I would like your opinions on how it might relate to how we view each other.
Do you mean how we on the board view each other? That was the meaning I got from it. If so, it takes on a new "path" to what's been noted so far.
First, I suppose a "purpose" for the board would have to be stated. Those could include education, healing, a chance to vent, a way to strike back at the WBTS, etc. And if more than one of those apply to each of us, the mix is different for all. Some may be more into the need to vent/heal than to learn, necessarily.
About the only purpose I see above that could be seen as having "sides" would be to strike back. There has been the occasional debate, usually between two posters in an unrelated (maybe semi-related) thread, on whether or not that's the reason for JWD, and that very rarely.
Farkel makes a good point when he mentions neutrality. In this case, A can say they believe the board is a tool for the WBTS' destruction, B can say it is not the purpose. Is B opposing A? Well, yes and no. Yes, verbally. In terms of practical effect, one could say B's neutral (not doing anything actively to oppose, if that were possible somehow) or not (practical effects test).
It might be possible to make a case that YouKnow, SwordofJah, and others educate more than they oppose when they debate the anti-JW mood here. Fence-sitters can see devoted (not being sarcastic) believers in action, their thought processes, how they respond to particular issues, and as Jesus said, "[they them]selves said it." Their words bear witness for or against them later.
Lots of activities in life require an "either/or" response from people, and we run our politics the same way. Hot-button issues are almost barren of a middle ground, sometimes because partisans for both sides won't let you be neutral--they demand to know where you stand. God help you if you're on trial and they get on the jury.