JoinedTopics Started by Flossycat
Is the May 2012 KM pumping up some hysteria?
by discreetslave in1)as sheep amidst wolves, gods servants are preaching among a crooked and twisted generation.
10:16; phil.
Want honest answers
by independenthinker ini've wanted to make this account for the past 2 weeks, but ive been afraid that ill get caught by posting.
do they check this site?.
im 18 years old,baptized at 14. really my problems started a few weeks ago.
A Popular Question Raised by people who were never JW.
by Momma-Tossed-Me ini talk to a lot of people about the watchtower because it comes up in conversation all of the time.. money eventually becomes a topic as it is a very wealthy corporation.. so the question is always raised and it is a good one, "who controls it?".
people want to know "who has the power of the purse strings?
" and quite frankly so do i.. there is someone behind the scenes who knows so much that the wtbts could never fire him or her.
Does the WT still use Zech.8:23 as a last days prophecy ? In veiw of the fact (evidently) the numbers of converts are decreasing worldwide ?
by smiddy inthis is a scripture that was used a lot during the 70`s & 80`s proving that the end was so close,and it was to culminate in a grand influx before the great tribulation.
" it will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold,yes ,they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a jew,saying,"we will go with you people for we have heard that god is with you people.".
when you look at the reality of the situation in this day....,their seems to be a marked decline in worldly converts in christendoms lands.....,mainly baptisms coming from young born ins,..... and certainly no marked increases from either asian, oriental, or other non christian lands,that would seem to indicate another failed prediction/prophecy we can credit to the f&ds class.
Thank you, Just Ron for your welcome:
by Flossycat init's a bit daunting getting around some of these websites.
i'm 53 years old and not too savvy with things cyberspace.
how did my stong-willed, outspoken mother, who, since childhood reckoned jws were just a lot of old women running around town with nothing better to do than annoy everyone, become one of them?
Phone call from the local JWs this evening...
by Jim_TX ingosh i wish i was better at having religious discussions with jws.
this evening, as i am at home trying to relax, i get a phone call from the local jws who are evidently sitting in their kh dialing out.. i got this man who starts off by asking me if he can ask me a question.
"okaaaaay..." i say slowly.... "do you think..." he starts... and then stops... obviously losing his place in his pre-prepared sermon....
You Might be a Jehovah's Witness if . . .
by sizemik inyou might be a jehovah's witness if .
you know when nisan 14 is but you forget you own birthday.
you wash windows for a living but you own five suits.
Hayden Covington's unwitting role in harsh disfellowship policy
by Terry inin the january 8, 1947 awake!
magazine the following article appeared.. .
the above article was published under the watchtower presidency of nathan knorr.
It makes no sense whatsoever that a" CREATOR" would only communicate with a minority of the population then put the onus on them to convey this life saving message to the WHOLE wide world
by smiddy ini now find it idiotic that i could ever beleive the bible to be the inspired word of god.....,throughout the bible "god"has only dealt with a few of his favoured spokespersons to deliver his messages to a minority populace.individuals at first,..... then, patriarchs,nomads,a small nation,ignoring all other nations that had sprung up.......,abandoning his chosen nation,sending his "son"to a small nation, only giving them his pearls of wisdom,much of what was not even recorded for prosperity and remember he never wrote a word,it was left up to other imperfect humans to record what he was supposed to have said,just a smidgen......,again ignoring the bulk of humankind keeping them in ignorance of his plan for universal salvation,leaving it all up to imperfect humans to spread this message of salvation, whom he has already condemned for their sinfullness and disobedience.i just find it so unbeleivable.
in the 6000 years of recorded history only a fraction of the earths population,maybe less than a third have ever heard of the god of the bible, or his so called plan to redeem humankind ,thats millions and millions of people.
( india,arabic,afghanistan,pakistan etc.etc.).