I have a question.
Do you leave ONE piece of tape on for 6 days or do you change it daily?
a while back we had a thread on the wonders of duct tape.
it is some handy stuff and every household should have a roll.
it so happened that my daughter's doctor had just called me to suggest using duct tape to clear up the warts on her fingers.
I have a question.
Do you leave ONE piece of tape on for 6 days or do you change it daily?
here is something from the landover baptist site that is hilarious.. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0102/phoneoffer.html
Here is something from the landover baptist site that is hilarious.
is this the same channel that you brits get the bbc news on?
there is a show on now called changing rooms.
it's a show where they do remodleing.
Hey Lilacs,
There is an american version of the show "Changing Rooms" on TLC. Its called "Trading Spaces". It's a pretty good show too.
i'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
I just quit smoking. I'm in need of a new addiction and don't really want it to be chocolate. Any suggestions??
will you let your kids see hairy porter and the chamber of demons?
the nameless one's little peeps ain't a seeing that mess.
spiritism is a work of the flesh.
Oh yes!!!! My daughter will be seeing it tonight with her father. I might have to call my mother and mention it. That should make her want to puke. Hehehe!!!!
has anyone seen/watch "crossing over" (john edwards) or seen sylvia brown?
i do believe there are scam artists out there, and i'm not prone to believing in psychics, but these two are very convincing.. i don't believe its demons, because quite frankly i think they have better things to do then get to know someone's life so well they can "mimic" them after death .
part of me is very attracted to "their message" - even the animals "cross over"... but the skeptic in me .
I thought this article was rather enlightning.
And here is another, very entertaining article.
i recieved this email from a customer of mine i have become close to.
she has heard a small portion of the horrid details of my past with the jehovah's witness religion.
today we were talking and that dasterdly topic of religion came up again.
Gosh DJ-
Wish I'd a thought of that.
I'm not asking for anyone to write a reply for me. All I wanted were some concepts that have been discussed here way too many times before. Just something to focus my brain on. That is all.
Thank you Xander for the link to infidels.org. I am getting a lot of ideas there.
And Jim, your right of course. It is the warped views of god that start wars. Not everyone is that far out there. "Normal people don't go killing people!!"
Your right. Thank you.
i recieved this email from a customer of mine i have become close to.
she has heard a small portion of the horrid details of my past with the jehovah's witness religion.
today we were talking and that dasterdly topic of religion came up again.
I recieved this email from a customer of mine I have become close to.
She has heard a small portion of the horrid details of my past with the Jehovah's Witness religion.
Today we were talking and that dasterdly topic of religion came up again. I made some flippent remark about god and not believing in him. (I forgot she was a god-fearin' girl) My mistake. Anyway, I mentioned that god has been the cause of a lot of the wars and even the 9/11 attacks. At least that is what I said, but like most god-fearers, she spoke over most of what I said. God only knows(HAHAHAHA) what she heard. So, I have a problem articulating all the problems with the god theory. Anybody wanna throw some good ones at me to use? At least if I write an email she can't talk over me.
I hope this message isn't too "heavy". I am not trying to upset you or make our friendship WEIRD.....
I understand you might feel that bad things come from God because of the way you were brought up. But really, God loves you and doesn't bring bad things into people's lives. Sometimes "religion" takes people further from God, instead of bringing them closer. I understand you giving up on "religion", but don't give up on God. Someday I hope you can see this in a different light.
Thanks for the help
the other day i was doing some shopping at the local mall with my wife, and she wanted me to go next door to this book store and pick up this book for her.
i went in and picked up the book, and went to the counter to pay for it.
the man looked at the book and it was a title that was not exactly something most men buy.
Wow,I just had to comment!! That was completely me. I spent my entire life with a smile on my face no matter how I felt. When I got out, it caused a lot of problems. I was soo repressed. When the feelings finally started to surface, it was a little scarry. Ya know, when you repress all bad feelings for so long and suddenly the bad feelings are coming out and possibly taking over, well, you gotta wonder how bad they can get. I mean it's not like you were able to express them before.
I finally went to a therapist for help. It did a world of good. I learned how to express myself in the moment and not hours or days later. And I learned that there is no good reason to supress how you feel. I am free now.
oh my god.....im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo upset jan has left us.
she was one of the first ones there to pick me up when the world inside the jws went black for me in 1996.
Just found out. Just wanted to send my condolences to the family. She will be sorely missed here and everywhere.