Stupid yes, but dangerous for you. They know that things are not as they were, they know that you are drawing away from the religion, You liken it to when as a teenager we used to try to "Pull the wool over " our parents eyes, it is exctly the same,as far as they are concerned.
The difference now is you are in the driving seat, what do you wish to achieve ? a fade ? so no DA or worse DF ?
You must tread warily, but I think it best to call the shots to a great degree, let them know you will not rock too many boats, but if they try to bully your family, they will not see you again, you will DF them !
They will more likely decide to back off and let things stay as they are, when they realise that tearing the family apart is their choice, and they cannot blame you for it. But these things need to be made plain, pussy-footing too much leavbes them with the power.