I don't know about all the ins and outs of the prophecies- I do believe we are in for a whole lot of climate upheavals, as Canada is currently undergoing massive fires and flooding as never before -- but when a governing body member , during the ARC sits on the stand and carefully says" we would not be so presumptuous as to say we are the only true religion" gives me pause as to why Konagirl is so hard pressed to continue quoting the WT to prove her points.
That ONE slip out of Jacksons mouth gave me a whole new revelation and perspective regarding what is really going on with the society. How they are misleading the publishers, saying what they have to say to keep hold of a persons spiritual health, while leading them down the garden path.
Why do we need someone to tell us what to do and how and why to do it? We are told to keep on the watch, be prepared and have faith in Jesus-- that's it! Why a multi billion dollar real estate, stock market investment company ( not a religious company), - knock on doors to build a base of money givers to guilt into living and slaving for them? It's like we have lost our gift of free thinking and reading the Bible, thinking and realizing as to what is right for ourselves, not the men who can eat, crap and lie to hold power over lives.