My image?? my reputation at JWD???
Hell I don't know.
Should I be concerned???
I know, YOU tell me.
what impression do you think you make here at jwd?
what do people think of you?
My image?? my reputation at JWD???
Hell I don't know.
Should I be concerned???
I know, YOU tell me.
i am out of the borg now about two years - but can say that i still have no social group in my life to replace them.
i participate in several activities that i consider social in nature - this board as example.
i have some 'acquaintances', but no real social structure in my life.
Yeah Jeff, I have excellent social skills you dumb creep. Who the hell are you to ask me a stupid question like that???
By the way, do you want to be my friend??
Yes I realized a short time after the df'n that my social skills were pretty much not there.
It took time and I still feel lacking. Although I am doing much better and have several friends I can talk with and we help each other out with different projects.
Give it time AND work on it and it gets better. I just had to start out some what new and keep at it.
Outoftheorg of the poor sense of humor group.
whilst at london bethel, i witnessed this first hand.
i know that it went on there.
those from brooklyn bethel (i understand that there are a few ex brooklyn bethelites here), the question i have for you is 'did you witness/hear of any over your side of the pond?
This thread is of some interest for me. In only one respect.
I was raised in a religion that condemned homosexuals as deserving the wrath of God and nothing else. This religion claimed to be the only organization on earth directed by Gods holy spirit. In other words directed by God himself.
To learn that this religion had leaders with sexual confusion and homosexual desires and homosexuals in their headquarters, is just one more proof of the insane hypocrisy of the organization.
So the "organization" itself is in no way any different than society in general. It had all of the traits of society in general and with it all the problems and questions that the human species has always had.
The "organization" was bull shit, and no greater in any way than you and I and the average human.
Other than that, 'homosexuality" is a non issue for me.
when i was new to message board posting, i once got a little to involved with the people and found myself sucked into debate and people getting all grouped up in support of one another.
yet, i had never met anyone on the message board.
until one day, one of the people who debated me the most mentioned where he worked and it was in a town about two hours away.
Freetobeme Hi
I live in western Idaho close to Ontario Oregon. Merry Magdalene lives about 150 mile north of me.
Maybe we could meet up some day??
to show what we are really made of.
i have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress.
i will not reveal what it is at this time.
Yes Defd heart break is truly devastating. The pain is there 24 hrs a day and never ceases.
Part of this is because when the heart is involved our pragmatic part of the brain seems to shut down.
It affects our level of self respect and we can lose our identity.
There in lies another problem, our thought patterns become unstable and questionable as our feelings take command. We begin to make decisions and function on feelings rather than logic.
This is when most of us would need to consult someone NOT INVOLVED in any way and find help from a counselor. This person needs to be trained and certified or they are mostly useless.
Friends and family make awful counselors.
From the distance seperating us I am of little more use to you.
But rest assured that I certainly DO FEEL YOUR PAIN as tears fill my eyes and memories of my past resurface.
to show what we are really made of.
i have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress.
i will not reveal what it is at this time.
How true that is JEZ attitude is always all important.
The rankist drug user will never survive or fit in socially by quiting drugs, until they adjust their attitude.
to show what we are really made of.
i have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress.
i will not reveal what it is at this time.
Defd, humans do not like change, any change, but even more so if it disturbs our routine our way of doing things our thoughts or beliefs.
Why is this so? Because we are lazy and change makes us work harder and longer to adapt to the change.
But change we must. The whole world has always been in a constant changing from year to year.
Unless the change is life threatening, it almost always brings us something new and useful.
I went through a time in my life when suicide was tempting.
My life was destroyed, marriage broken, business bankrupt, loss of acceptance by siblings and some children.
This took place in 1991. Starting in about 1994 I have had the best years of my life. I am contented with myself, God, my neighbors and friends and my life in general is happy and calm.
Looking back, the worst of all things turned out to be the best of times.
What ever you are facing, you can live through it, life goes on, happiness is there for the taking, good things and bad things may happen, but life is always difficult in some ways.
Examine and reexamine all the good things and those to come DAILY, until this also passes.
Then this like all things, will be in the past and looked at from time to time and nothing more.
to show what we are really made of.
i have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress.
i will not reveal what it is at this time.
It is the unusual person that never encounters stress at various levels.
I have been told that stress is the result of how we "react" to an unwanted or disturbing change or situation in our lives.
In one of your posts, it seems you see this coming and do not know what to do.
It is always best to determine if this is an UNCHANGEABLE UNSTOPABLE change.
If it is, take action NOW to deal with this in the way most acceptable to you.
To wait and wish until the unwanted is forced upon you, never works in your favor.
If it is a change not this devastating, look at how you are reacting.
Could this change be to your benifit? Look at it from many directions.
Last but NOT LEAST seek help from a "certified" counselor.
Some times acceptance of change is the only way to avoid stress.
The room has curtain rods but no curtains or drapes.
since i talked to my father after my disfellowshipping and he hung up on me, i haven't talked to my mom or dad.
last month when we were in ontario i talked to my uncle and aunts about how my parents are treating us (shunning) and we got a lot of support from them, and they can't understand why my mom and dad would treat us like that.
anyway, my 7 year old daughter overheard the conversations, even though i was trying to keep the situation away from her as i don't think a child really needs to know all the details of the situation.. on the drive home out of the blue my daughter says she wants to call my parents, so we ask why?
Kwin I think you are taking the right steps in the right direction.
Find a counselor that does understand your situation and also understands children.
This situation, "created by the wbts" delivers a lot of emotional strain on EVERYONE involved, but even more so on the children who at a young age are forming and growing their emotional and mental guidelines and beliefs and feelings.
The last thing they need at this age is convoluted behaviour in an important "to them" part of their family. Their grand parents.