What will the Watchtower look like in 30 years?
It will look very much like it looks today. Slowly changing and trying to always be 20 or 30 years behind the progressive times so they look conservative and elusive.
Will there still be a Governing Body? - yes, someone needs to be a scapegoat
Will they finally drop 1914? - nope, it was the start of WWI so they will point to it but not really explain it with chronology anymore.
Will the blood doctrine finally be dropped? - nope, they need something to make them seem different. It might weaken but the truly faithful will be as resolute as ever.
Will disfellowshipping be dropped? - NEVER. As long as there is freedom of association in the USA they will keep their ace-in-the hole.
Will there still be Circuit Overseers, Elders, Pioneers? - Nope, they will find a new name for all of them. Overseer seems like a dead word, maybe coordinate of the circuit or something goofy like that. The positions will remain
Will there still be Judicial Committees? - Yep
Will they still have conventions 3 times a year? - 2 times a year, one circuit (or whatever they will call it then) and one regional (or whatever they will call it then)
How many meetings will they have a week? - 2 meetings a week so they can get maximum usage of the kingdom hall and put as many congregations in them as possible.
Will they still go door to door preaching? - yes, people need a busy work that keeps them isolated. If they were to spend time reading the bible or thinking or helping the poor it would help them break free of the cult
Will they drop the name; “Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society?” - They won't but that is just a legal name. It owns all the publishing. I think "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society" owns all the real estate.
How many members will they have worldwide? 10 million