I care. Someone reported that they aren't "really" carrying nuclear weapons. It would be too risky for Russia because they aren't able to maintain their planes in optimal conditions. If one of these planes crashes with a weapon on board it would create serious problems without even exploding. They are mainly asserting themselves on the world stage again as an answer to some of the unilateral actions on the part of the USA and NATO. When the Watchtower believed that Russia was King of the North they would have loved this kind of news. But they bailed on that idea or pretty much left it alone once the USSR collapsed. The recent relationship between Russia and the USA is very similar to the pre-tribulation behavior of the King of the North and King of the South in Daniel Chapter 11. It describes the King of the South as starting a pushing match with the King of the North. The King of the North comes off victorious in this struggle - eventually gaining control of the worlds economy.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
Russians restart nuclear bomber flights.
by 5go in.
more good news from russia they have paid off all of their soviet era debts and can now afford to refeul and rearm their military.
atheism vs anti-theism + God as height vs God as depth
by DeusMauzzim insharing some thoughts and questions while reading gott ist anders (honest to god) by john a.t robinson:.
disclaimer: if you are a biblical litteralist you might think: what is all the fuss about?
thesis: the mythological speech of the bible, taken litterally, is simply meaningless to modern scientific man.. examples: god walking in the garden, punishing adam and his children (justice?!
I think I am anti-monotheism. It's the one ALL-powerful / ALL-knowing entity that is impossible to accept because where and how are we going to get supportive evidence for such a conclusion?
Any "evolved" entity (including an organization) could set off our Godar (God-radar).
Perhaps there are such entities that have evolved way past us that have an interest in the success of man on earth. If someone wants to call them God - fine. Especially if you think in terms of some cosmic federation of intelligent entities it is possible to think that there may be one such organization that has more clout than all of the others. -
Do you still see urself as No part of the world & would u go to war now?
by fedorE inthere are ppl ready to fight for my right to live in "freedom" here in canada if need be.
yet i would never go to war.
i would go at gunpoint but thats the extent of it.
I do not see myself as a part of this world. I am in this world but not a part of it. I would be an obscenity screaming martyr but I wouldn't pick up a weapon in an organized war. In a state of anarchy I would kill a dangerous enemy. By dangerous - I mean someone who was specifically out to kill me or a member of my family.
Are you an a-xenist?
by AuldSoul in"xeno" is a common taxonomical designation for aliens (strangers) including extraterrestrials.. are you someone who lacks belief in intelligent extraterrestrial beings?
do you believe it is possible that such extraterrestrial beings exist?
do you think it is possible or likely that our planet has had interactions with extraterrestrials?.
Difference is everywhere.
There is the supposition that no two snow-flakes are exactly the same - but no one has ever checked this out.
"Significant differences" is what matters. Most people ARE replaceable. -
Anti-Aging Pill in Ten Years
by metatron inhttp://www.technologyreview.com/biotech/19172/.
bye bye, watchtower.
it wasn't so nice knowing you.. metatron.
Metatron: Yes, millions now living... Unfortunately you and I can't go through too many of these 10 year promises.
Lot of references by posters here comparing the Watchtower to a business.
That is a mistake.
Their model has always been "Narrow is the road to life and few are the ones finding it"
They want a cadre of robust believers. Otherwise they would have altered many of their teachings that keep people on the other side of the fence.
Those who ridicule the uneducated & impoverished as fertile ground for JW teachings are also using the wrong standards.
Have you forgotten the alleged words of the founder of Christianity "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, BECAUSE you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual one and have revealed them to babes. ... come to me all you who are TOILING and LOADED down and I will refresh you" Matt 11:25
The only thing that has failed in their model is that the "END" hasn't come yet.
They could just as easily conclude that their growth has stopped in certain lands because the work is finished in those lands. That seems to be the rumor that has leaked out of the Watchtower HQ. -
Golden Moments In Jazz Music - It gets no better than this!
by hillary_step inmiles davis and john coltrane together.
looks like jimmy garrison on bass and mccoy tyner on peeanno.
There is great NEW jazz. I don't mean the "smoooooooooth" crap. But it fun to listen to the old stuff. Brings tears to my eyes.
It pisses me off that in the 1950's while I was running around to assemblies there were ground breaking things going on at Newport.
Are you an a-xenist?
by AuldSoul in"xeno" is a common taxonomical designation for aliens (strangers) including extraterrestrials.. are you someone who lacks belief in intelligent extraterrestrial beings?
do you believe it is possible that such extraterrestrial beings exist?
do you think it is possible or likely that our planet has had interactions with extraterrestrials?.
This subject comes up with a farily regular frequency.
Once again I submit my experience
Babylon the Great
by JH innow that you don't share jw beliefs anymore, who do you think babylone the great represents?.
do you think its a religious entity, a country, the dollar?.
Ex-JW's are tired of prophecy. The Watchtower religion is built around the concept that the "end" is immanent. The way you show the end is close is by some kind of explanation of prophecy. You have to believe that the end is close otherwise you would never sign onto the exhaustive program of JW membership. Hours and hours devoted to meetings, studying, service, conventions, organizational rules, preparation of talks. All with the promise that the end is close. This has been going on for 120+ years.
Ex-JW's develop an antipathy for Bible Prophecy because it is usually the thing that got them hooked in the first place. It seemed as if they had it all figured out. So anyone who comes along who claims they have the correct understanding is going to get put down real quick or ignored.
Even though I am an atheist I feel I can make a convincing case for continuing the process of observing word events in relation to Bible Prophecy. I have said enough on this subject. Every once in a while I have succumbed to the prophetic seduction and have made predictions. Because of my Atheism, these predictions have been more like the predictions in a scientific experiment. When a prediction fails its time to figure out where you were wrong. But the process itself is interesting, even though somewhat of a recreational exercise.
I have left a trail of posts on prophecy over the 6 years I have been on this board.
I still believe Babylon the Great is NOT a religious entity. I believe it is the richest most powerful hegemon on the planet - the USA.
I believe the Wild Beast in its current structure is the Revived Russian Federation.
I believe the King of the North and King of the South just prior to the Great Tribulation is parallel to the Revelation prophecy where the Beast destroys the Harlot. (Russia and its former republics destroy the USA)
The Russian Federation no longer looks like a lamb. Latest headlines as of Aug 19 RUSSIA RESURRECTS NUCLEAR BOMBER FLIGHTS
No prediction here. But it is hard for me to believe Putin is going to go quietly into the night when his final term is over in March of 2008
Oh yes. How can an Atheist believe in Bible Prophecy? Easy. It's not from some GOD. There might be other entities in this multiverse that are intervening in human affairs - though imperfectly and sometimes perhaps even sloppily.
RE: Aging - heads up
by Gregor init seems that turning 50 triggers an avalanche of marketing schemes for "seniors".
one that i have looked into and find the most egregious is the aarp (amer.
Yes extraordinary. In the American (USA) system medicare is extraordinary. Prescription medicine IS extraordinary - again in America (USA). It shouldn't be.
True, if you retire at 62 you have to go without certain benefits for a while.
Our parents really benefited from social security. When our parents were raising us they paid a very small percentage into the system. And their income tax was much smaller.
As a self-employed person -social security- has been a heavy load.
Please check out this link http://mwhodges.home.att.net/soc_sec.htm for the following quotes:
"Is it fair that young families pay 5.2 times higher inflation-adjusted social security/Medicare tax rates than seniors did in their working years, while accepting that today's seniors consume twice as much as a typical 30 year old does compared to 35 years ago - plus receive much higher real benefits than today's young will receive when they retire?
Is it fair that young workers must protect senior pensions from inflation by granting them guaranteed cost of living adjustments, when many working people have zero inflation-protection guarantees for their own earnings?
Is it fair that young workers must pay Medicare and income taxes to help cover increased health insurance costs of seniors, while many working people must also pay increased premiums for their own medical insurance coverage including higher co-payments?
Is it fair that today's working families, where both mother and father must work, have a 1,000% higher load to cover senior pensions than in 1950 when only 1 wage earner per family was required to make ends meet?"