the WT has enough stories that are true that already make them look bad.
you don't need to be abused to be here
sometimes just amused.
comfy just gotta come out retarment too protest the tone of this place.
anytime somebody call people to account for telling abuse stories that may be false, this place want to kick them off.
but it ok to tell false abuse stories, so long as it make wt look bad.
the WT has enough stories that are true that already make them look bad.
you don't need to be abused to be here
sometimes just amused.
this is my first time posting.
i have been reading all the post for about 6 months.
i now have gotten up enough nerve to post.
keep up the good work can include you too now, as you can let other people know the control you've seen from where you are.
welcome sis
ok, now, it is time for a fluff thread.
what is your favorite candy?
my wife likes mounds.
"KISSES" and from the freezer !
i just became a greatgranfather.
it is a perfectly healthy boy, and also beautiful.
when you see a new born baby it makes you think about how all this life came about even more.
poor tink had to be rushed to the hospital early this morning 2:00am.
she went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up.
she had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades.
(((((((((((((((((( TINK )))))))))))))))))))
hope they find an answer so you can conquer and move on to a new day. Jackie
i was thinking today about that paradise garden the witness always pictured.
i remember all those happy blank faces, with the rosy cheeks and content look.
they were all smiling eating a apple, petting a lion, and running around the trees.
vegetarian might be the way to go, and since hemp has the greens, it may be in the salads, brownies, stir frys. then we can make rope to swing in the trees all day. don't froget it also medicinal. Oh, i forgot, won't be a need for medicine.
Edited by - imanaliento on 11 September 2002 21:53:34
Edited by - imanaliento on 11 September 2002 22:18:5
sorry if this has been done to death, i only did a quick scan and didn't see a topic like this, so i appologize in advance if this was started someplace else.. this morning i woke up and thought about where i was last year, and the complete shock i felt at this same time last year...and i was just wondering if any of you had those same feelings this morning.. so where were you?
i always find stories of what people were doing at the time they heard to be really interesting-please share if you'd like.
I had just gotten in the grocery store and the guy working in the produce dept asked me if I knew what had happened and proceeded to tell me about the planes, I remember asking him "Is this a joke?" went home turned the tv on, kept the boys in school which was good because I cried and cried, so much that my outer forhead hurt the next day. I had never had that feeling before/
i remember once doing the closing prayer for field service.
at the time, i didn't know what to believe, and was simply going through the motions.
i would much rather been in bed.
I messed up when I let them in my house.
I think i may of answered a paragraph ahead of time from the WT study. but most people are not really listening, their sleeping.
sabine and i will be celebrating our 28th anniversary this weekend!
and they (parents and gloom and doomers from the kh where we first met) said it would not last because we were in our teens when we got married - me 19, her 18.. we have been through some very tough times, (the hardest of course the death of our daughter) - however, the good times and prospects for the future far outweigh the bad.
Congratulations on 28 years.
We just had our 25 in Aug.
not only growing old together but growing together..
on the back of the october 1, 1997 wt, there is a piece on charity dub style.
the title promises a lot, but sentence number 1 immediately qualifies the concept - dub charity is for dubs.
the rest is a testimony by an un-named brother about congregational kindness shown him and his wife while she was dying and after her death.
encouragement ONLY 2 weeks before, can't be weighed down with heavy burdens ( or someone elses )