My kid was reported twice, smoking, hubby stepped down and never achieved that LEVEL again- refused Kid never got baptized, best thing that happened from such a small thing. Sometimes things work out
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Exes: Would You Rat On A Current JW?
by NotFormer init's an interesting thought.
if you are an ex jw, presumably dfed, and you see a current jw in good standing engaging in behaviour that would concern their elders, would you pass on that information to interested parties?
do accusations from exes and other outsiders carry any weight?
CA Judge Orders VICTIM to Pay Award to Abusers
by Newly Enlightened in
What about the appeal process and another judge? The first judge must recuse
Sign of the Last Days
by Fisherman inin the sermon on the mount, jesus foretold that earthquakes “in one place after another” would be part of the sign of the last days clímaxing in the great tribulation.. what could jesus possibly have meant?
using a phone app nowadays, there are earthquakes detected in one place after another but is this what jesus meant and did they have so many earthquakes throughout the centuries affter his prophecy or are these modern day detected earthquakes unique to this epoch?
how can we be sure unequivocally that modern day earthquakes are part of the sign fulfilling bible prophecy?.
I don't know about all the ins and outs of the prophecies- I do believe we are in for a whole lot of climate upheavals, as Canada is currently undergoing massive fires and flooding as never before -- but when a governing body member , during the ARC sits on the stand and carefully says" we would not be so presumptuous as to say we are the only true religion" gives me pause as to why Konagirl is so hard pressed to continue quoting the WT to prove her points.
That ONE slip out of Jacksons mouth gave me a whole new revelation and perspective regarding what is really going on with the society. How they are misleading the publishers, saying what they have to say to keep hold of a persons spiritual health, while leading them down the garden path.
Why do we need someone to tell us what to do and how and why to do it? We are told to keep on the watch, be prepared and have faith in Jesus-- that's it! Why a multi billion dollar real estate, stock market investment company ( not a religious company), - knock on doors to build a base of money givers to guilt into living and slaving for them? It's like we have lost our gift of free thinking and reading the Bible, thinking and realizing as to what is right for ourselves, not the men who can eat, crap and lie to hold power over lives.
JW Elder Sentenced for CSA
by EasyPrompt in
The unfortunate thing is that they have brainwashed the pubs to believe as living in satans world, they cant believe the media anymore- even court cases that have proven society errors. Therefore, they are blind-- blind leading the blind. These "leaders: are worse than anything- whitewashed graves taking millions with them.
Mandated Shunning is a Crime
by Lee Marsh inmandated shunning is on the rise around the world with devastating effects on millions of people.
shunning that is mandated by organized groups to its members is a form of both physical and psychological violence against those people being shunned and cut off from their family and life-long relationships.
mandated shunning means that the shunning is ordered from the top down.
The way it is mandated in the org is that a persons name is given off the platform, causing the entire congregation to realize there is a sinner?? in their midst and at once, are to shun that person. Is that against any countrys privacy act? It should be. The elder is announcing someone's personal issue, albeit a masked announcement leading to all kinds of speculation, where there may not be any- where is the HR for that?
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
CYA mag on UN- say it straight BUT then guild the lily by saying protect the earth, a surefire way to fool the pubs into thinking hey, they are as concerned as we are, they are supporting the bible in saying all this and the org is pointing it out to the world
It's amazing what AI can do already
by Kosonen inhere are some demonstrations about it:.
The big fear, as their creator recently said, is that they are thinking for themselves i.e. blockchain. The train has left the station according to him-- Google Geoffrey Hinton and John McCarthy
C. T. Russell, Knight Templar
by NotFormer ini've come across stuff on the web that states that russell claimed to be both a knight templar and a mason.
and also stuff on here that quotes various such organisations saying that russell didn't display enough knowledge about them to have ever been a member.. why do people act like such a revelation about russell is some sort of smoking gun?
rutherford purged russell from the organisation as soon as he could.. the people who would be more worried about the accusation would more likely to be members of the various surviving bible students groups.
Interesting that there are folks who do follow Russell today. They dress, have assemblies and conventions and are you would think hey, thats a sister!, mostly in Europe. AND they are not JW's--There has been a early morning program on for years from Texas I think, that promotes Russells books and teaching. My son ordered books from them. Pyramidology, Plan for the Ages, etc. exactly like he taught back in 18-1900's dying on Oct 31, 1916. Memorials are still held for him, from what I heard.
If u have a copy of the shepherding book --
I will not quote the many references eliminating the word"member" - but pubs are now called -
"individal, publisher, anyone" - those are the three designated labels now entered rather than "member" in this particular book - I would assume with the increasing legal woes due to child abuse that the org is now washed in, that the word "member" has been changed due to legalese and suits. This points the finger away from a "member".
Revelation stuff per request for PetrW
by EasyPrompt inper request from petrw🙂, some revelation stuff.... .
the four horsemen didn't start in 1914 or earlier- the timing is once jesus is enthroned in heaven.. .
the winds of destruction are on the religious institutions.. .
Good to know and thanks - I agree about coming to earth - Revelation speaks of it three times that I see... will be such a glorious time