I think that YoYo's post was a response to my threads about being shunned from my sister's reception.
I look at it this way: I can't be angry with YoYo, any more than I would be angry at a Branch Davidian, Heaven's Gate, Moonie, Jonestown, or Children of God member. YoYo is the victim, victim of a cult. He can't be blamed for his (lack of) thought process; it is not his own.
His hypocrisy is particularly unusual, because technically his presence here is a violation of Watchtower policy. Really, YoYo should be treated by JWs the same as a witness who spends every evening at the local bar. Normally JWs demonstrate hypocrisy within the bounds of the religion.
Of course, YoYo doesn't think he's in a cult. Neither did the Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, Moonies, Jonestowns, or CoG members. They were convinced, beyond all doubt, that they had found the true religion.
Again, don't be angry with YoYo. Remember, we were at one time in the cult too.
(I remember when I was in, and I was so sure that any accusations of JWs being a cult were so wrong. But now I know more about the subject, and have researched with an open-mind, I can see why the JWs are a cult.)
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