My goodness ... such a non-debate... yeah I know no one ever said that. Anyway about Darwin; he built on the theories and careers of those naturalists who preceeded him; just as scientists in the fields related to natural selection have built on Darwin. We are able to learn more because these men have built on observable facts; facts and experiments which are repeatable. Within the last 40 years we have not only recognised the structure of DNA (2 English scientists if I'm not mistaken); but also decoded the human genome. None of this would have been possible without the previous scientific work. We now have nuclear genetics, something Darwin could only dream about. So can science answer everything right now, of course not. but aren't you glad that the genes for cancer, MS, diabetes, auto immune disease, and other illnesses have already been recognised; someday no one will suffer from these sorts of illnesses. Think about this, what has religion done that even comes close to good? Most of the 21st century genocides are religious (Beslan); the 20th century genocides were religious ... sheesh just look at the Holocaust (shoa) ...
Why is progress possible with science it is because science is a constant building, experimenting and learning AND THEN absorbing the new proven theory which will be built on further; while religious organizations which claim the same Holy Book can't even agree on the contents of said book. And while new discoveries are made of ancient writings many religious folk deny the value of those ex., The Book of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas, Why is that?
Religion is belief. Atheism is not the opposite of belief. Atheism is the strong conviction that god in fact does not nor ever has existed. I don't need to have faith or belief when there are the facts for all the world to see and investigate. Proof in science is specific and it doesn't only happen once. Myth is just that, stories made up about how life came about and usually traceable to their sources, which are of course mythical. If the ancients had the advantage of science they wouldn't have needed to make stuff up. But I must admit that in studying anthropology I found religion fascinating. That really got me thinking about my beliefs as a JW, which of course led to my freedom faith and belief.
Ya' know I have yet to have an atheist try to convert me (when I believed in god) and there were plenty of them at college; now I find many theists all over the chance to show me god's love and goodness.