JoinedTopics Started by truthlover123
The New Balloons-Will Hook Up Internet to the Remotest of Villages!
by truthlover123 inmy name has changed from truthover, i guess because i haven't been on as much, however, last week the big news report was that these "balloons" would go higher than the satelites and would beam the internet into all the huts and villages around the world that are not connected.
just throwing it out there, what will that do to the 3rd world countries where, according to the ww report, the growth is for the wt?
once they are online and can do their own research as in north america, for example, do you think there will be growth or disaster for the society?looking at that report, growth was lowest in educated areas of the world, while big in 3rd world coutries and if you look at the number of hours preached vs the nbr baptized, the percentage rate is terrible, very slow growth, baptisms have not changed for years and are around the 250,00 per year mark while the pub grow slowly, yet looking at baptized ones and add that nbr to the average pubs last year vs ave pub this year, , there is still about 100,000 missing and that is not due to death.. your comments pls... thanks tl.
Since Great Crowd has no mediator
by sosoconfused ini am thinking that maybe i missed this discussion or something.
now for years in the org i never ever paid attention to the article that says jesus is the mediator for the 144000 alone.
yesterday talking to my 70+ year old dad he got violently angry with me and threw his cane at me because he said i was a liar.. .
New Rooming Arrangement for some district conventions in the UK - what are they up to?
by 88JM inso i missed this letter below being read out last week - i got a look at it from the notice board this week.. from what i heard, this announcement was not received entirely positively as such, but there were apparently one or two for who this is a bit annoying.. staying at hotels for the district convention is nothing new here - many are used to staying at the same hotel/b&b/campsite every year, and get quite friendly with the owners.
but this year, it looks like not only do we have a new location for our district assembly (glasgow - the s.e.c.c.?
) but we are being told what hotel to stay at, supposedly to make things cheaper.. what i can't understand is, if this is really for the benefit of people, why didn't they do this years ago?
Okay Folks, it's Time to be like ....Canada
by dreamgolfer inget on the anti gun bandwagon,.
it is not the middle ages, the rrvolutinary or civil war time- it's now - 2012 and soon to be 2013. america needs to become like canada, now now now.
you can argue all you want, but if you can't open your eyes, you have some deep dark issues that require a shrink.. i will not answer you or taunt you.
Seven Reasons Why Jehovah's Witnesses Are Leaving Their Religion.
by Hairyhegoat inthese are good comments to consider enjoy!.
jehovah's witnesses who leave their religion, do so for many different reasons.
here are seven.. watchtower prophecies and dates for armageddon have failed repeatedly.
" Millions Now Living Will Never Die" Ray Franz Thoughts from " Crisis of C "
by flipper inof course this has been hashed and re-hashed as all of you know the feb. 15th wt is re-directing jw's to read the title of rutherford's talk as " millions now living may never die.
" however in reading crisis of conscience a second time - i found it interesting to see what ray franz said about this quote.. remember he wrote this book in 1983 , so keep it in mind when reading his quotes about this " millions " quote.
on pg.
Black people will be white in the new system
by bluecanary inone of the more ridiculous and offensive things the wts has ever taught and that is saying a lot.. i know i saw a link to this article sometime in the last two weeks but i've lost it!
can anyone direct me to this article?.
The evidence that fluoride lowers IQ is stronger than what was thought
by What-A-Coincidence influoride action network.
fan bulletin 997: new video: vyvyan howard's toronto presentation.
What about the Transfiguration?
by lovelylil inmany people wonder about this vision and why the disciples witnessed it and what does the appearance of moses & elijah mean?
i have my own opinion which i will post later but i was wondering what others thought about it?
The other sheep: Looking for an apologist to offer an explanation
by IP_SEC ina verse constantly plucked from context by witnesses is john 10:16. they use it to prove that there are two classes of christian.. and i have other sheep i have other sheep, which are not of this fold: those also i must bring and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.. the this fold say witnesses are anointed christians and the other sheep are christians with an earthly hope.. read the text carefully and in context, and i challenge anyone to be able to prove that.. in chapter 9 jesus heals a man born blind.
this infuriates the pharisees who then attack the healed man and threaten him with being expelled from the synagogue.
the man will not recant and is thrown out.. jesus finds him and asks him to be his follower.