Just pray, your tooth will then heal. You must have slacked off of praying and donating.
JoinedPosts by JakeM2012
Wisdom teeth
by Arkady ini am not a jw.
i am basically here for two reasons:.
1. i am not satisfied with mainstream christianity and i believe that jw (along with other sects) have some things to offer in terms of answering my questions.
The GB Want More Gimme Gimme Feed Me More Money, What Do We Get?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inif we keep dishing out cash, to pay for all of our wonderful new light and spiritual food, have we, in return, actually only been fed garbage?.
example.. when they tell us not to bring up anything in older publications, because it is no long considered "the truth"(tm), was it ever the truth(tm)?.
have we been strung along for 130 years, on imitation food, masquerading, as real food?.
Jake says, "it's been a 130+ year snipe hunt."
It would appear Lois that by financially supporting them we are enabling their lunacy? Correct. Like buying alcohol for an alcoholic. It's highly unlikely, but if everyone currently supporting them said they are full of what Outlaw said, they would fold up.
Question: At what point would a person classify or even compare their non-sense as "FOOD"? Is it pleasurable to eat, No, Can I live on it? Not if you accept their stance on getting enough education to support yourself, blood products, the quality of your life will be low. Does studying such non-sense help you to cope with real life's problems or make a person happier? Only in a fantasy world with fantasy problems.
Outlaw's comparison is a great one.
WTBTS is feeding on it's followers, they are not feeding anyone. They are like the flesh eating zoombies, the leaches that suck your blood out, the parasites that eat on you. The only reason they are interested in people is because they want your money, they want you to serve them for free, they want you to volunteer your time, your talents, your strong back to build their realestate empire. All they've got to offer you is some imagined future promised paid by, NOT THEM, but your heavenly father. Go to him to get your reward, don't bother the WTBTS.
Lunacy or apostasy?
by Separation of Powers inover the years i have heard some really strange beliefs shared openly with others in the congregation.
one sister, for example, stated that you could not be cremated because then "all your molecules will be spread around and jehovah couldn't put you back together.
" kinda sounds like she got stuck in a nursery rhyme there, a la humpty dumpty.. .
That's the thing about the JW lunacy, ""one elder said that THAT part of the NT only applies to the anointed"", They claim the bible is written only for the anointed, but anything about listen, obey, obey, don't complain, is "scripturally" bashed over the great crowds head. Didn't the "angels" fall from heaven because of the earthly womens good looks?
The WTBTS has been known to offer their opinion supposedly bible based but rather it is on their pre-conceived ideas, and then present their lunacy in a dogmatic authoritative way of delivery, as if they know more than everyone else about details that are just unknown. Wife and I were talking yesterday about how they have to make their opinion known about things in life that are just NOT any of their freddking business and their is so little said in the bible about it anyway.
Kingdom Hall vs. Crack house...?
by 3rdgen inok, this is our situation as of late: jw elderly mil needs to move in with us or go to an expensive assisted living arrangement.
although i would rather stick a fork in my eye than live with her, assisted living would bankrupt us.
i know because we've already been through it with my mom.
Try research here. BenefitsCheckup.org
You might be able to get the financial assistance needed through various state and federal programs. I'm assuming your in the U.S.
Question about the Farms
by maninthemiddle inwhere is it located?.
do they still use it as a farm?.
the farm is where they dug up the barrels of old ink, what are they building there?.
Watchtower Farms, here is an article that will explain the circumstances and background. http://www.gunkjournal.com/2012/01/12/news/1201120.html
Am I in a "cool hall " or what?
by ?me? inanybody else in the situation i am?
me and the wife go to a hall that is pretty "hands off".
i have not really been out in service for probably 1.5 years and my wife has went out maybe 3 times in the last year.
LostGen, " A social JW, something that has been increasing over the past decades." I am guessing what you are saying is true of small groups, for example, maybe two or three couples? On a larger scale of social activity, WTBTS has pretty well stomped out any congregational gatherings even to just play softball, larger parties, gatherings, music, dancing, inviting brothers or sisters from other halls, etc. The lack of social activity unless there were several elders there monitoring it assisted me in waking up. Or perhaps you were talking about a social JW, one that is not too interested in pioneering, working on the RBC, basically anything connected with work.
Help settle some very specific questions!
by Shepherd Book infirst: do the watchtower calendars say "share in field ministry" on every saturday or "share in the field ministry"?
) and what's the difference?.
the society sometimes calimed certain members referred to them as "mama," since they're (cough cough) god's wife-like organization.
Crazy Old "Mother"
There's a reason we lock them away.
Welcome DenmarkRik:) Tell us about your journey.
Just received a phone call from bethel overseer and guess what?
by label licker inhim and another brother will be in our neck of the woods tomorrow from bethel which is and hours drive away and would like to know if i could meet them downtown.
i will be bringing with me the transcript to my jc but not the recording.
although there's names on the papers there's no recorded voices or my signature so there's nothing they can do as far as sueing me, right?
Interesting developments. I was curious about the legality of recording conversations. I thought the article below was interesting. (I apologize to those that hate copy and paste post.) The bottom line that I see is that if you are not party to the conversation, you have no right to record it. However, if you are involved in the conversation you have a right to record it, even without the other parties consent. Many states still maintain laws with one party consenting. This party could be yourself if you are involved in the conversation. Although some states do have two party consents if it is to be used legally.
The link for below: http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/recording-phone-calls-and-conversations
Recording Phone Calls and Conversations
If you plan to record telephone calls or in-person conversations (including by recording video that captures sound), you should be aware that there are federal and state wiretapping laws that may limit your ability to do so. These laws not only expose you to the risk of criminal prosecution, but also potentially give an injured party a civil claim for money damagesagainst you.
From a legal standpoint, the most important question in the recording context is whether you must get consent from one or all of the parties to a phone call or conversation before recording it. Federal law and many state wiretapping statutes permit recording if one party (including you) to the phone call or conversation consents. Other states require that all parties to the communication consent.
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to tell which law applies to a communication, especially a phone call. For example, if you and the person you are recording are in different states, then it is difficult to say in advance whether federal or state law applies, and if state law applies which of the two (or more) relevant state laws will control the situation. Therefore, if you record a phone call with participants in more than one state, it is best to play it safe and get the consent of all parties. However, when you and the person you are recording are both located in the same state, then you can rely with greater certainty on the law of that state. In some states, this will mean that you can record with the consent of one party to the communication. In others, you will still need to get everyone's consent. For details on the wiretapping laws in the fifteen most populous U.S. states and the District of Columbia, see the State Law: Recordingsection. In any event, it never hurts to play it safe and get the consent of all parties to a phone call or conversation that you intend to record.
Who must give permission to record a telephone or in-person conversation?
Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-person conversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a "one-party consent" law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. Furthermore, if you are not a party to the conversation, a "one-party consent" law will allow you to record the conversation or phone call so long as your source consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded.
In addition to federal law, thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia have adopted "one-party consent" laws and permit individuals to record phone calls and conversations to which they are a party or when one party to the communication consents. See the State Law: Recording section of this legal guide for information on state wiretapping laws.
When must you get permission from everyone involved before recording?
Twelve states require the consent of every party to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful. These "two-party consent" laws have been adopted in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington (Hawai'i is also in general a one-party state, but requires two-party consent if the recording device is installed in a private place). Although they are referred to as "two-party consent" laws, consent must be obtained from every party to a phone call or conversation if it involves more than two people. In some of these states, it might be enough if all parties to the call or conversation know that you are recording and proceed with the communication anyway, even if they do not voice explicit consent. See the State Law: Recording section of this legal guide for information on specific states' wiretapping laws.
Can you record a phone call or conversation when you do not have consent from one of the parties?
Regardless of whether state or federal law governs the situation, it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not naturally overhear. In addition, federal and many state laws do not permit you to surreptitiously place a bug or recording device on a person or telephone, in a home, office or restaurant to secretly record a conversation between two people who have not consented.
Federal law and most state statutes also make disclosing the contents of an illegally intercepted telephone call illegal. See the section on Risks Associated with Publication in this guide for more information.
Off to tell the family...
by Gypsy Sam inthe day i've been waiting for is here.
i'm flying home to see family and some old friends, most of whom are jw.
since learning ttatt a few months back, i came to the decision i would have to tell my parents that we are no longer active and don't have any plans to return.
Gypsy Sam, I fully understand the situation of not having their beliefs influence your daughter's view of furthering her own education. (If I understand that correctly)
I'm in a similar situation with my wifes family, and they only know of our lack of attendance to meetings, but they still try to press their WTBTS aligned opinions upon our daughter of needing to "think about pioneering the end is so close" yada yada. I don't want my daughter to get confused. However, at her age of 13 now, she is able to stand up for herself and her beliefs nicely also.
Best wishes on your visitation.