JoinedPosts by plmkrzy
How long is Armaggeddon suppose to last? Is it going to last many years?
by booker-t inis armaggeddon going to last many, many years or is it going to be quick, fast and over with in a matter of months?
i know the bible does not say specifically but if you were to guess what would you guess on the amount of time for armaggeddon to last?
jehovah and jesus have enough power to destroy the world in minutes.
Did your KH have a minimum skirt length, max heel height,
by White Waves inor other stupid rules for women?
ours were contingent on the spirituality of the sister and, if she was married or an elder's wife, etc.
then, she got more leeway.
YES I think the skirts were not more then 1inch above the knee. Then later after I left that was lowered to AT THE KNEE..
Did Noah preach the "good news"?
by M.J. ini've heard it a hundred times.
"noah preached, so we preach.
" but is that what the bible indicates?
they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
This could be understood as they ignored Noah's preaching until it hit them then it was just too late. -
My God, this is outragous - HP Sauce to be made in Netherlands, not Britain
by Simon inhp sauce is the sauce to have with a fry-up at breakfast.
not like that horrible american ketchup nonsense.
Here in the US we have a commercial about some guys in Texas discovering their salsa is made in New York City.
New York City!! Get a rope!
Does God Work Through an Organization?
by Confession inin other posts i've commented on how profoundly tom cabeen's essay, "does god work through an organization," affected me when i read it on september 15th, 2004. somehow realizing that the scriptures do not actually teach this helped me to see that the watchtower society was not what it claimed to be.
read it here if you like...
that said, i intend to share this information (where i can) with those current jws who'll let me.
"administrative body"
That would be Moses.
How long is Armaggeddon suppose to last? Is it going to last many years?
by booker-t inis armaggeddon going to last many, many years or is it going to be quick, fast and over with in a matter of months?
i know the bible does not say specifically but if you were to guess what would you guess on the amount of time for armaggeddon to last?
jehovah and jesus have enough power to destroy the world in minutes.
Does anyone remember that picture in the WT depicting a man shooting his gun into the sky during Armageddon? If he was using a six-shooter then it won’t last very long.
Does God Work Through an Organization?
by Confession inin other posts i've commented on how profoundly tom cabeen's essay, "does god work through an organization," affected me when i read it on september 15th, 2004. somehow realizing that the scriptures do not actually teach this helped me to see that the watchtower society was not what it claimed to be.
read it here if you like...
that said, i intend to share this information (where i can) with those current jws who'll let me.
But it did not set up any human form of government or
It's been awhile since I studied anything jw related and I am VERY rusty but I seem to remember the original teachings of Russell were also pretty much against "binding" sheep together. Things changed when Rutherford took over and turned it into a government. I don’t think most jws are aware of their jw roots. Can someone expand on that? It may serve some purpose.administrative body.
What did you seek to acccomplish going door to door?
by Noggin ini am back.
this time i won't lead you to what i want to hear.
What did you seek to acccomplish going door to door?
Exercise. Then lunch. Other then that...nothing. I hated it. I knew people didn’t want to be bothered and I hated bothering them. I was always relieved when no one answered the door. I do remember a few really good conversations though with some folks about religion in general. plm -
greetings from another newbie
by lost_sheep inwell... i've finally worked up the courage to get an account & start posting on this site.
i've been lurking for a couple of months now, voraciously reading all the, mmm, "delightful words of truth" i've found here.
i'm currently deep in dubdom, so i have to be pretty ambiguous about some personal details, (i'm really paranoid, hopefully that will pass :-/) but my story in a nutshell is: i was born into this religion, baptised in my mid teens, happily married to a wonderful (& thankfully, somewhat open-minded) jw lady, & now, several years later, i'm starting to seriously question some of what i believe.
i feel i'm fairly open-minded.
Well there's your first mistake
Welcome to the board!
Why didn't Jesus Give Instructions for a Bible?
by gumby inmatt: 24:14 .."and this good new of the kingdom will be preached in all the earth as a witnesss to all the nations - and then the end will come".. jesus plan was that by the time he was to return, the earth would be schooled as to who and what he was.
suppose you were going to leave the planet for 2000 years and you wanted the entire earthly society of people who would be alive when you returned to know about you.
would you tell someone to write down all your words of truth since these words would produce salvation and eternal life to all who believed in you........or would you tell a handful of diciples or say even 500 buddies to spread your words to their children and down through the succeding generations?.
Revelation 22:18-19...For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
So we have a CLOSED CANON...because Jesus(rev 22:13) says so....
myelaine, am I understanding you correct? You believe nothing has been added or taken away from the scriptures as we know them?