My oldest sister is deaf. She has been from birth, and that is why she is a jw. She wants to hear someday. That may have been one of the reasons that my mother became one in the first place. It is really sad, because they are wasting their lives on something that will never happen. There are whole cong. of deaf people now. Deaf cong are the new fad, and they have had totally deaf assemblies for years. My neice (deaf sister's daughter) is going to move to KC to help start a deaf cong there. It is really sad the way the wt plays up to people with disabilities.
Posts by pamkw
How Sad
by Ariell ini have a distant cousin, 15 and in a wheel chair.
she's always saying how she can't wait until the new system comes when finally she'll be set free from her handicap and can run around with joyful glee.
it breaks my heart knowing this is never gonna happen and makes me even more angrier.
Howcome the WTS does not include personal testimonies...
by jgnat inhowcome the wts does not include personal testimonies in their meetings (i mean, ones that have not been edited by the writing department)?
oftentimes when i am preparing for an instructional course, i go looking for a sample completed form.
in order that my students are not led astray, i try and find the perfect sample.
When my grandmother died, I wrote a wonderful story of her life to be read at the memorial service. I was so angry, because the stupid elder (who had been her friend for years) changed my tribute to my grandma. He added crap to tie into his talk on the paradise and the hope she had. I had left out any reference to jw except the date she was baptized. I was so upset. I really wanted to read it myself, but that is just no done at a jw funeral.
People (the jws that were there) later told me it was wonderful and loving bit of writing. I just nodded my head, only I knew who much he had messed it up and changed it. That was one of the last times I ever sit foot in a kh.
Kobe charged ! so sad !, will JW's use him as an example for their young ?
by run dont walk inanytime something went wrong in the world with an individual, they would use them as example over and over and over again.. the most common one i heard was brother a got into big trouble with __________ (insert problem here, pick any one), see this is what happens when you leave the organization.. so how many jw's will be saying ............. "did you hear what happened to kobe, big successful athlete, see he didn't have god's organization and satan got him.".
i wonder how many jw parents especially in the la area will make their kids stop wearing number 8. he did and admit to committing adultrey.
sexual assault, i don't think so.
Of course they will. The org never misses a chance to point out how bad worldly people are. After all mistakes are not allowed. Or like it was in my family, you don't make a mistake you did wrong on purpose because you are bad. It is sad that jw are never shown the good things people outside the org do.
Things You'd Love to Say But Don't
by Yizuman inthings you'd love to say but don't.
1) i can see your point, but i still think you're full of shit.
2) i don't know what your problem is, but i'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
Princess, that's the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks for the chuckle.
Do You See In Yourself Continuing Jehovah's Witness Traits?
by minimus infor all of those either out or on their way to the freedom exit door, do you still see traces of your old jw self that rears its ugly head?
I still have problems with guilt. I have been studying up on the origin of man, and stuff like that. When I first went to the library and checked out some books about early man, I felt so guilty. I don't trust people, I wonder what they really want from me, and it is hard to make friends. That whole being afraid to feel thing is big too.
On a good side, I love being able to question everything and learn whatever I want to.
Logic Lures Them in, Emotions Keep them In
by jgnat inthe wtbts was able to get a foothold years ago because they offered a radical departure from traditional christianity.
they offered up an alternative view of god and the afterlife, some prophetic math, and a good kick in the pants to mainline churches.
the catholic (universal) church deserved that kick, caught asleep on the job.
So, now I read the whole thread and see other people sort of brought up what I said. When I was a child we were not allowed to call the jw a religion. It was a big no no, and a kh was never called a church. Now they do it all the time. As far as good things in the jw, I have very few good memories. My mom made two bad decisions that affected my life directly, one was becoming a jw and two was marrying the person she married. The only good thing that came out of it is the person I am today. I like me now, and I had to live through those things to get them. But I see little good in the so called way of life, religion, canned life of a jw.
Logic Lures Them in, Emotions Keep them In
by jgnat inthe wtbts was able to get a foothold years ago because they offered a radical departure from traditional christianity.
they offered up an alternative view of god and the afterlife, some prophetic math, and a good kick in the pants to mainline churches.
the catholic (universal) church deserved that kick, caught asleep on the job.
Funny that you call it a religion. I was always told not to call it a religion. Religion was bad, jw was good. It was a way of life not a religion. Never could figure out the difference myself. It's as big a snare and a racket as they accused others of being in the past.
Is it me or are the Watchtower Publications disappearing ??????
by run dont walk ini was at the hospital the other day in the waiting room for about 2 hours with a friend, and i noticed only one awake magazine from 2000 in the pile of reading material.. i always thought that the watchtower was trying to "preach the good news to all the inhabited earth before the end comes".
well , they don't like the internet, which is the # 1 way to inform people, you cannot get a subscription anymore unless someone at the hall does it for you or you are still attending, probaly why i didn't see any at the hospital, or lawyers office, or doctor's office etc etc etc.. it seems to me that they are trying to limit what info gets out to the outside world, is this not contradicting all they have preached the last 50 years.. no subscriptions for anyone who might want one ?????????.
no new books, for anyone who is not a jw.. what do you think ????????.
While my washing machine was on the outs, I had to go to the local laundrymat.Lots of publishers around here start or end their time putting old mags in the laundrymat. I used to go in and take them home with me so no one else would see them. I do not see as many English mags around here. But I always see the Spanish mags at the doctors office. The locals are making a big push to get the Spanish speaking people interested. I take those home too. I rip them up and slowly throw them in the can.
by DevonMcBride in.
they are now paranoid about mobile phones.
The footnote is what got me. Talking on the phone could be seen as dating. It seems they are a little paranoid that boys and girls might speak to each other. Oh Sorry! I forgot, young people don't talk, they just do everything else.
Did you place publications with people and without reading them ? follow up
by run dont walk inare right fess up people.
how many of us went in field service and placed literature without even opening the covers ?, let alone reading the articles.. how about following up on a return visit for a magazine you never read ?.
i have to admit, i did it many many times.. maybe we should of went into the used car business.
I did it all the time. I just said whatever they told us to in the service meeting. Read the Awake some, but the Watchtower always put me to sleep.