The new look according to WTS ? Inquiring minds want to know.
If so should we go to www. burqa-R-us. com ?
Edited by - xandria on 7 July 2002 22:24:1
as a service by jehovah's "loving" organisation, the wts has issued a list of situations where sisters are to wear a "head covering".
2. conducting a bible study with baptized son.
1. conducting a family study where husband is not present.
The new look according to WTS ? Inquiring minds want to know.
If so should we go to www. burqa-R-us. com ?
Edited by - xandria on 7 July 2002 22:24:1
has anyone seen the new bank of america commercial for home mortgages?
it has a woman writing a letter to her husband about how she misses him.
at the end of the letter she says: i love you with every fiber of my being.
That B of A commerical insults the women's right to make a decision in her life. In a society where women have more of a voice than in some countries, that commercial insults not only the intelligence of women. But puts us back in the role of submissive, can't handle anything; need a strong man to handle everything b/s. I wonder if Bank of America would want this type of society ? By thier 1950's-early 70's type of advertising.. I wonder.
In the balances of extremes .. it is not as bad as below. But it makes you wonder where they stand ?
Kuwaiti laws discriminate against women and Bidun population in many aspects of their daily life, and there are severe restrictions of freedom of expression. In regard to women's rights, the report covered three major issues: family law, criminal law, and laws and practices regulating voting, public service, and public affairs.
According to the report,
i was raised a jw since childhood.
besides the emotional trauma that comes with being an outsider from the rest of the real world, my father was phsically, mentally and verbally abusive to my 2 younger sisters and i. apparently my mother seemd to be so brainwashed with the ideas of respect for headship and all the other bs she didn't do anything about the abuse.needless to say my father was also an elder, sheperding the flock while at home beating his children senseless.
after 20 years of this and all 3 children leaving home by the age of 16,something finally clicked in her head.
Welcome to the Board... there are people here who have undergone the same types of abuses and suffered losses due to the Hateful Behavior and Zombie like obendience to WTS which over rides everything including family, compassion, etc. The people who are suppost to be our "brothers and sisters" that are to help us. Do the opposite of that and bring too much pain into people's lives. Too many have suffered and it is time for it to come out.
Glad to meet you and I hope this forum is a place for you to find a way to vent, heal and help yourself and others.
as a service by jehovah's "loving" organisation, the wts has issued a list of situations where sisters are to wear a "head covering".
2. conducting a bible study with baptized son.
1. conducting a family study where husband is not present.
Almost makes you want to scream. It is like doing the hokie pokie... put your right arm in.. oh did I say right arm I meant left.. oh I said left I meant your left leg.. or noo I mean your body. Give me a break.
Next they will be breaking out the full body veils the Afghan Women had to wear during Talaban rule stating Jehovah's new ruling that women must be covered from the tops of their head to below their ankles. The only thing that can be showing is their eyes.. and they better be down cast or it may be taken in a sexual manner.
the last real "meaty" witness discussion i had with my mother, she said "you must have gotten that information from an apostate website, because that is the exact line of reasoning & order that all apostates use" i said that she was rude to call me an apostate, and that i am not afraid to read information, i like to gather facts.
(oh, by the way- that was before this website, now i am proud of being an apostate :-) thanks everyone) anyway, so i asked her what exactly the "unforgiveable sin" is.
she said "saying the truth is not the truth" so, i said- so if i say the witnesses aren't the truth, and really believe that, then later on , if i decide it is the truth, jehovah won't forgive me?
We should all get T-shirts that say .. PROUD TO BE APOSTATE .. Thank you for the translation Melissa.
I too believe in Jehovah, but not the blind zombie like obedience that goes with the WTS. Man is not god.. nor do they have total understanding or monopoly on God's Word.
it's been just a month on the 8th, since i joined this forum.
i struggled for years trying to find myself.
i'd look in the mirror and say to myself: "who are you really?".
I can truely relate about looking at yourself closely. An I am glad that Sentinel has over came so much to be at the level she is at now. As for me, I am still struggling with alot. I don't need to look in the mirror.. I just look at my hands, my body and see the scars from the years of abuse I took. I go to shake someone's hand and they ask me how I got that scar or ooh how did you hurt yourself ? An it brings it all back. The beatings, the blind eye the Eldership, Brothers and Sisters @ the K.H took when they saw the marks, the darkness that I had to crawl out of ... it is all there within. The scars on the outside they are a physical reminder, but the scars that are on the inside. Those are torments that come to you in your dreams, out of the blue.
I deal with it every time I look in the mirror at my self and each time .. its a little less painful. But the memories are still there. They are a part of me that I cannot escape. I am learning to accept what was.. I cannot change that. But what I can change is my future and be happy in that. I am thankful I have made friends who can understand where I have been and not judge. I am also glad that I have an husband who understands me.. even if he doesn't understand the "faith" I came out from.
anyone have any funny virgin honeymoon stories?
none here- but my brother & his wife- both good witnesses got married- didn't get to complete the act for 6 weeks- his wife had no idea he was so big- and kept crying & was afraid.
just another "well educated" witness girl.
Ohhh! Spaz perhaps he thought it was a spectator sport.. ? OMG! I would not be able to sleep comfortably at all. An let alone have him touch me at all with a sister or mom in the room.
When I visted my Aunt .. my sister had to share a room w/ my husband and I. She slept in the bed across from us in the room. It was awkard.. but she giggled at us. So I can relate.
anyone have any funny virgin honeymoon stories?
none here- but my brother & his wife- both good witnesses got married- didn't get to complete the act for 6 weeks- his wife had no idea he was so big- and kept crying & was afraid.
just another "well educated" witness girl.
Well um... my husband tried to relax me after having explained what we were going to do physically. ( I nearly bolted out of the room but he ..stated we are not going to do that yet, you are too tense to try it.) He said lets try a relaxing masssage... (we had a vibrating bed in the room). Wellllll... it went haywire. The stupid bed would not stop... and after an hour of vibrating.. it got worse more chunky .. and banging against the wall ! I was waiting to see if the damned thing made it across the room. We could not get behind it to unplug it. AN finally we broke down and called the front desk.. we heard a HOWL of laughter. An the clerk say to someone beside him, : "Hey Herb, they gave that room to the HONEYMOONING couple! " Once they sent in the repairman and he left, we tried to relax again.
We finally got around to the sex part ( am not going to give the details. If you don't know by now.. then you will have to figure it out for yourself.) .. after we fell asleep. The next morning the Maid walked into our room (despite the do not disturb on the door) and caught us in the middle of .... I never moved so fast in my life ! Ran into the bathroom.. my husband was more non chalant than I about it. What got me was the Maid did not do a about face and leave. Apparently she was used to doing this or seeing someone in thier all together. My husband asked her to leave .. before she made mention if your g/friend needs anything personal items we have a pharmacy, I guess she saw blood on the sheet. An she finally left.
My husband he was not to happy b/c I was mortified. I put a halt to all sexual activities b/c I did not want someone walking in on us and every time I heard foot steps, I would freak out and break off any embrace.
My husband, called the front desk and inquired if the same maid cleaned the rooms on a daily basis. The answer was, yes. So my husband told them we are cutting our stay here short.. and made the arrangements to get some of the money back. ( We made other arrangements to stay @ a BB where we would not be disturbed ( my husband was determined for us to enjoy our honeymoon or die trying). So we got up early.. packed and left a nice note w/ wetted condoms ( we took them out of the foil and dipped them in water and I put lotion in a few...) and left them deposited around the room.. like by the dresser on the floor, on by the table, in the bathtub jacuzzi, in the shower, basically mined the place to look like we had sex every where in that room. After packing the car we hide around the corner as the maid entered the room. We heard her exclaim "HOLY....._________! damned sex crazied NEWLY WEDs!" and watched her put on the rubber gloves. We nearly died laughing .. and we snuck down the stairs and checked out. By the time we got the front desk .. the clerk apparently heard from maid (walkie talkies).
He kept looking at my husband then to me.. and could not stop from snickering. The times we returned to the area we honeymooned at .. I would always hope we would never run into that person who was the maid there. But then I was jaded enough to LAUGH about it.
what is it with hardcore jw's who think that everytime an elder speaks everyone should drop what they're doing and listen?.
i was over a relative's house the other day when two elders came by for a shepherding call.
they wound up talking to the wife because the husband, who fell away after the 1975 fiasco, was hiding out in the back of the house.
Yea maybe God did not make all men equal .. physically. But it sure does take the starch outta any overbearing behavior.. b/c I bet you could not keep a straight face looking at an someone in his or her's birthday suit. It would give you equal standing at any meeting.
what is it with hardcore jw's who think that everytime an elder speaks everyone should drop what they're doing and listen?.
i was over a relative's house the other day when two elders came by for a shepherding call.
they wound up talking to the wife because the husband, who fell away after the 1975 fiasco, was hiding out in the back of the house.
Yep, perhaps we should all mirror .. and the first to snicker or lose it to laughter has to strip down to his or her skivies.
An dance .. heheheee. That should teach us proper humilty. Seeing one in one's all together will equalize anything.