JoinedPosts by Godsendconspirator
received revealing "witness" in parking lot
by Magnum ina few weeks ago i was working out of my home state and was in a grocery store parking lot when i received my first jw witness since leaving jwdom.
a youngish-looking lady was sitting in an suv parked next to my car and i was about to get in my car to leave.
she opened the door and asked whether she could give me something to read (had a tract in her hand)..
You did an awesome job. I don't really try to talk to witnesses anymore but I never mentioned the past before. The reason is right before I left, an elder had a talk saying he noticed that a person is an apostate if they tend to bring up 1975, Charles Russell and any old teaching. The whole talk was scary how much control they want over their followers. -
JW.ORG sign finally hung on Bonita Springs, FL Kingdom Hall
by HappyDad indriving past the kh in bonita springs quite often, i noticed today that they finally put the blue sign on one of the driveway columns facing the street.
they've blasted religion for years for the cross or whatever else they display, saying it is idolatry.
i don't find this sign any different than christian churches displaying the cross or synagogues having the star of david.
Once at a convention, the CO said that the least publication used in field service was the bible itself. Makes sense. -
JW speaks for all French JW's
by Jonathan Drake inhttp://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/2015/01/jehovahs-witness-respect-us.html/.
click the link on the page at the top next to "re:" for full story.
i wonder if this guy had permission to address the media on watchtowers response?
I started studying in high school. I got baptized shortly after graduation. My friends that I grew up say that as I became a JW, I became easily angered and offended at everything. I never noticed. Neither have any other JW. And I dislike their humblebrag attitude. They go to "religious services regularly and participating in our door-to-door ministry activities" as if to subtly preach their dedication without being too brazen. -
Saturday morning JW knock knock
by FirstLastName ini was home on saturday morning, around 10:30 a.m. when i heard my doorbell ring.
i checked my security monitor and could see two jw women at my door.
i breathed in deeply.my husband works a graveyard shift and was sleeping.
Word. I always want to say something when I pass by the JWs with their cart of magazines and books in the street. But I don't. It's sad to see them waste away. -
The Bible's huge implicit contradiction on the subject of love for God vs love for your fellow man.
by Island Man in"if anyone makes the statement: i love god, and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.
for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving god, whom he has not seen" - 1 john 4:20. here the bible implies that it is far easier to love a visible person than an invisible one.
therefore if one lacks love for a visible person, how much more so he must lack love for the invisible god.
If you are willing to sell your soul, your soul is not yet worth enough to sell. -
2015 March-Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis inis the watchtower having problems with meetings for field service?
are field service meetings being viewed as "less" important than other meetings?.
2015 march, our kingdom ministry.. click the link by the blue arrow.. https://www.sendspace.com/file/fwcmcc ;.
When will they realize that preaching is useless not because of the way it's presented but because people don't really care. They've become the physical version of email spam. -
1st POST: A romance with a JW
by myangelface ini am not a jw ...however i began having bible studies (i d call them watchtower studies).
i was beginning to get lured in and brainwashed into accepting the religion as the true religion...but something inside of me told me there was something odd.
some time passes and i was invited to a meeting and i accepted.
I was in the same situation, as many other people were in. I have never once read a story where the JW and the nonJW lived happily ever after.
Don't waste your time sweetheart so matter how good it seems. He will always think the religion is better.Link +1 / -0 -
What was your experience in school as a Jehovah's Witness youth? What were some of your regrets and how did your peers treat you?
by adjusted knowledge ini was in the first month of kindergarten on the night my parents had their first bible study with the jehovahs witnesses.
it was around october and would be my last halloween, christmas, and birthday.
i cherished those last memories though i cant really recall my last birthday celebration as a child.
I had a girlfriend who was real into me. I felt guilty about dating her so we broke up. Now shes's engaged. -
Becoming officially inactive
by All for show ini don't want to turn in my token time anymore.
it's only a few hours counting what we do with the kids.
i don't want it counted for their skewed statistics- or to just for the sake of doing it.
Maybe you could go out in service once a month and lie on your report? They have no proof of your hours anyway and you could just chalk it up to "informal witnessing" -
If you're bothered by god murdering innocent children, you must have a "critical heart"
by OneEyedJoe inthis week's book study contains this gem:.
the way in which the bible is written serves to test what is in our heart.
hebrews 4:12 says: the word [or, message] of god is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit .
"If there is a God, death is not final but a change of environment, or surrounding"
If God is all powerful why doesn't he just set up the situation like this:
Israelites: "Hey can you guys with all your weapons just go away?"
Everybody else: "Sure"
He surely can do it but instead he chooses to murder everybody in cold blood.