Science and Sanity Alfred Korzybski
JoinedPosts by proplog2
What books have shaped your affected you?
by Eyebrow inin another post i mentioned job a comedy of justice by robert heinlien.
the responses to the post got me thinking about other books that have affected me.
what books have had an impact on your life?
Your ideas about a disaster at WTS headquarters
by Mindchild infor the last few days i've been involved in putting a post together for this board that has been growing and growing because one idea led to another, etc.
(i really got to stop drinking so much caffeine) anyway i'm at a point where i would appreciate some feedback.. the sept 11 terrorist attack got me thinking about what would happen if there was a major physical disaster at either ny headquarters or bethel.
i'm talking about say a horrific accident or terrorist act that leaves many witnesses dead and injured.
Here is a scenario.
Russia is still at odds with the USA. Putin jumped at the opportunity to show Bush that Russia is a friend and useful ally. Bush has responded to Putin's kindess by deciding to scrap the ABM treaty. Russia is terrified at the prospect of the USA developing a credible missile shield. This would make Russia's nuclear arsenal obsolete and they would have to settle into a future of obscurity.
It has been alleged that Russia still has some nuclear suitcase bombs in strategic locations in the USA. They could conceivably detonate one of these devices in the financial district of Manhattan. It could be made to appear like a terrorist attack. It would make Sept 11th look like a fire-cracker. Even if the device could be identified as a Russian weapon - the Russians could claim it was stolen.
This would have a powerful destabilizing force on the USA. They would not be able to retaliate against any state sponsor. It would emphasize Putin's main argument against a missile shield. A missile shield can't prevent terrorists from harming the USA.
The Watchtower headquarters is situated in a location that would be seriously affected by any attack that would be focused on the finanical heart of the United States. Even a conventional Oklahoma City explosion designed to create a contaminating cloud of radioactive dust could drift the 1 mile to Brooklyn Heights.
Would Russia do something like this? Why not! It IS war ISN'T it?
Example of Brainwashing Proves WTS Is A Cult!
by MadApostate inafter reading puppylove's post, "a sad example of jw brainwashing /twisted thinking", and hearing very familiar comments, i have decided to relate an experience i had a few days ago, which i am leary to relate since the key factor severely limits the jw population of "possibles".
(details are purposefully sketchy to protect my identity.
a jw, who usually avoids me like the plague, placed themself in a position of being alone with me for a few hours due to their greedy desire to obtain something free.
Most Christian Churches will deny that Jesus led his disciples to believe that he was going to return in the first century.
If JW's are a cult so is all of Christianity. If a Christian takes seriously the words of its leader - Jesus - he'll act quite a bit like a JW.
Talking to the dead
by josephus ini just watched a show on spirit communication.. what do you think?.
demons, ghosts, nobody ?.
Did you ever write the society? It's like talking to the dead.
The completion of the Witness work in the richest 1/3 of the earth could have prophetic significance.
what purpose religion?
by teejay inlast night a program remembered the japanese attack on pearl harbor sixty years ago.
amidst all the historical details, a story of a serviceman stood out.
he was a youngster then, still in his teens and stationed in hawaii, when he sent his mom a card to let her know of his condition.
Religion is supposed to nurture (love) and provide orientation (wisdom). This is a counterbalance to government's domain of power and justice.
Will Watchtower Fold Like The Taliban?
by metatron inone day, you have a religious movement calling for.
total sacrifice, that every man should fight to the.
death in god's service.. a few days later, the leadership is negotiating a. surrender in disgrace.. could this portend the future of the watchtower?.
Look what happened to the Christ Cult. It was a close brotherhood of believers who shared their belongings in an almost communal group. They intermarried, avoided getting involved in the world both politically and economically. They were serious about their witnessing. By the beginning of the 2nd century it was pretty clear that Jesus was not going to return "soon". Did they stop growing? There are over 1 billion members now with a denomination to fill every conceivable niche of belief.
do you still want to live forever?
by sleepy inimagine that chance was offered to you .is it something you still desire?.
i wonder how desriable it would be to live forever.what problems it would bring.would we want to stay married to the same person, would we get to know everyone on earth?.
how would it effect our attitude toward life , would we get anything done knowing there was no rush?.
I don't need everlasting life. I would just like to be able die when I am ready and when I've finished some important projects.
A long time ago a small bacteria set up house in animal cells. It generates the power for all muscles including the beating heart. Heart muscle is rich in mitochondria. Thanks to the invasion of mitochondria we can harness its energy and move around.
WT depicts World Trade Center as tool of devil
by Dogpatch inthe watchtower depicted the world trade center as a tool of the devil..
i'm working on some new pages of interesting cuts from the watchtower's book, revelation: its grand climax at hand!.
suggestions welcome..
Bush is a wacked out Born again christian. He thinks the USA is a city on a hill and a beacon to the world. I wouldn't be surprised if his favorite reading is the Left Behind series by La Haye.
JW's are harmless compared to the "troop blessers" that claim to follow the Prince of Peace.