Something jumped out at me that I never paid attention to while reading further into Matt vs 28, he tells them his blood is to be poured out for the many for forgiveness of sin. But note vs 29 But I say to you: I will no menas drink again any of this product of the vine until that day when I drink it new with YOU in the Kingdom of my Father. Cross reference Mark 14:25 " until I drink in new in the Kingdom of God". Cross reference Luke 22:18 for I tell you , from now on, I will not drink again from the PRODUCT OF THE VINE until the Kingdom of God comes.
What is the point of all of this: Matt 26:29 " I drink it new with YOU " Mark 14:25 " drink new in the Kingdom of God. Luke 22:18 " product of the vine" ? This is earthly, not heavenly! Heavenly creatures are spirits. Do you think there are grape vines in Heaven? But Jesus says he will drink the product of the vine again with YOU ( his disciples ) in the Kingdom of his Father.
this leads me to another question that I haven't looked into...when Jesus was back on earth after his resurrection, did he drink any wine? and if so, wouldn't that mean the Kingdom of God had come?