I know a case personally. A married couple of brothers were giving bible studying to another married couple with 2 small children, a very "free" couple. Then the issue of "unnatural" intercourse arose and the brothers provided the understanding of that time (20 years ago) ... so the student woman has scruples of conscience and no longer wants to give her husband what is "unnatural"... in the end the husband leaves her with 2 children. Then the married couple of brothers try to help her to carry on, she is baptized, the brother (elder) even had sex with her... he gave her too much help!. Both were expelled and the married couple of brothers divorced. All this because.....?
JoinedPosts by Jalisco
Oral and Anal Sex flip flop? March 2025 Announcements and Reminders
by ukpimo injust in.
a jaw dropping announcements and reminders for elders this month.
how can you serve as an elder and believe this organization is spirit directed after reading this letter?.
PIMA is best so it’s not a shock to the system if the tower collapsed
by JohnR1975 ini know most people here are totally out and that’s fine.. many these days are staying physically in for the social life and that is also fine.. i feel being fully mentally in is dangerous as it could be such a shock mentally if or should i say when the tower collapsed.. im sitting in the fence like so many others here.
mentally agnostic if god exists or not and if the bible is his word.. when i talk to people who are physically and mentally still in i can tell that they so need it to be true.
i’m worried for them when they wake up to the fact that they have been lied to 1914 wasn’t true 1975 wasn’t true 1999 wasn’t true and now here we are 2025 it’s all not true.
let's forget about 1914, 1975, the 144,000 and all the strange doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even if one no longer believes in these, it does not mean that we no longer have the problem of salvation, of the existence of God, of Jesus Christ dead and resurrected and all that it implies. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let's start again from the oldest Christian creed. The apostolic symbol..
*Apostolic symbol*
"I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into Hades; on the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty:
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy universal Congregation, the Communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection in flesh
the life everlasting. Amen.»*
*"The holy universal Congregation (ecclesia), the communion of believers."*
The Congregation (Ecclesia in Greek) is the people that God raises up for himself in the New Testament
"He came to his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in his name." John 1:11,12.
In the Old Testament, God formed his people through birth in the people of Israel, unique, special and center of God's promises. This condition could be lost because of the various transgressions of the law given by God to the people through Moses.
Today he invites all those who voluntarily wish to join him to be part of this people. There is only one condition: to welcome Jesus as a personal Savior. Whoever proceeds in this way becomes part of the people of God: the Church, and will never cease to belong to it. We note the superiority of our situation compared to the people of God of the Old Testament.
By affirming that it is universal, we recognize that it was instituted by Jesus, that it is and will be one in all centuries (it reaches the whole history of humanity), for the reunion and perfection of the saints.
The Congregation, by the will of God, is divided into various organizations called confessions, churches or missions.
These, if they have a creed in conformity with the historic Christian faith, which is the biblical faith, which requires that admission to its communion be the same as that which Christ requires for salvation, and if they proceed in conformity with that creed and subordinate their authority to that of the Word of God, which is the Bible, are true congregations of Christ, notwithstanding the differences in the form of government or in matters not essential to the faith, which have motivated their existence in different organizations.
The Pella Deception: Watchtower May 2025
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/4otnshkqdbi?si=5ilzez_lxqscp1ww.
so, in the latest may 2025 study watchtower, the writers of this magazine, they have another go at revising church history for their own ends.
they take a well-documented historical event—the flight of christians from jerusalem before its destruction in 70 ad - and twisting it into a convenient narrative to reinforce blind obedience to organizational leadership.
I read this article with interest because unlike in the past it said what Eusebius said about the cause of the escape. In the past it was always said that it was "the understanding of the prophecy of Jesus" mentioned by Luke and they understood that they had to flee after the sudden retreat of Cestius Gallus between 66 and 70. Bullshit! This explanation was intended to make us lean on the intentions of the governing body. Instead Eusebius said that it was a special vision, an oracle of the Lord that told him when to escape and perhaps even where and he did this before the war, therefore before 66. Note well that Eusebius does not say that the revelation was made to the leaders, he does not say elders or overseers but "approved men", a more spiritual and meritorious definition unrelated to hierarchical positions. Therefore even if we wanted to make a parallel for the future great tribulation it is saying that it is not an "understanding" of the governing body but a supernatural vision that will tell what to do to "men approved" by the Lord. It seems much better than before. I have been telling people for years what Eusebius really said. That said, I absolutely do not believe in the second fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy about the flight from Jerusalem!
The "faithful servant" died in 1916.............
by BoogerMan in.........according to the 1922 "faithful slave.
the watchtower may 1, 1922 - faithfulness is loyalty.
"to be faithful means to be loyal.
I take this opportunity to ask: what have been the interpretations since 1919 about who was the "slave"?
1)Russell since ...to...
2)all the anointed since...to 2013
3) the governing body....since 2013 to...
Why the WATCHTOWER doesn't believe in the GREAT APOSTASY but you should!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/i4uttjj7eus?si=0b-fzpqm8axb_d3p.
in its latest april 2025 watchtower study article 17 and paragraph 12 the watchtower promotes 2 dangerous lies that will cost your life if you are a believing christian during the time of the end, so i'm considering today the first lie in the first part of the paragraph, but first let's read the paragraph itself: "today, jehovah promises to provide us with spiritual protection.
he will never allow satan to corrupt true worship.
Has the preterist interpretation of end-time prophecies ever been thoroughly discussed in this forum?
"instructions that aren't sound by a human standpoint"
by mikeflood inwhat could be "an instruction not sound by a human standpoint"?.
i'm going by dissolving their legal entities...any guesses?.
The only real use of this bizarre teaching is to make people accept things today that require explanation or that may produce protests. Fantasy scenarios of a great tribulation with no biblical basis are hypothesized to make people swallow unpleasant decisions and teachings of today.
Unchangeable wisdom from the "slave" of yesteryear! 😀
by BoogerMan inbrethern, and cistern, today's lesson from the golden calf is one of profound importance - never to be forgotten!.
w56 6/15 p. 360 - "we usually believe what we want to believe, and one thing we like to believe is that we do our own thinking.
they plant the thought and nourish it, but do it so subtly that we think it is our own.
what is the title of the article? i would like to find it in other languages
Norway didn't fall for it
by Jalisco inla norvegia non è caduta nella trappola della torre di guardia di agosto.. https://files.accessjw.org/s/sdzfgcgk4bi48jb.
..It almost seems like a certain Rolf wrote it...
Norway didn't fall for it
by Jalisco inla norvegia non è caduta nella trappola della torre di guardia di agosto.. https://files.accessjw.org/s/sdzfgcgk4bi48jb.
La Norvegia non è caduta nella trappola della torre di guardia di agosto.
Parliamentary question on paedophilia among JWs in Italy
by Achille in(google translation).
question to the chamber by m5s mp stefania ascari to the ministry of the interior on paedophilia among jehovah's witnesses in italy, starting from the recent case in florence, with references to the various cases that have broken out around the world.. i sense a certain creaking at the italian bethel in rome at via della bufalotta 1281, the italian branch of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
will this have future implications for the italian jehovah's witnesses exponential body, the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses and for its branch committee, which represents the interests of the governing body in our country?https://aic.camera.it/aic/scheda.html?numero=4/03795&ramo=camera&leg=19.
all the parliamentary questions asked in Italy cannot lead to anything important from a legal point of view. In Italy, civil law is in force, unlike the Anglo-Saxon common law, and this is the main reason why the great costs of the pedophilia problem borne by WT are all in countries where common law is in force, I see that no one has ever addressed this point. In civil law countries, it can never happen.