Sorry folks I tried and tried to get that little condom to stay in the thread but every time I hit the submit button it disappears.
My brother sent that to me this morning. Thought it was just too cute not to post. hehehe .
the government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
a condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
Sorry folks I tried and tried to get that little condom to stay in the thread but every time I hit the submit button it disappears.
My brother sent that to me this morning. Thought it was just too cute not to post. hehehe .
the government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
a condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that."
I have edited this post way too many times trying to get the picture to appear in it.
Im from Los Angeles but love That 70's Show
Welcome Mx!
i'm preparing for a potential discussion with my mom and, especially if it occurs near this memorial time, the discussion may contain the "other sheep" and how they are different and shouldn't partake of the emblems, etc.
i know that i probably have this information researched already, but since my last move i can't find some my research materials.
i could also ask the pastor of the church i attend, but that involves too much discussion as to what the jw's believe, etc.
anyone who is NOT a Jew
i realize that randy watters is not the type of person to want to worry others, especially when it come to his own health.
and i also realize that randy might want to kick me in the backsides for posting this little message.
thats ok, i'll even buy him a new set of boots to kick me with, but for right now if we could take a few moments to send our prayers, thoughts, and perhaps ecards for randy's swift recovery, then i know that randy would certainly appreciate it .dear friends of randy, due to some complications from a pain medication randy was using during an attack of his crohn's disease last week, he became seriously dehydrated and was hospitalized this past thursday, april 13th.
a person who cannot reveal his/her identity has asked that i post this research regarding how long it is taking for the "remnent" to die before armageddon comes.. ====.
a recent jwd posting ( got me playing with remnant figures in excel.
the results are obvious, and frankly not surprising.
My mother is anointed and was DA'd about 25 years ago for divorcing my father, an elder in the congregation, who was having an affair with a young pioneer sister in our congregation. My mother was DA'd based on a technicality. There was no proof of adultery. After the divorce my father and the young sister got married and were of course DF'd. They were all reinstated a year later and are now living happily ever after in separate congregations.
My gut feeling is that she has done it because she wants to be able to see her family again.
I can't speak for everyone defepd, but of all those I have known and do know, that has been the reason for wanting reinstatement. I know of 2 people at this moment who are trying to get reinstated for that very reason. The only people I have known that wanted to be reinstated that didn't give a rats ars about family ties being broken is my father. He wanted to get back into the congregation be with his real family. His kids/grandkids etc. are secondary. He loves us but, were are loved carefully. Belonging to the world now makes us expendable.
btw, that would also be because of Satan. If we were too important to him then Satan would be able to use that against him and cause him to once again fall away from the truth.
...make sure you have sound on: .
sticks toung out at wombat
...make sure you have sound on: .
I must be the stupidest woman in the world
Well I meant every word of it. If this clip of her singing Happy Birthday to Hugh Hefner for his 80th birthday is any indication, she may very well be the greatest singer of our generation. Or any generation for that matter.
I can't figure out if this is a joke or not. lol!