Merry Christmas Sleepy, may the force be with you.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
hello its christmas , oh i'm the only one here.. i didnt get any prezzies either.. oh well.
Merry Christmas Sleepy, may the force be with you.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
a terrible, unhappy picture?.
yes it is, but nevertheless biblical.
it depicts.
You said: "as I said above it is very heartening for animal lovers to know that God’s justified anger won’t be directed at and include the animal kingdom."
So then, God's promise was really directed at Animal lovers?
This seema strange considering the first thing God allowed Noah after the flood was to slaughter animals for food! In fact God demanded the slaughter of millions of animals in his blood lust of sacrifices.
You said "The point is that God IS going to act quite similarly to the way he did at the Flood, especially with regards to us Humans"
Again what was the point of the rainbow?
You said "Insofar as you claiming that the Flood was an “Over kill”, you’re also the one who thinks that God is unjust for bringing about Armageddon for the sake of cleansing the earth of all that is damaging."
The flood was an overkill!!!
If George Bush dropped a hundred atom bombs in the Middle East, killing nearly all life forms, in an act to eradicate Bin Laden, would you consider this an act of wisdom?
Well you are saying your God acted like this.
Actually in your foolishness, you carry on the error that Religion as done for milleniums. In an effort to justify a book of stories and a religious system you in effect dishonour God, by your preachings
You said....oh never mind, go back to your delusions.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
can anyone remember this being in print or hearing the same thing .... i remember more than one talk where the suggestion was made that the larger-than-life greek heroes were the same nephalim or "mighty ones of old" mentioned in the bible.. does anyone else remember this?
Hi Shelby
If water imprisons Angels.
Would I be safe when the Lord day comes, if I went Swimming in the Pool?
Are deep sea divers less likely to fall pray to Demons?
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
here is and interesting question which touches on some points raised in other posts.. can things really move?.
if you haven't thought about it before it may seem like a stupid question, but i'll try to explain.. one of the principles of quantum physics is that things do not get infinatly smaller.there is a granuality to objects so at some point things don't get any smaller.. the same holds with energy if you take energy out of a system you can not go on forever .eventually you hit absolute zero were every thing is still.. in the other direction , the speed of light is an absolute limit.. so what happens if you make smaller and smaller movements eventually you would stop.but what is the next smallest movement between being stopped and moving?.
if we put some figures on it it may make it easier.. if to be stoped is 0 and the next possible amonut of movment is 1 you could not move say 1/2 as that is smaller than 1 and if you could keep dividing forever like this you would never reach absolute standstill.. so like the particals in the universe movment has to be granular as well.made up of definate jumps though very tiny.. if this is the case then there is a problem how does one object , if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?.
Further to your observation
If you throw a ball at a wall, In theory, it seems you can keep dividing the distance it is away from the wall by infinity.
For example: If the ball was 8 cm away from the wall when you threw it, you can divide 8cm...4cm..2cm...1cm...0.5cm...0.025cm...and so on infinately.
But we know that in practice the ball will hit the wall, leading to the conclusion that you must reach a zero point in spliting distance and time.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
a terrible, unhappy picture?.
yes it is, but nevertheless biblical.
it depicts.
Can I be a Lurker?
You said
That’s perfectly correct. Simple answer for it, even as I earlier said it was. All one has to do is review the account of the Flood in the book of Genesis. Doing that, one will find that Jehovah stated that he would never again bring ALL flesh to ruin. (Genesis 9:11-16) Of course the Flood DID bring all flesh to ruin, ANIMALS and all, except those comparatively few that were aboard the Ark.
The flood apparently did not bring all flesh to ruin, there were the animals and people inside the Ark.
So the reference must apply to life outside the ark otherwise that statement and the rainbow would not make sense.
consider the import of God's decleration."Never will I bring all flesh to ruin" accompanied with the sign of the rainbow.
Of what comfort or point was that to those listening or reading about it in later years?
Were the animals going to give a sigh of relief at Armaggeddon?( not that there would be any relief in the Great Tribulation for them)
How about us Humans, If God is not going act like he did at the flood where does destructive Armaggeddon fit into this picture?
Of what comfort is to those being execued whether they will die by any means, rather than by a flood.
Actually according to the Bible the earth is stored up for Fire! what a relief.!!!
The Flood of Noah was "Over kill" in the truest sense of the word. Wipe out the entire Earth because God could not control a few of his own Angels.
What wisdom the Flood was from our creator,,,NOT.
The point of the flood or the Rainbow?
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
we, the leaders of the watchtower society wish to announce the.
end of mailed subscriptions in the u.s. this action is now being.
combined with other downsizing measures such as printing paperback.
Nice post
A continuous broadcast through the Watchtower is that : man plants and waters but "God makes it grow" therefore growth equals God's blessing.
As with the "generation teaching" turnabout, they will probably blame the rank and file for any shortfall in funds.
It is a bit like bin Laden blameing the Afghanistans for the lack of rain(they had not seen rain in 5years)saying they were not praying hard enough.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
and takes a comfy chair.
sets out a plate of great snacks and beverages with a nod of the head.
(aint cyber space great!
Have you been drinking the sea?
Maybe you have been drifting on that boat too long.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
it is tracy (think41self) and my anniversary today.
we've been married 2 years.
i got to tell you that it has been the 2 happiest years of my life.
I think you are in love.
Happy Anniversary.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
i would like to use my web space as an ex-jw site.
i don't want to run a message board, or duplicate what other sites already do.
i'm asking - what would you find usefull or think would help others most.
Why don't you take the most interesting topics/discusions from this Forum and add them to your site.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
how is it that a woman can look at another woman and say, "wow!
" and nobody thinks a thing about it.
but when a man looks at another man and says, "wow!
Why is it, that if a man looks over the garden fence and sees a woman who happens to be sun bathing naked in her garden, he his considered a "peeping Tom"
But if a woman happens to see a naked man in his garden, he can be accused of indecent exposure!
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams