I love how Willy uses the fallacy that you couldn't comprehend the truth he has to offer because YOU'RE the one that's flawed but goes on to criticize the Watchtower, who is notorious for using the same fallacy.
Posts by okage
What would you do in my situation?
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals!.
as many of you know, i run jwb - www.jehovahswitnessblog.com.
i talk about the jw's and call out their bs.
If Noah had family worship night in the ark...what's your excuse!?!?!?!?!?!
by LostGeneration infunny picture in new public watchtower.
evidently there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago.
noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse!
Awful lot of room on that Ark, considering the millions of different species that are supposed to be on it. And here I was, thinking the Watchtower prided itself on honest, accurate depictions of biblical accounts. This ruined my whole day....
I'm New... and I'm running...
by running_away init's some kind of funny... i was the perfect little ass, even that i never believe it all.. there was something that doesn't sound right... but, i was little, i was with my family, i never believe that my family will make me adopt a cult.
well i get batized in my mid teen years, i was the exemplar, ms at 19, even serve my time at bethel.
get married to a pioneer, start a spiritual family, get my 2 kids.
Welcome to JWN. I'm glad you feel you can run because many psyche themselves out by believing you can't run from the Organization. Just don't run too far or too long, because then you'll always be running. If I can ask, did you read any specific books or articles that can be used by those who frequent this site but have yet to make an appearance? There are many looking for an out and your story can always be a big help to them.
Narcissistic personality disorder
by Xanthippe inso i was having lunch with my inlaws and my fil was sounding off as usual about the economy, scottish devolution, the shortcomings of county councils etc etc.
he said to me well don't you think that (whatever it was) would be a better way of doing things ( in other words - his way ) myself, being extremely relaxed - in vino veritas - said no i think it's narcissistic personality disorder.. note to self really shouldn't drink so much when talking to fil, but it is my birthday.. he said what's narcissistic personality disorder.
so i explained to him about narcissus in greek mythology, the youth who looked into a pool, saw his own reflection and fell in love with himself.
I saw the thread title and immediately thought to myself: "Two JWs walk into a bar..."
What does your screen name/avatar mean and what does it stand for
by BU2B inand why did you choose it?
if you have a avatar, what is it and why did you pick it?.
ok ill start.
I was an angsty teenager who loved the Japanese culture. I went to the Center for Global Studies at Brien McMahon in Norwalk, CT. Instead of History and English, we learned Japanese History, Language, and Literature. In my group of friends, I was Hitokage.
In Japanese, it doubles as a soul (context: Spirit) as well as a person's shadow. In high school, I was never me. I was my older brother's sibling. I was my cousin's cousin. I was my younger brother's older brother. But never me. Always in the shadow of others.
I embraced it and used the alias Okage (lit. King Shadow) as an online personality. Been Okage for 15 years now.
My avatar is a picture of me in December 2011. My son was born September 2010 and we couldn't afford to celebrate Christmas that year. This was his first real Christmas. I was admiring the ornaments he picked out.
But Satan DIDNT lie!???
by mrbunyrabit inwhy does the bible portray satan as this big liar, and that he is the father of the lie when he didn't lie?.
genesis 3:4-5.
4 then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die.
Ha! I posted this exact same thing point for point on Yahoo Answers a few months ago. So it's clearly something that people will come to through critical thinking.
Wow, the crap that they will believe....
by okage inabout a week ago, i posted that my sister in law believes the earthquake in china is proof that there are more earthquakes today than before.
i posted the details that i sent her that show hands down that there is no increase in earthquakes.
and i also posted that she never replied.
@Newly Enlightened: I've felt that way for a long time. It's logical for all doomsday cult to become militant and start killing in the name of the group. They could easily rationalize it with scripture.
Wow, the crap that they will believe....
by okage inabout a week ago, i posted that my sister in law believes the earthquake in china is proof that there are more earthquakes today than before.
i posted the details that i sent her that show hands down that there is no increase in earthquakes.
and i also posted that she never replied.
About a week ago, I posted that my sister in law believes the earthquake in China is proof that there are more earthquakes today than before. I posted the details that I sent her that show hands down that there is no increase in earthquakes. And I also posted that she never replied. So a couple days ago, my wife shows me this thing on facebook. It says that if you're having a heart attack, keep coughing until help arrives or your heart starts beating normally again. It was stupid and took me literally, 20 seconds to disprove. Not only was I able to disprove it medically, but I proved that it was from a chain letter from the 90's debunked as a hoax. It wasn't until last night that I saw that it was my sister in law who posted this. She's starting on a roll of idiocy and now it's getting scary. It's one thing to claim "God's a comin'" but now she's sharing life-threatening information as "self help."
Honest Reponse needed
by His Excellency inattraction isn't the glue that holds couples together, and there have even been scientific polls and studies taken on this.
that initial attraction *typically* doesn't last more than a few months.
though attraction keeps you interested long enough to get to know someone and build a relationship with him/her.. but my question is this, how long does the attraction lasts in new couples, before they get bored with each-other?..
Five years into my relationship with my wife, I was still opening the car door for her and holding her hand in public.
I met a beautiful Apostolic girl who seemed to have everything in life to smile for and wanted that feeling for myself.
Joke's on me, though. I've posted on here how that turned out.
From start to finish, I was part of a religion for 28 months.