Dear all,
I've not been posting for some time as my dear husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. We are awaiting further tests and are terrified. Can anyone out there offer comfort or perhaps personal experiences?
dear all,.
i've not been posting for some time as my dear husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
we are awaiting further tests and are terrified.
Dear all,
I've not been posting for some time as my dear husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. We are awaiting further tests and are terrified. Can anyone out there offer comfort or perhaps personal experiences?
love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control.
which do you find most difficult?.
(please correct me if i got them wrong, it's been a while since my mom made me recite them)
i followed the post started by puternut about doctors/artists/pornea etc.
with great interest, and it made me wonder, what would happen if a dub took a job modelling for life classes?
has anyone done it?
I followed the post started by Puternut about doctors/artists/pornea etc. with great interest, and it made me wonder, what would happen if a dub took a job modelling for life classes? Has anyone done it?
over on beliefnet, a dub posted this:.
its a resolution presented to the un to ban religion.
The fact that the UN seems to be supportive of religious freedoms means that it will be more of a shock and surprise when religion falls "overnight". I am sure this will happen, you can see it developing.
i was wondering why all the newly built kingdom halls don't have windows anymore!
i remember going to the hall in the 70's and we had lots of windows.
then they started building them without.
I was sitting next to a window once, when an air rifle pellett whistled past my ear. Livened up the public talk no end.
one thing jehovah's witnesses do is they try to make their adherents feel afraid.
fear is a major reason to go to meetings, out in service, personal study, etc.
jws are always talking about the great tribulation and armageddon.
No, as the teaching of the New System had been knocked home the most. I even remember thinking as a child wouldn't it be better to die now and get to the new order faster. Twisted, huh?
As a Supreme One, are you omnipotent, or merely omnipresent?
just got through having a conversation with two mormons going door to door on this cold saturday here in fort worth, texas.
damn, they remind me so much of jehovah's witnesses it isn't even funny: the same zeal, the same conviction, the same confidence.
as a matter of fact, they seemed a lot more of all these things.
I say I'm a JW. Works a charm.
so, i'm sitting in front of the tube surfing through channels, and i come upon the tail end of a jw commercial whose tag line is "love builds happy families", and i'm thinking, only if you submit to wt brainwashing.
once on the inside, if you choose to leave, you'll really begin to see the "love" jws are all about.. i guess with dwindling membership and their much ado about nothing house to house "ministries" bringing no new blood in, they're taking a recruiting cue from christendom.
Are you certain it wasn't a Mormon commercial, I didn't realise the dubs were hitting the airwaves?
last night, abc tv's 20/20 aired a one-hour segment entitled "lies, myths, and downright stupidity", hosted by john stossel.
the intent of the program was to prove that certain commonly held beliefs (such as the myth that exposure to cold makes one catch a cold) are untrue.. listed as the number one myth was: "life is getting worse", a look at the common notion that the world has continually become worse as a place to live.
evidence was presented that debunks this claim, such as:.
I mentioned this to my husband and he said no matter how good things are we're all going to die so whats there to be happy about?