you're in - you're out - you're in - you're out - guess what - we won't do that here!!!!
former on the board and glad to see it so active.
the latest round of "new light" in the recent km has reversed the rules and once again my family has been told to shun me.
i da'd in my early 20's after being very active since childhood and have been out of the "borg" now for nearly 18 years.. i look forward to reading and posting as i get more familiar with the names here.. rgw.
you're in - you're out - you're in - you're out - guess what - we won't do that here!!!!
atlanta, georgia (cnn) -- a suburban atlanta school board thursday night voted unanimously to allow teachers to introduce students to different views about the origins of life.
the cobb county board of education, the state's second-largest school board, approved the policy change after limited discussion, calling it a "necessary element of providing a balanced education.
the board's vote drew cheers from some and expressions of dismay from others in the packed meeting room.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- A suburban Atlanta school board Thursday night voted unanimously to allow teachers to introduce students to different views about the origins of life.
The Cobb County Board of Education, the state's second-largest school board, approved the policy change after limited discussion, calling it a "necessary element of providing a balanced education."
The board's vote drew cheers from some and expressions of dismay from others in the packed meeting room.
"This supposed victory [by proponents of alternate theories] was shallow, very shallow," said Jeffrey Selman. Selman and other opponents believe the new policy is a step toward introducing religion -- in particular, creationism -- in public schools. "We're going to be watching this very closely."
The adopted policy, however, included language intended to clarify the board's position that its action is not an endorsement of one particular theory over another.
"It is the intent of the Cobb County Board of Education that this policy not be interpreted to restrict the teaching of evolution; to promote or require the teaching of creationism; or to discriminate for or against a particular set of religious beliefs, religion in general or non-religion," a portion of the policy said.
The board's decision pleased Michael Gray, a Cobb high school junior.
"I had to do a term paper about evolution and there were just things that I could disprove or have alternate reasons for," Gray told The Associated Press. "I want my brother and sister to be given the option and not told it's the absolute truth."
A lawsuit, filed last month by Selman and the American Civil Liberties Union, prompted the board to reconsider its policy.
Selman, who has a son in Cobb schools, sued the system because some middle and high school science textbooks include a disclaimer telling students that evolution is a theory and not a fact. He argued that the disclaimer was a step toward introducing religion in schools, which is unconstitutional.
Some educators agreed. "This is an intrusion of theological views into the classroom," said Wyatt Anderson, dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia. "What our students need to learn ... is science."
Cobb school officials took another look at the policy and discussed amending it to include other theories, said board member Lindsey Tippins.
The new policy, he said, drops a provision barring the district from teaching views contrary to "family values," which he said had been struck down by the courts.
"We're just cleaning up an old policy," Tippins said, who added that officials don't want to force religious thought on students.
Larry Taylor, who has three children in the Cobb County schools, said he doesn't advocate creationism but believes evolution should not be presented as the only acceptable theory.
"Evolution has not been proven," said Taylor, who joined the debate over what should be taught in Cobb schools after reading about the ACLU lawsuit. "There are a growing number of scientists who are skeptical about Darwinism."
The debate of teaching about the origin of species is not limited to suburban Georgia. Ohio educators and parents are split over teaching "intelligent design," which theorizes that life was designed by a higher power.
In Kansas last year, the state Board of Education voted to restore the theory of evolution to its curriculum, which had been removed in a controversial vote two years earlier.
did i read here last week that there was a movement to tie stuffed lambs on the doors of the khs on the same day of the ny march?
or did i have a silent lambs dream?
anyway, i was in a department store during lunch and they had these cute little animals in a toy bin with several lambs.
Yes, I intend on leaving a bunch of candle votives in bags w/sand & a lamb (although not an official lamb - a much bigger one that i dyed pink) w/a letter explaining why its there. Am leaving home @ 4:30 AM so that I can get it done before I get to work.
so now in the space of a few short months television programmes on national networks in the us, uk, canada and australia.
we see regular newspaper articles and radio phone ins on the subject.
but is anything changing?
From your posts, you stated you were a "sort-of" active witness. As one, does the rank & file JW's no longer believe the WTBS is the "mouthpiece" of God? When I was a JW, not only were they the mouthpiece, they were the wife! Has this changed?
And, may I ask how the Catholic religion is hypocritical? If you are talking about their covering up their priest abuse of children, they aren't the ones passing judgement on EVERY other religion. The only ones that tend to do that guessed it! the JW's.
Also, in any religion - SUPPORT for the victim is the first thought. I have heard of MANY who were actually double victimized because they were the ones outcasted for their complaints - most of whom had never reported to government authorities, but were just trying to protect others within their own congregation.
so now in the space of a few short months television programmes on national networks in the us, uk, canada and australia.
we see regular newspaper articles and radio phone ins on the subject.
but is anything changing?
The only ones that seem to have taken any note are the more thinking JWs, the only problem here being that these are the ones that recognize that the organization and elders are fallible and so expect them to make mistakes. They also recognize that the "two witnesses" policy can be argued in scripture and that ministers around the world use their "privilidge" of silence in respect of the actions of their parishoners (i.e, catholic priests who formerly covered up for Irish Bombers). To these people (of which i include myself in that group) it would seem that the society have got it wrong and they have made mistakes, but they are men.
I don't see how imperfect humans could make mistakes that cause children the kind of suffering that has happened. Just because the "elders" are imperfect - God is not and therefore should have had this issue resolved decades ago (my abuse was during the 70's for goodness sake). From your argument, I would say the only bright light JW's receive is on dates, not real social issues that they publish articles on. Also, to use as an example, continually pointing at the Catholic religion & their mistakes/decisions is really a poor example for the only true religion isn't it? Why do JW's always compare themselves to other religions when it suits their purpose, but lambast same religion when that suits them? Not arguing with you - just pointing out something that always bugged me when I was a JW
since leaving the jws faith i have become a very naughty boy.
since i left i have started to lie and not care,i swear a lot,i have even stolen something like a choccy bar or drink,.
i suppose i feel mislead and have become a very rebellious boy, i wonder if any of you have experienced these changes in your personality.. but what pees me off , is say there is a god and hes watching me, i suppose im dead meat in his eyes due to being an unrepentant sinner.. so what would you do lead a life independent of god and do what you like when you want or would you take a chance and be good and assume there might be a god and hope to go to heaven or wherever.. but i am very happy thank goodness.
I still believe in "the golden rule", so therefore I don't do anything I wouldn't want done to me.....if the entire world lived on that one small principle - we wouldn't need God or any religion!
some of you may remember my son's struggle with his beliefs about a year ago.
benjamin was brought up as a jw and was heavily involved, used extensively on the platform as a good jw role model.
however, about a year ago (when he was 13) he started to have doubts and went through a cycle of depression, even contemplating suicide.
It sounds as if your wife will be definitely marked as "weak", but as to being in trouble, I could think they would only have grounds because she disrespected "authority" in refusing to allow the elders to meet with her son. Also, since when did they start forcing a child of Benjamin's age to meet w/the elders in the back room alone?
I think it depends on the personality of the congregation. Is your wife generally held in high regard/standing? If so, they'll probably drop the whole thing.
what would actually happen to the x-million jws out there?
(this is a rather far fetched scenario, but bear with me!
imagine if one day the borg were to release a letter to each cong in the world to be read simultaneously.
I think Simon would need ALOT more help!
i just finished listening to "what does our future hold" speech on randy's site, and it brought this thought to mind..... i don't feel the r/f jw's will see this as anything but satan's "deviously scheming" to bring an end to their organization.
after all, most who will attend the march are either "apostates" (or will be) or df'd.
i wonder if most will see it as a "sign" that the end is really near, and send them running back to the halls?.
recently, i have had a few occasions when it's been neccessary - no, essential - that i say sorry to someone for something that i have said or done, in order that someone's hurt feelings are healed.. it doesn't make me feel demeaned at all when i say sorry, i don't feel any less of a person because i have apologised, although i am aware that some people find it almost impossible to apologise.. what do you think?
is it a sign of weakness to apologise?
is apologising a desirable thing?
you always here "real love means never having to say your sorry", but i say bull to that. It takes a lot of courage to admit one is wrong, and it shows true consideration of anothers feelings to vocally acknowledge a mistake.