God gave lists of what was appropriate to eat in Deuteronomy 14:3... nono lobster is included along with anything in shells.. pigs, herons, and the like - but that was written by Moses decades after the garden. Anything with a split hoof is ok. But if it does not chew its cud, its banned. U just have to check the list of thinking at that time.
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Where Adam and Eve Vegan/Vegetarian?
by KerryKing injws seem to firmly believe that before the flood mankind eas vegan or at least vegetarian.. however, in gen 1:24,25 it says that god created livestock (domestic animals) and beasts of the eart (wild beasts).. why would adam and eve need livestock if they were vegan and naked?
wouldn't need wool or hide for clothing, nor meat for food.
possibly for dairy products only?
Child Sacrifice and Exodus 22:29
by joey jojo inim not a bible scholar - lets just get that out the way first.
i recently came across exodus 22:29, which is an interesting scripture that seems to require israelites to sacrifice their firstborn to god.. i searched this forum and cant seem to find any topic about it so i thought id start one and see what you guys think.
im sure it probably has been discussed here already, but i cant find it.. anyway, exodus 22:29 says:.
Vienne is right - there is a lengthy piece as to how this redemption was made, but the firstborn was purchased.
Some of the gods that were sacrificed to were Dagon and Baal and Molech- 2 Chronicles 34:4 and Judges 16:23. Note that Jesus was the only human sacrifice for the world. No human sacrifices were made that were under God's protection However, if leaving that protection Israel was open to all kinds of bad influences. including child sacrifice but when that occured God was not happy Ezekiel 20:26. They were cut off. Take the 20th Chapter of Ezekiel from vs 4 and read the history of Israel (if not known) how they were a chosen nation out of all on the earth. At vs 39 He is really angry with them. Actually the Books of Kings is a good reference who was a good king and who was bad and the casting off of Israel was back and forth, yet he always forgave them.
The org's "new lights" - corrupting Proverbs 4:18
by BoogerMan inproverbs 4:18 says, "but the path of the righteous....grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.".
the bible "light" doesn't get brighter - it never changes - it's a person's direction & course of life which gets brighter.. w11 9/15 p. 14 par.
15 - "when spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying scriptural reasons for the adjustment?
The kicker in this scripture is the wording - righteous. They are passing it off as though this was meant for them- who are far from that, and in so quoting, along with the light indicates to the congregations that they are truly conversing with God who is directly giving them the light because they are "righteous"
Child Sacrifice and Exodus 22:29
by joey jojo inim not a bible scholar - lets just get that out the way first.
i recently came across exodus 22:29, which is an interesting scripture that seems to require israelites to sacrifice their firstborn to god.. i searched this forum and cant seem to find any topic about it so i thought id start one and see what you guys think.
im sure it probably has been discussed here already, but i cant find it.. anyway, exodus 22:29 says:.
when they Israelites came out of egypt, God stated that the firstborn males and animals were to be dedicated to him, not sacrificed. Nations around were sacrificing to false gods one named Molech, ws disgusting to God due to the child sacrifices Lev 20:2 and the Israelites were warned many times not to throw their children into the fire. There are at least 8 scriptures in KIngs that decry this practise . Go to search and enter Molech.
This sanctification to God for the firstborn males was not sacrifice as Molech, but something akin to service and loyalty to God.
The org's "new lights" - corrupting Proverbs 4:18
by BoogerMan inproverbs 4:18 says, "but the path of the righteous....grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.".
the bible "light" doesn't get brighter - it never changes - it's a person's direction & course of life which gets brighter.. w11 9/15 p. 14 par.
15 - "when spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying scriptural reasons for the adjustment?
This wording of "new light", " Jehovahs chariot on the move" is so wrong. New light indicates old light wrong, but if the Holy Spirit is giving them direction, why is it right or wrong now. Jehovah does not lie, and the Holy Spirit doesn't change his mind. That just indicates they do not know what they are talking about as the scripture says in revelation that not one word can be changed otherwise destruction.
How many people have been disfellowshipped because of "changes" that they could not live up to or swallow. The "generation" word, on last count had about 6 changes, "other sheep" "anointed" all changed several times. Can you imagine the only thing that hasn't changed is the two witness rule- and that is most disgusting of all.
Where Adam and Eve Vegan/Vegetarian?
by KerryKing injws seem to firmly believe that before the flood mankind eas vegan or at least vegetarian.. however, in gen 1:24,25 it says that god created livestock (domestic animals) and beasts of the eart (wild beasts).. why would adam and eve need livestock if they were vegan and naked?
wouldn't need wool or hide for clothing, nor meat for food.
possibly for dairy products only?
Today, we see so much archaeology and history being uncovered, the fact that Gobeckli Tepi (for one instance) was dated to around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago and at that time, whether this be a huge acreage of land used for worship or living , as it is not totally uncovered, indicated all types of animals on the columns - were these used for sacrifice or food? With this archaeology dating of 10-12,000 years ago, the dates ( creation 4025 or 4026 to flood of approx 2400 bc) throws off everything we know about start of earth time. It says Eden was created then Adam formed outside and then put into garden but by that time Gobeckli Tepi was built and devoid of life.
Pomo because of Proclaimers book, 1995 generation change and Daniel prophecy book
by Gorb inhave some time thinking about my recent and less recent personal history because of the summer holiday.. the 90's crossed my mind.
the years i became pimo.
a friend, a room mate during the 1993 moscow international convention, went to university.
It occurred to me two days ago and knowing about the "Jesus" series ,new songs, emphasis on him rather than David, Paul or Jah, which is all new, other than brief mentions over the years and the Greatest Teacher book, that I wondered that now the Project 2025 script is unveiled, and the politicos want to make USA a "christian nation", has the WTBTS been one step ahead to be able to say, without a doubt we are Christian, why, just look at how we worship Jesus? Foregoing any type of shutdown should a certain person win. Just a thought.
I just feel there was something big behind the push, especially as the sheep have been told over and over Jesus did not die for the sheep, just the anointed
Sad observation
by Gorb inreading about jw.org rules changes these days gives me a sad observation.. everything what "is" today, can be gone tomorrow.. that makes it all worthless.
you were an elder, searching for evidence, and proof to df a person.
because he or she was not humble enough.
Everything today is gone from yesterday. This is a new "faith" to tie in with new norms in society, go gather more people in to worship the GB 2.0 and support not only with their life, but their pocket book.
Gaslighting older JW couples to avoid BLAME
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/kvdqtookscu?si=fuqhj44cokmdzkt7.
one of the greatest issues facing the organization today is couples that sacrificed family life or businesses opportunity in order to preach the many dates the watchtower set in the .
past only to be betrayed in recent years as the watchtower is moving away from date setting.
1973-74 saw hundreds if not thousands who left their jobs, sold their homes, went pioneering cause 1975 was the end- the 7000 year was starting, Jesus was coming back. Many brothers and sisters were duped, those who had invested in businesses sold them. Elders preached at assemblies that the end was nigh. Yet since then, no saying "we were wrong" instead it's the fault of those who choose to believe, to have faith in these men who say they are driven by holy spirit. The Holy Spirit does not make mistakes and those who speak as though they are online with it are in trouble. False prophets they are. With the generation change, it was one change of several in that particular word, in thinking, once again, they are right. All they did was extend the "end times" by allowing the anointed to increase as they older boys die off, extending the end times to forever down the line. Now they have changed the second baptism question again. Constant changes under the guise of "Jehovahs chariot is on the move". Crap!
Disfellowshipping and Excutions
by blondie in*w60 2/1 80 - 17 there may be rare instances where a child is so hardened in its stubbornness that even the rod of correction cannot drive it out.
in the days of israel parents were instructed by jehovah to take such a rebel to the city fathers and they, in turn, took the incorrigible one out and stoned him to death.
there were no juvenile delinquents under such a system.
It's true Blondie, my BIL (whose wife put him up to it) whose daughter got pregnant did the same. Later he contacted the branch and spoke with I guess, one of the lawyers, who advised him to bring her back home. She did come back and delivered a beautiful little girl. One her parents came to love. She later got an apartment and moved out, but at least she had the comfort of her old room while she waited for birth. I purchased baby clothes for her cause I did not care what anyone thought. Her mother and father came around as well, so it was a win win. She is not in the truth today nor is her daughter.