When confronted with all of the inconsistencies and atrocities of the bible...
Isn't that kinda poisoning the well?
Most of the popularly cited "inconsistencies and attrocities" are dealt with here and here from a biblical and historical perspective. Other worldviews are effectively dealt with here and here.
Essentially we are under condemnation from the womb. If you think we have a right to life, then MUCH of what God has done will appear wrong.
And please don't tell me "The lord has revealed himself to me".
Here's a list of things that from what I have personally experienced and learned may prevent God from revealing himself to a person, even though he is familiar with Jesus:
1. A person must be willing to say good-bye to all his worldly posessions and even his own mother and father.
2. He must abandon himself to Jesus.
3. He must not only believe in Jesus as a historical figure but trust in him. For me, the kind of trust that it took for God to accept me is similar to jumping out of an airplane with a parachute on. People either fail to jump, or they fail to pull the rip cord, or they pull the rip cord of something other than the parachute, which is Christ our Savior. Most of us as JW's took the jump, but the cord we pulled wasn't Jesus Christ, it was the Watchtower corporation and our works. We might as well have tried to just flap our arms. The crash was inevetible.
4. A person will fail to have God revealed to him personally if he puts his trust in Jesus AND ________________ (anything else). Jesus utterly rejects such a person.
5. Failure to Repent
I repented a number of times as a JW and afterwards but failed in the other respects.... never met God in those circumstances. Later, when I did it the biblical way, I did. The bottom line is that there is much more to getting right with God than a casual belief in Jesus. You must be born again or you will definitely never meet God in this life and in the next there is only a meeting at Judgment for your sins to expect.
Hope this helps.