No zombie...The notion that people whose behavior is not up to a group's standard or have different religious beliefs should be separated from friends and family, is sickening. Your suggestion that they 'reaped what they sowed' is more than disturbing. The church's controls are not just in its dictation of morality; its controls dictate family relationships, friendships and self-worth. For every person that has left or been expelled a dozen others' lives were affected, in many cases in profound ways, parents losing children, and children losing parents for examples. I don't know your experience, but millions of people carry scars that last for lifetimes. My family included.
As regards the label 'cult'. Use it if you feel it fits, many do. Some feel the church is no more harmful than others, such as the Mormons or Pentecostals. That may be true. Then go read posts about the pain and damaged lives those churches inflicted. No, these churches do not drink poison kool aid, but they do ruin lives and are responsible for many suicides.