Bumpity bump bump....
JoinedPosts by WinstonSmith
For Recovery: A discussion about the Great Crowd and the Other Sheep
by Londo111 inrecovery,.
as requested, a discussion on the great crowd and the identity of the other sheep.. .
first question: where are the great crowd rendering sacred service day and night?.
Latest WT: Reduction in branch offices is "visible proof" that Christ is "breaking down human barriers"
by cedars inas has already been mentioned, the december 15th watchtower (study edition) is now online and available for download on this link.. i couldn't help but smile at the concluding comments of the final study article on page 28 where it had this to say:.
"the very concept of foreigner has already lost much of its meaning among jehovahs witnesses, who pay little attention to the nationality of those in their midst.
recently, for example, several of their smaller branch offices were merged to simplify the work of oversight and to improve efficiency in accomplishing the preaching of the good news of the kingdom.
Great work in finding those quotes everyone. I knew there had to be something out there. These guys can't keep track of their own crap.
I checked my notebook from the convention, and in the last talk the speaker said that the recent merges were Jehovah breaking down national boundaries in preparation for the end.
They change their minds more than they change their undies.......
Latest WT: Reduction in branch offices is "visible proof" that Christ is "breaking down human barriers"
by cedars inas has already been mentioned, the december 15th watchtower (study edition) is now online and available for download on this link.. i couldn't help but smile at the concluding comments of the final study article on page 28 where it had this to say:.
"the very concept of foreigner has already lost much of its meaning among jehovahs witnesses, who pay little attention to the nationality of those in their midst.
recently, for example, several of their smaller branch offices were merged to simplify the work of oversight and to improve efficiency in accomplishing the preaching of the good news of the kingdom.
I wonder if there is a statement in a past Watchtower that says something along the lines of 'The increase in branches / printing is a sure sign that the end of this system of things is coming' because that would nicely contradict the imminent "Closing down branches and reducing printing is a sure sign that the end of this system is coming' type comments....
Scriptures in the NWT Christian Greek Scriptures where Jehovah replaced Kurios or Theos and with no OT verse being quoted
by yadda yadda 2 inhi, where can i find a list of all the occurences in the christian greek scriptures of the new world translation where the word "jehovah" has been inserted (out of the total 237 times) where the bible writer was not quoting or paraphrasing from the hebrew scriptures?.
I have all the books for the meeting loaded on it, plus a couple o' extracirricular ones in case the droning gets to be too much. Tablet on the lap, screen on dim, look at what you want, look up, smile and laugh with the rest of the robots from time to time, repeat. All done very carefully of course. Cautious as as serpent, innocent like a dove...
By the way the list on page 132 of The Tetragrammaton, is pretty much what Yadda Yadda was after I think. Great work ;-)
Scriptures in the NWT Christian Greek Scriptures where Jehovah replaced Kurios or Theos and with no OT verse being quoted
by yadda yadda 2 inhi, where can i find a list of all the occurences in the christian greek scriptures of the new world translation where the word "jehovah" has been inserted (out of the total 237 times) where the bible writer was not quoting or paraphrasing from the hebrew scriptures?.
Great link jwfacts, just added that PDF to my list of books I read on my tablet pc during the meetings......Looks interesting from a quick skim.
Anyone fron downunder know what happend to CO/DO Joe Seighman?
by karter inhe joined our side.. does anyone have any connect or hear from him?.
Hello Karter,
Small world eh, especially the JW world! Joe is probably the furtherest back my memory goes, although I do remember a bald guy who used to make lots of jokes, and would make us sing two songs at the end of the assembly. I can never remember his name, does that sound like Hubler? The only other names from back then I can remember on the circuit work are the Ridlings and the Kramers.
Are you from NZ / Aussie?
Anyone fron downunder know what happend to CO/DO Joe Seighman?
by karter inhe joined our side.. does anyone have any connect or hear from him?.
Woah, now there is a blast from the past!
Joe was a CO or maybe DO when I was young. Late eighties, early nineties maybe? Lovely brother, and well liked. I remember hearing years later during one of those 'I wonder what happened to X' conversations that he had 'gone apostate'. Can't offer any more than that sorry.
A more recent defection is Doug Black. Not sure if he became apostate in the common sense of the word, but the rumour was that he got involved in extra-marital shenanigans, got disfellowshipped and was working toward becoming a police lawyer. Great guy, he was sorely missed by us young bros when he went.
Question from Japan about "probation seat"
by jwstudy indear friends, this is my first post.. i like to ask all of you about custom among j.w.. .
i am from japan.
i have noticed several times in japan.
jwstudy-san, I just had a look in the elders book and there is nothing specific on it. In chapter 10.5 it talks about transporting a disfellowshipped or disassociated person to a meeting and says that if a JW transports a disfellowshipped or disassociated person to the meeting there should be no fraternizing or conversing. Sitting at the back of the hall might be an extension of this, but as Blondie said, will vary from place to place.
Question from Japan about "probation seat"
by jwstudy indear friends, this is my first post.. i like to ask all of you about custom among j.w.. .
i am from japan.
i have noticed several times in japan.
jwstudy-san yookoso! Moo sugu watashi wa anta ni 'personal message' o okuremasu.
Watashi no nihongo wa dame desu. Sumimasen. Anata no eigo wa totemo joozu desu.
Looks like my high school Japanese is finally coming in handy!
Superb Hate Mail
by God_Delusion inhi guys,.
why do people send me silly hate mail?
if you're going to send in hate mail, at least have the decency to use proper grammar and back up any claims with evidence.. goodness me, i thought it was just the jehovah's witnesses that sent nasty emails, now i'm getting it from their spin-off groups!.
Or as Chandler said, "I'm not a surgeon. I can perform an operation on you to prove it if you want."