot of rules, and
junk like that, I would leave in a heartbeat. I have a better relationship with God now, than I did as
a jw, and that is what really counts.
i have always felt that my goal as a parent should be to raise healthy (where it is up to me), happy, well-adjusted children who will be a credit to society.
for the most part, i think i'm succeeding.
despite and because of my past involvement with jehovah's witnesses.
I forgot to add this part to my last post. We have a whole truck load of therapist to help us here in S
Salina. Blake has a case manager, I have a therapist, and a wraparound manager, and Blake has his
own theapist, and we are going to start family counseling also, to help Brandon.
the wraparound manager is someone who once a month brings together all the people that work with
Blake, me, therapist, teachers, relatives, coaches, whoever, and we compare notes on how best to help
Blake. We only stress positive things, it is not a place to say bad things about him.
This makes for losts of appointments, and more stress for me, but I am giving it a try to see if it will
help. I have met alot of other parents on email lists for kids with adhd and other emotional problems.
I recently got off the lists because it made me so depressed, to see what I may have to deal with.
But now that I know Blake is also odd, I may have to get back on them.
All we can do is get by and do our best.
i have always felt that my goal as a parent should be to raise healthy (where it is up to me), happy, well-adjusted children who will be a credit to society.
for the most part, i think i'm succeeding.
despite and because of my past involvement with jehovah's witnesses.
Hi Mommie Dark,
My son was diagnosed by a psychiatrist, at the local mental health center, I was sent there last year
by my GP for testing for adhd. This last spring I sent Blake to a pediatric psycology ward for a week to
be observed. That is where they decided he was also ODD. Now with meds, he acts like a typical
little boy. As onery as ever, but not so moody, and does not have these horriable rages. Now when
he starts to rage, he is able to get himself under control with a little help from whoever is
taking care of him, me or the school.
I fought the doctors and the teachers for years before I put him on meds last year. I did everything else
I could think of first. But now I know that he could not survive without medicine. We do have to
take blood tests every so often to check the drug levels, but that is a small thing compared to how
much better his life is all around.
Thanks for the good post.