it's the Governing Body...
JoinedPosts by Tater-T
Do we have to avoid churches to avoid Babylon the Great?
by ShadesofGrey ini have several friends who are concerned about getting baptized at a church, attending a church, taking advantage of their youth services, homeschool groups etc.... .
i think that this is because they still believe the babylon the great doctrine and think that if a church or church leader has any teachings "wrong" then they are part of babylon the great... some thoughts:.
using churches for certain services is not the same as belonging to them.
Call to legal department Jan 6, 2012
by koolaid-man introubled former witness calls legal department at the watchtower organization.............. dale beckman says, can the "society" be guilty of "alienation of affection?
" in my case, my family has been told it is proper to hate me and to do nothing to help me in any way - otherwise, they could be considered a sharer in my works of "unforgivable sin.
" they are told not to even greet me.
I'm down I wanna start.. a class action lawsuit... on Hate.. crimes .. the lovingest people on earth exposed as haters... The publicity would kill them!!
These clowns need to go down!!
Anybody play videogames here?
by DonutZ! inmy favorite games are fallout 3- played over 250 hours, black ops- played over 500 hours multiplayer/zombies, gta 4- played around 90 hours, pokemon ruby- played over 30 hours, pokemon firered- played over 30 hours.
i have modern warfare 3 but its kinda not what i expected, black ops was more fun.
what do you guys play?
i play ncaa football and GTA 4 on ps3.. my name on there is calnotinjr.. look it up friend me if you want...
hello I Am the Tater-T
by Tater-T inso here i am... finally.. i'm 3rd gen, df'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... i'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up jw 1960-2010. by not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here iam... thanks to this site and all of you... everyone on my dad's side of family is df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to idaho to see us from hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric.... i don't know where i'm going with this... i just want to change my way of thinking.. i can't see the future... but now i know why.... i have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a jw child.. in 3rd grade i never got see one cartoon on saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome hong kong phooey was... i just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry lol ... i think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'unforgivable' sin.... that it for now l8r t8r.
and the look of terror was when he said 'Demons they will get inside you.'. I can't imagine telling that too a 5 year old.. but they have the truth
hello I Am the Tater-T
by Tater-T inso here i am... finally.. i'm 3rd gen, df'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... i'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up jw 1960-2010. by not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here iam... thanks to this site and all of you... everyone on my dad's side of family is df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to idaho to see us from hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric.... i don't know where i'm going with this... i just want to change my way of thinking.. i can't see the future... but now i know why.... i have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a jw child.. in 3rd grade i never got see one cartoon on saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome hong kong phooey was... i just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry lol ... i think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'unforgivable' sin.... that it for now l8r t8r.
Thanks Painted toe nail good point... I feel much better already... yes mouthy it is difficut to admit.. I worry for my Sister now she waited to have kids.. well you know why .. late 40's .. now over 50 w 3 youngest is 5. on her last visit .. I said to 5yo
'you want to go to a movie'
he said,' no!not ones with Demon's!' and a look of terror! It made me sick
The two older ones have learning disabilities, walked before crawling.. step skippers.. someone scolded her on FB for not getting them help..
I'm guessing since the new system is right around the corner... I'm glad she is coming see us thats a start...
has any one noticed this, my younger sister is DF'd like me for the same offense.. yet all JW's talk to her if they see her.. I'm the freaking Plague.. never got they pick and chose
hello I Am the Tater-T
by Tater-T inso here i am... finally.. i'm 3rd gen, df'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... i'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up jw 1960-2010. by not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here iam... thanks to this site and all of you... everyone on my dad's side of family is df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to idaho to see us from hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric.... i don't know where i'm going with this... i just want to change my way of thinking.. i can't see the future... but now i know why.... i have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a jw child.. in 3rd grade i never got see one cartoon on saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome hong kong phooey was... i just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry lol ... i think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'unforgivable' sin.... that it for now l8r t8r.
thanks! it is because of that everyone in my family wouldn't talk about it!! I just started opening up, with my brothers.. and a cousin too,..
Turning point for me was in 2009, when witnessing to a friend on why i don't celibrate Christamas..I said " Don't you examine the truths and origins of your religious beliefs!?" and it hit me I'm giving advice I havent taken myself! first site I saw was JW recovery...
the young pionneer, who help me in my inoculation... was always pointing out that JW's are like a Cult in every way but they are not, because a cult has to have ONE MAN as a leader... he wanted make sure I knew the right answer if some said your in a cult.. Everything in says cult but they are not ! Got IT.... when JW recovery pointed the GB is that One man!! Game Over.. I spent several days full of fear.. digging .. then not knowing what do with new found knowledge put it away till now
I don't know what made me look again.. or how I came upon this site but, when I did it all started up again,, I've beeen reading post for days ..
I love it it has helped me... I'm not Afraid anymore.. aleast not of them..
hello I Am the Tater-T
by Tater-T inso here i am... finally.. i'm 3rd gen, df'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... i'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up jw 1960-2010. by not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here iam... thanks to this site and all of you... everyone on my dad's side of family is df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to idaho to see us from hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric.... i don't know where i'm going with this... i just want to change my way of thinking.. i can't see the future... but now i know why.... i have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a jw child.. in 3rd grade i never got see one cartoon on saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome hong kong phooey was... i just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry lol ... i think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'unforgivable' sin.... that it for now l8r t8r.
so Here I am... Finally.. I'm 3rd gen, DF'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... I'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up JW 1960-2010
By not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here Iam... thanks to this site and all of you..
Everyone on my Dad's side of family is Df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to Idaho to see us from Hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric...
I don't know where I'm going with this... I just want to change my way of thinking.. I can't see the future... but now I know why...
I have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a JW child.. in 3rd grade I never got see one cartoon on Saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome Hong Kong Phooey was... I just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry LOL ..
I think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the Truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'UNFORGIVABLE' sin...
that it for now L8r T8R
I guess I am no more a girlfriend in dilemma
by DilemmaGF ini think my boyfriend just dumped for jw.
he is an inactive jw, he was the the one who started tp pursue the relationship and now he kind of shunning me.
i don't why, maybe because he sensed that i am trying to tell him a lot about the true jesus and because he felt like he can't convert me, but that's okay, i understand.
Hey dilemmaGF..It's his problem.. that's how bad this Is... I've been DF'd for 22 years and still belevieved it was the truth... I have ruined my life, by shunning the world and shunning the BORG.. I'm the lonliest person i know.. He is motivated by fear.. yet his inner voice is telling him THEY are wrong..
I 've lived this... I'm so happy to say I HATE what the Watchtower has done to me.. Shame Shame Shame on them... They are the cruelest Society on earth and they .. claim to have love among themselves ..far from it...
can any one tell me how to start my own thread?
L8R T8r
by BizzyBee inadios, amigos!.
the bees leave southern california at o'dark-hundred in the morning for ten days in the great state of florida (bts territory!).
lax to orlando, then moving towards tampa for mr bee's golf tournament, on to a place called rotonda (yup - a development shaped like a rotunda) for a few days, golf lessons for me, then north for a couple of nights with friends in eustis.
have fun me from so cal too..
Newton, Einstein, Naturalism, and Walking Fish- Naturalism vs Supernaturalism. Put up or Shut up!!!
by whereami in.
new to this site .. love it though... finally ..