JoinedTopics Started by professor
Who was right? Satan or Jehovah?
by professor insatan is called the "father of the lie" because he told the very first lie to eve.. in the beginning, god told adam to go nuts and eat all the fruit except the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.
he said "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.
so then fast forward, eve was created and she's hanging out by the tree, talking to the serpent (satan) and satan says: "you will not die.
Let the Watchtower Society Speak!
by professor income on wts (or the governing body recently seperated from the watchtower society so they can dishonestly steer clear of the legal consequences of their actions)...... speak for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
tell the world why you should still be respected after falsely prophesying in god's name over and over and over again predictions of the end which the simple element of time has proven false!!!!!.
let's let a member of the governing body or an official representative of the watchtower society try to give us a good reason why ex-members are shunned by their relatives which violates jesus's teachings.
Not sure I can handle the anger anymore
by professor ini am over 30 and have been out of the "organization" for almost 14 years now.
my father is an elder who's main concern is kissing up to the c.o.
so he can move up the ranks and be important.
You Know- Who are the real apostates?
by professor inhowever, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.
these very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.
furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively.
Some still think Russell was right!
by professor inwhile even the organization c.t.
russell founded, the watchtower society, now denies much of what he taught, there are still those who call themselves bible students, who follow russell to this day!.
a short history of the bible students:.
No More Kingdom Melodies on Napster
by professor inthe wts has recently filed copyright notices with the napster file sharing service.
they will allow no kingdom melodies to be shared amongst internet users.
i wonder why they would do this?
I was allergic to the Watchtower
by professor inas a boy, i would suffer severe attacks of sneezing, itchy eyes, and post nasal drip when i would read the watchtower.
it was especially noticable during our family watchtower study.
i began to think it was the paper its printed on.
by professor inhi ginger.
i went to your site and i guess i still need more of an explanation.
i know gilligan is the devil.. i would like to say thank you to everyone who has welcomed me here to this site.. ginger, from your picture, i think you are the ginger from the pilot, not from the series.
Field Service is Officially Over Forever!
by professor ini hereby urge every single one of jehovah's witnesses nationwide to stop going out in field service!
according to the january 1, 1989 watchtower, our obligation to field service officially ended last year!:.
the apostle paul was spearheading the christian missionary activity.
Who is running the Watchtower now?
by professor inwho is the head honcho and/or big kahuna?
watchtower presidents:.
charles t. russell (1879-1916).