nuthouse escapee, I know how you feel. Until this year, I belived everything in the Bible was true, now I'm not so sure. If a person doesn't believe that
God created Adam, where does that leave a belief in Jesus as a Savior? I am reading a good book, "An Anatomy of Thought, The Orgin and Machinery of
the Mind." It explains about evolution and how things came about but I still think there was an intelligent source that began things. Like you, sometimes I
don't know what to believe. I am still a work in progress about what I believe. I quit working on my Masters so that I could devote myself to reading this
winter. I have read some philosophy but still I need to read more. I don't know if I will ever know for sure what is true or what I believe. Sometimes I think
I am afarid not to believe in God. I am still afarid of making him mad and getting zapped. In a way, that sounds silly. I do believe in science, I just have to
figure some things out. I do like reading other views on this board so I can think about what others believe and why they believe it.