Tonus OH said : " Having one meeting during the week and none on the weekend seems unusual to me. A one or two-hour meeting on a Sunday morning would be pretty typical for most Christians, wouldn't it? "
Unusual yes, but anachronistic, stemming from the days when people worked long hours, six days a Week, and Sunday was the only time they had to go to Church.
It may in fact be a good move, conventional Churches have a dwindling attendance at Weekends, for obvious reasons, people don't want to waste a Sunday, or Saturday.
"Unconventional" has never bothered the J.W Org. In fact, it was a selling point as far as Rutherford, and later Knorr and Franz were concerned, an identifying "marker" that the "true" religion was different.
In can easily be spun as a "Loving provision from Jehovah, leaving time for families to be together, to Study together, and to have some leisure time together, isn't our loving god wonderful brothers ?".
I put nothing past them in their efforts to retain members.